Consecration to the Immaculate

St. Mark Catholic Church, Boynton Beach, FL

On the weekend of January 18-19, 2020, the M.I. Initiative Tour made is 18th stop at St. Mark Church in Boynton Beach, Florida. Fr. Jobe was welcomed by our friars of St. Mark Friary, including the Guardian – Fr. Richard Florek, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), Fr. Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv. parochial vicar), Fr. Joseph Dorniak, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), and Fr. Daniel Fink, OFM Conv. (pastor). As Isaiah prophesied, the Messiah would be a Light for all nations. The Immaculate Mother of God was the first to carry that Light and Elizabeth, who burst into praise of the Mother of her Lord, surely recognized that Light in Mary’s eyes and voice. At the six Masses (five in English and one in Spanish), the crowds of parishioners warmly received the initiative to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate. {Video of Fr. Jobe of Militia of the Immaculate (MI) – Speaking at St. Mark Catholic Church 10AM Mass, on Sunday January 19, 2020}

A small sampling of the parishioners (including some of the parish “snowbirds”) who entrusted themselves to the Immaculate and enrolled in the M.I., pictured with Friar Jobe (center bottom in green vestments) and Friar Daniel (center bottom in habit). More photos are available on the parish’s Facebook Page.

Posted in MI

Consecration to the Immaculate

On the third Sunday of Advent, the M.I. Initiative was welcomed at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish (Vanier/Ottawa, Ontario). The parish is adjacent to Friar Jobe’s home, where he serves as Guardian, as well as the Provincial Delegate for our Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi. In St. André Bessette Friary, Friar Jobe resides with several confreres from other countries who serve in the Ottawa, ON area: Fr. Dominic Lim, OFM Conv. (a friar from the Philippines who serves as Pastor of Assumption), Fr. Saviour Karamvelil, OFM Conv. (a friar from India who serves as Pastor of St. Ignatius Martyr Church, Ottawa), and Fr. Varghese (Lijo) Puthenpurackal, OFM Conv. (a friar from India who serves as Catholic Chaplain at Queensway Careton Hospital, in Napean, ON).
On Gaudete Sunday, Isaiah foretells that even the desert shall rejoice and blossom, that the glory of Lebanon shall be given to it as well as the majesty of Carmel and Sharon. In the context of the coming of the Lord, could these titles not be attributed also to the Immaculate Mother of God? At the four Masses (3 English and 1 Tagalog), the parishioners joyfully received the message of consecration to Mary. Friar Dominic greatly assisted with his own personal witness of Mary’s place in his life.

Friar Jobe (back left of center) and Friar Dominic (back far left) with a sampling of the Filipino parishioners who attended the Sunday noon Mass, in Tagalog

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Consecration to the Immaculate

Celebrating the second Sunday of Advent (December 7-8, 2019), the M.I. Initiative made its 16th stop, in Atlanta, GA, at our pastoral ministry of Holy Cross Catholic Church.
Friar Jobe was welcomed by our friars of Holy Cross Friary – Fr. Jude Michael Krill, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian and Pastor of Holy Cross), Fr. Tom Reist, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar of Holy Cross), Fr. Calixto Salvatierra Morena, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar of Holy Cross), and Fr. John Voytek, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar at the Basilica of the Sacred Heart of Jesus, in Atlanta). Given the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception (moved this year to Monday December 9th, as it fell on a Sunday in Advent for 2019), it was fitting to speak of the Immaculate, who was the herald of the Messiah even before John the Baptist. She hurried to visit her cousin, and John’s own mother – Elizabeth – with the Good News. In Isaiah’s prophecy of the coming of the Messiah, one also senses the special privilege granted to Mary “for His dwelling shall be glorious.” At the eight Masses (5 English, 2 Spanish, 1 Zo/Burma), the response of the faithful to the invitation to consecrate themselves to the Blessed Mother was overwhelming.

A sampling of the many of the Holy Cross parishioners who enrolled in the M.I. during the December 7-8, 2019 stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries, with Friar Jobe (pictured at center front)

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Consecration to the Immaculate

On the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent (November 31 – December 1, 2019), the M.I. Initiative promoting consecration to the Immaculate Conception and enrollment in the M.I. made its 15th stop at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church in Jonesboro, GA. Friar Jobe was welcomed by the 5 friars living in community there: Fr. John Koziol, OFM Conv. (Guardian of the Friary and Pastor), Fr. Martin Breski, OFM Conv. (photo credit), Fr. Vincent Gluc, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar), Fr. Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv. (Assisting at the parish while serving as a Contracted Counselor on site, through the Holy Family Counseling Center of GA) and Fr. Luis Palacios Rodríguez, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar). With seven Masses (5 in English and 2 in Spanish) and very engaged parishioners, this is the largest parish community yet on the tour. The response to the Initiative was record-breaking with 400 new M.I. enrollments and still counting. Instead of asking so many to stand in the sanctuary for a photo, the group decided to stay in their pews and have Friar John, Deacon Greg and Friar Jobe stand in the center of them. On Monday, December 2, 2019, Friar Jobe also presented a more in depth version of his talk, along with a Q&A , in the morning and in the evening. The Morning session is available through Facebook Live.

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church ~ Jonesboro, GA

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Consecration to the Immaculate

Consistent with our Franciscan charism and tradition of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our province has been progressing in our efforts to more fully tap into this devotion from our Kolbean heritage, through the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., and the continued efforts of his Militia of the Immaculata’s (M.I.) unconditional consecration to the Immaculate. With a view to promoting consecration to the Immaculate among the faithful served through the ministries of our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., who serves as our Province MI Assistant, has completed the fourteenth successful and rewarding stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries. Over the next few years, Friar Jobe will preach at the Masses to encourage the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate and to enroll in the M.I.

Our Lady of the Cross Parish, Holyoke, MA

Fr. Jobe was able to preach at all of the November 23-24, 2019 Masses at Our Lady of the Cross Parish was the 14th stop for the M.I. Initiative promoting consecration to the Immaculate Conception. He was welcomed by the friars of St. John Paul II Friary: Br. Frank Grimaldi, OFM Conv. (Guardian & Member of the Definitory), Fr. Albert Scherer, OFM Conv. (Pastor), Fr. Adam Ziolkowski, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar), and Fr. Jacek Leszczyński, OFM Conv. Mass Assistance at the parish). In the light of the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, it seemed only fitting to celebrate the place of the Immaculate Conception, Our Queen. At all five Masses, the parishioners (a sampling of which are pictured below with Friar Jobe in front center & Friar Albert behind him) were very open to the idea of consecration to the Blessed Mother. We gathered over 130 new enrollments in the M.I.

Posted in MI

Consecration to the Immaculate

Consistent with our Franciscan charism and tradition of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our province has been progressing in our efforts to more fully tap into this devotion from our Kolbean heritage, through the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., and the continued efforts of his Militia of the Immaculata’s (M.I.) unconditional consecration to the Immaculate. With a view to promoting consecration to the Immaculate among the faithful served through the ministries of our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., who serves as our Province MI Assistant, has completed the thirteenth successful and rewarding stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries. Over the next few years, Friar Jobe will preach at the Masses to encourage the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate and to enroll in the M.I.

Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr ~ Chicopee, MA

On the weekend of November 16-17, 2019, Friar Jobe was welcomed by the friars of our St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Friary, in Chicopee, MA: Br. Michael Duffy, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian, Province Regent of Studies, Professor at the College of Our Lady of the Elms School of Nursing, Creator of the Elms caRe vaN, & VP Board of Directors ~ Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen & Pantry), Fr. Joseph Bayne, OFM Conv. (Pastor ~ Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr), Fr. Paul Miskiewicz, OFM Conv. (photo cred: Parochial Vicar ~ Basilica), Fr. Mieczysław “Mietek” Wilk, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar ~ Basilica) and Fr. Nicholas Spano, OFM Conv. (Operations Manager ~ Lorraine’s Soup Kitchen & Pantry and Mass Assistance at the Basilica). At the six weekend Masses in the parish, which is already well-known for its Marian devotion, the invitation regarding consecration to the Immaculate was warmly received.

A sampling of the many of the parishioners who enrolled in the M.I. gathered in the Lower Basilica for a photo with Friar Jobe and Friar Mietek.


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Consecration to the Immaculate

On the weekend of November 9-10, 2019 the M.I. Initiative promoting consecration to the Immaculate was welcomed by the friars of our St. Francis Friary (Syracuse, NY) as it made its 12th stop at our pastoral ministry of Assumption Church. At the two weekend Masses parishioners showed interest and appreciation for the work of the friars living at St. Francis Friary. On the left of the photo below, taken by the Friary Guardian – Friar Ed Falsey, OFM Conv. (Psychotherapist), are Friar Joseph Freitag, OFM Conv. (Pastoral Associate) in front of Friar Gregory Spuhler, OFM Conv. (Director of Assumption Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen), by with many of the parishioners who attended Sunday 10:00 a.m. Mass. At the top right center is Friar Jobe next to Deacon Phil Slominski, OFS. Friar Robert Amrhein, OFM Conv. is just over Friar Jobe’s shoulder. Also living in the St. Francis Friary are Fr. Adam Keltos, OFM Conv. (Friar Robert and Friar Adam serve in priestly ministry at our The Franciscan Place Mall Ministry as well as for the Sisters of St. Francis of the Neumann Communities), Friar Robert’s brother – Friar James Amrhein, OFM Conv. (retired), Friar Gerald Waterman, OFM Conv. (Campus Ministry at Syracuse University & SUNY-ESF) and the Pastor of Assumption, Friar Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv.
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2019 M.I. Pilgrimage to the Holy Land

Under the direction of Our Lady of the Angels Province Delegate to the M.I & Provincial Delegate of our Province’s Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi (Canada), Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. & Spiritual Guide, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. (Minister Provincial of OLA Province), forty pilgrims, including six friars, participated in October 21-31, 2019 Franciscan MI Pilgrimage to the Holy Land. Above is a photo of our friar pilgrims, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., Friar John Voytek, OFM Conv., Friar James McCurry, OFM Conv., Friar Gary Johnson, OFM Conv., Friar Robert Benko, OFM Conv. and Friar Gregory Spuhler, OFM Conv. at the October 23rd stop in Nazareth. Below is a photo of the whole group on October 25th, during their visit to Mount Tabor.

More photos can be seen in a slideshow on our Province Facebook Page

Posted in MI

Consecration to the Immaculate


Holy Family Parish, Kingston, ON Canada

On the weekend of October 19-20, the friars of St. Antony Friary welcomed back Fr. Jobe, as the M.I. Initiative made its 11th stop at Holy Family Parish, in Kingston, ON Canada. Reminded by the psalmist that our help comes from the Lord, Who made heaven and earth, the parishioners pondered the role of the Immaculate and her constant intercessory help before the Lord. A great many of parishioners who attended the three Masses welcomed the invitation to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate Conception and to enroll in the M.I.

Friar James Fukes, OFM Conv. (pastor) and Friar Jobe with a sampling of the Holy Family parishioners

Posted in MI

Consecration to the Immaculate


Parish Community of St. John the Apostle, Kingston, ON Canada

Over Canada’s Thanksgiving Weekend of October 12-13, 2019, the Friars of St. Anthony Friary, in Kingston, Ontario ~ Fr. James Fukes, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian and Pastor of Holy Family Parish, as well as Chaplain of Regiopolis-Notre Dame Catholic High School), Fr. Edward Debono, OFM Conv. (Chaplain of the Sisters of Providence of St. Vincent de Paul), and Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv. (Pastor of the Parish Community of St. John the Apostle, as well as Chaplain for Kinston General Hospital) warmly received Friar Jobe to the tenth stop on our M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries.
On this tenth stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour, in keeping with the weekend, along with the leper and Naaman the Syrian, those celebrating Mass together at St. John the Apostle Catholic Church gave thanks to God especially for our faith and for the Virgin Most Faithful, the Immaculate Conception. All three Mases were well attended and with many M.I. enrollment among the parishioners. In the photo is a sampling of the parishioners of St. John the Apostle along with Friar David (center), and Friar Jobe (two to his left). Between them is pictured Fr. Varghese Puthenpurackal, OFM Conv. who arrived in Canada two weeks ago from India. He is assigned to our St. André Bessette Friary, with Friar Jobe, to serve as Chaplain for Ottawa’s Queensway Carleton Hospital. This was his first time visiting our Kingston parish and friary.
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