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New & Noteworthy

Missionaries Received by Custody of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil

On Feb. 22 and 23, the Custody of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil had the joy of receiving eight missionaries and volunteers from the Militia of the Immaculate Conception in São Bernardo do Campo/SP at the Santa Cecília Parish in ...

An Ash Wednesday Message from our Minister Provincial

“As we begin these 40 days of Lent, we ask the Lord to help us to change. We pray that the Lord helps us to change so that we may be able to experience the warmth and the sun of ...

Bringing Lent to Brooklyn: Inviting Young Adults to Encounter Faith

By Friar Richard Riccioli, OFM Conv., Pastor As we begin the sacred season of Lent, we at Most Holy Trinity-St. Mary's Parish’s in Brooklyn, N.Y., are reaching out to the many young adults in our Williamsburg neighborhood, inviting them to take part in this ...

Simple Profession and Silver Jubilee Celebration for Brazilian Friars

On Feb. 8, 2025, the Custody of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil had the joy of celebrating the Eucharist, presided over by Provincial Custos Friar Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Charles, OFM Conv., in which five young men made their First ...

Bishop Martin tells students: ‘Go deeper’

CHAPEL HILL, N.C. — Every Wednesday night, over 100 college students gather at the Newman Catholic Student Center at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill for “Carolina Catholic Night” – a midweek opportunity to grow in faith and friendships, with ...


Our Lady of the Angels Province