Honored in Stained Glass

As a chaplain, a Franciscan priest and an Army captain, he shows the German officer these men are all wounded and dying….It was a moment when he had to make this life-threatening decision. He handed his Mass kit to the owner of the house-café for safe-keeping because he might not be back.”

Veterans Day 2022

Veterans Day is dedicated to American veterans of all wars, celebrated on November 11th each year. This date was chosen because, in 1918, on the 11th hour of the 11th day of the 11th month, an armistice, or temporary cessation of hostilities, was declared between the Allied nations and Germany in World War I, then known as “the Great War.” Originally commemorated as Armistice Day, and becoming a federal holiday, in 1938, in the aftermath of World War II and the Korean War, Armistice Day became known as Veterans Day.

Many of our friars have served in the Armed Forces. A veteran of Operation Enduring Freedom, Fr. Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv. currently serves the province as Guardian of the St. Philip Benizi Friary, assisting the parish with priestly ministry, while provides counseling services for the Jonesboro, GA area through an office in our pastoral ministry of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church. [Pictured here, in October 2005, Chaplain Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv. gave his first Mass in French at a Catholic Mission in Arta, Djibouti. He was requested to assist in a shortage of priests in the area by the Catholic Bishop of Somalia.

While today we pray for all US Veterans. We would also like to take moment to honor our own Friar Veterans of the Franciscan Friars Conventual of the Our Lady of the Angels Province, including:

  • Br. Dennis Sokolowski, OFM Conv.
  • Fr. Anthony Francis Spilka, OFM Conv.
  • Br. Douglas McMillan, OFM Conv.
  • Fr. Curt Kreml, OFM Conv.
  • Fr. Tom Lavin, OFM Conv.
  • Fr. Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv.
  • Br. Lawrence LaFlame, OFM Conv.
  • Fr. Andy Santamauro, OFM Conv.

Excerpt from the “Navy Hymn”
Creator, Father, who first breathed
In us the life that we received,
By power of thy breath restore
The ill, and men with wounds of war.
Bless those who give their healing care,
That life and laughter all may share.

Friar Curt’s reflection ~ “The Priority of Peace”

Congratulations, Friar Rich!

Left to Right: Fr. Jacob Carazo (a friar of St. Joseph Cupertino Province who serves as Assistant Formation Director), Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (Minister Provincial), Friar Rich Rome, OFM Conv., and Fr. Michael Zielke, OFM Conv. (Guardian and Director of our St. Bonaventure Friary – Post Novitiate.

November 1, 2022: During the Evening Liturgy in the chapel of our St. Bonaventure Friary [Post Novitiate], in Silver Spring, MD, Friar Richard Rome, OFM Conv. was received into the minor orders of Lector and Acolyte, as a gift in his Franciscan and priestly vocation. A lector is the reader and bearer of God’s Word who is given responsibility in the service of our Faith, which is rooted in the Word of God, proclaiming God’s Word during the Liturgy, helping others come to believe in the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, all while accepting the Word in obedience, meditating on the Word in order to grow in a deeper love of God’s Scriptures, so as to reveal Jesus Christ, the Word made Flesh, to our world. The chief offices of an acolyte are to light the candles on the altar and carry them in procession, to prepare wine and water for the sacrifice of the Mass, and to assist the sacred ministers at the Mass and other public services of the Church. (Can.  1035 §1. Before anyone is promoted to the permanent or transitional diaconate, he is required to have received the ministries of lector and acolyte and to have exercised them for a suitable period of time.) Friar Rich is a solemnly professed student friar of our province who is in continued studies at The Catholic University of America.

For more information on adding the life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual of our province to your discernment journey, email our Province Vocation Directors, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. and Fr. Manny Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. at vocations@olaprovince.org. For general information, visit FranciscanVoice.org. For information on the life of our Order’s friars around the world, visit our Curia’s website (ofmconv.net).

Provincial’s Fraternal Visit ~ NC Friaries

Our Lady of the Angels Province’s Minister Provincial, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. traveled to Pittsboro to visit with our eight friars living in and serving from the Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary. While there, he was able to concelebrate Masses at St. Julia Catholic Community (Siler City, NC), on Sunday, November 6, 2022, with Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. (at right above – Pastor of St. Julia Parish and Guardian of the Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary), and Fr. Luis Palacios Rodríguez, OFM Conv. (at left above – Parochial Vicar of St. Julia Parish). [More Photos] [Even More Photos]
The second pastoral ministry served by this friary is the Newman Catholic Student Center Parish, at UNC at Chapel Hill, under the pastoral leadership of Fr. Timothy Kulbicki, OFM Conv., who serves as Pastor & Campus Minister there. Our Lady of Guadalupe Friary is also home to our Province Treasurer, Br. Raymond Sobocinski, OFM Conv. and four more of our senior friars in residence.

The next day, Friar Michael traveled to Burlington, NC to visit with the four friars living in and serving from our Blessed Sacrament Friary. Three friars of this friary serve in pastoral ministry at Blessed Sacrament Catholic Community, in Burlington, NC: Fr. Vincent Rubino, OFM Conv. (Pastor), Fr. Piotr Tymko, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar) and Fr. Timothy Lyons, OFM Conv. The fourth friar, Fr. Peter Tremblay, OFM Conv., serves as Associate Chaplain for Catholic Life and Catholic Campus Minister, at Elon University.

Reflection by Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv.


  12 Days on Pilgrimage in August
“I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (Jn. 14:6).

Why is “interiority” such a high stake for St. John Henry Newman? His fundamental redress of the modern picture of interiority is because he thinks the modern picture of interiority is devastating to the prospects of authentic Christianity. Cyril O’Regan calls it “the affliction of interiority.” [1] The root is in John Locke’s philosophy written in the 1690’s. His influence remains massive today, which is why the diagnosis of the affliction of modernity is spot on. It is a fact that many are not aware that they are Lockeans. The affliction of interiority lies in the weight of responsibility the subject bears to practice the ethics of belief. In religious matters a person is free to act according to the evidence and adjust the tone of one’s claims. If demonstration is ruled out from the beginning, as it is at the very core of Lockean thought, we operate in a universe of probabilities. Various grades of conviction are permissible. The high stake for Newman was his full recognition of Lockean inspired intent at Oxford to instill a more or less universal convictionless manner of holding religious beliefs. The intent of our Marian Franciscan pilgrimage aligned with Newman.

Newman diagnosed the affliction of modernity as something wholly different from Locke. Interiority to Newman as the indelible mark of a human being is a fact rather than a responsibility that a finite person bears towards the world. Newman and Pope Emeritus Benedict have a deep sense of the congeniality of interiority and the world. O’Regan’s diagnosis: “interiority is afflicted because it is receptive: it receives or suffers the influences of the world, others, and above all else God. Its affliction is its richness as well as its poverty and is the index of the intrinsic relationship that ironically Locke’s rationalist impersonalism does not allow, since the common rationality operative in his procedural logic seems itself to be no more than the means of repair of an atomistic individualism ….”[2]

The problem of the evacuation of doctrines and practices effected by the secular modern age and the drift of the Church towards the secular is my central concern. Retrieval of a direction for the Church’s further journey is so necessary. By that I mean that if I speak in the language of tradition, in a Marian Franciscan mode, I am speaking of the gift that is handed down and exceeds what the hander-on offered and sets the one who receives the gift a task of developing as well as elucidating what is intended and what is said.[3] As laity, parents, teachers, religious and priests, we have the gift of tradition handed down to develop and elucidate. The difficulty is the refusal to recognize the gift or to make any effort to understand the gift.

The indelible mark of a human being is “interiority.” To bleed human beings of interiority by insisting that human beings are fully explicable in rationalist or naturalist terms is a contagious problem. Interiority is sidelined by authorizing a hyperbolical interpretation of the will as free inquiry that seals a person’s subjective judgment as truth. At best, both demonstrate a tension in the relation with the naturalistic tendency in modern rational thought and, at worst, represent its contrary. When interiority is being evacuated by a particular form of rationalism, it inevitably becomes an incoherent position. [4] Evacuating the interioriority of the person takes place by imagining the mind to re-present the world, to function as calculator of probabilities, and to insist on the prerogatives of free inquiry and the rights of private judgment. What is lost is the integral part of the training and virtue of the person making the judgment.

The contemporary Catholic philosopher, Charles Taylor, identifies our time as “the social imaginary.”[5] There is continuity with St. Augustine and the epic effects of the sack of Rome in 410. In The City of God, he elucidated a “thick” argument on the subjectivity of the finite person, always seeking, always in dialogue with others, forever open to change, and forever counting on and being open to the radical transformation effected by grace. We may compare his thought to today where there is a brave new world, a hold of certain ideas, images, or fundamental principles across an entire society that argues from rather than towards. In such a context, the issue of the existence and nature of interiority is hugely important.

Thinking with the mark of a prophet, Newman “diagnoses and clarifies the crisis regarding the view of the human subject and laments the historical happening that has replaced an ecstatic and relational view of human interiority with a philosophical and Christian pretender that, for him, fails the tests of both reason and faith.”[6] His prophetic critique links with lamentation, in hope that in our day that is coming to terms with what is interpreted as a moribund and debunked Christian past, a more satisfying account of interiority will emerge, with thicker roots in the Christian philosophical and theological traditions.

Newman recognized each person’s view on the world as unique and indivisible, for he or she is the judger. The interiority that Newman puts forward is in the first person. The judge judges according to the standard of truth that is a check of will and self-interest. It checks the arbitrariness of those who follow Locke and advocate private judgment, meaning that the person has the right to exercise his or her preferences without reference to a standard of the good, either internal or external. Newman’s subject is individuated and beyond Locke’s imagining, while being open to influence from the past and communities of belief. Crucial is Newman’s claim that the human being has immediate access to God in and through conscience. [7]

  Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv., Univ. of Notre Dame eondrako@alumni.nd.edu


[1] C. O’Regan, “Newman and the Affliction of Modernity.” Church Life Journal, McGrath Institute for Church Life, University of Notre Dame, 7 October 2022.
[2] “Newman and the Affliction of Modernity.”
[3] C. O’Regan inspires me to write and minister as a Franciscan priest by carrying forward what was opened up but not fully articulated in the Franciscan tradition by Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conv.
[4] I am more than tempted but refuse to accept the bait to apply to contemporary American politics that are bathed in Lockean thought, all-be-it, unwittingly. Every reader is capable of judging wisely.
[5] C. Taylor, The Secular Age, 2007. This move in recent modern philosophy is away from arguments.
[6] “Newman and the Affliction of Modernity.”
[7] J. H. Newman, Oxford University Sermons, A Grammar, Apologia, and Letter to the Duke of Norfolk.

Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conventual
Research Fellow Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, Rome
Visiting Scholar, McGrath Institute for Church Life
University of Notre Dame
Feast Day of Bl. John Duns Scotus ~ November 8, 2022

November News ~ Novitiate

After their Evening Prayer on November 2nd, the friars of Saint Francis of Assisi Friary and Novitiate processed to the Friars’ Cemetery on the Novitiate grounds, to offer prayers to God for the repose of the souls of all our brothers and sisters in the Franciscan Order, relatives, friends, and benefactors, who have gone before us.

Special remembrance celebrations for the November 1st Solemnity of All Saints, and the November 2nd Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed ~ All Souls, at the Novitiate of the Order of Friars Minor Conventual – CFF, in Arroyo Grande, CA also included the arrival of the Blessed Carlo Acutis relics (above).

One of the Novices of our Province, friar Connor J. Ouly, OFM Conv. working on one of the memorial garlands for the Grotto (top photo).

One of the Novices of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation, friar André Miller, OFM Conv. carefully placing the Grotto flowers and votives.

One of the Novices of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation, friar Colden Fell, OFM Conv. prayerfully placing flowers at the memorial stones just outside of the Grotto.

One of the Novices of the Province of Saint Bonaventure, friar Eric Rewa, OFM Conv. places more flowers on the memorial stones.

For more information on Vocations with our Province,
email Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv.
and Fr. Manny Vasconcelos, OFM Conv.,
at vocations@olaprovince.org.

All Souls Day Procession

More November 1st Photos

Our Lady of the Angels Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi Novice, friar Marvin Paul Fernandez, OFM Conv. with the Blessed Carlo Acutis relic

More November 2nd Photos


JPIC Farm Focus

Like many things in gardening, and life as a whole, the frost happens beyond our control. And this is, indeed, a blessing, as it also marks a shift from the hectic season of harvesting to a slower, more reflective period, which comes as a welcome relief.

Provincial’s Fraternal Visit ~ Syracuse

Friar Mike, friar Joe, Friar Gerry, Friar Jim in front of the Hall of Languages on the way to the Dome

Our Lady of the Angels Province’s Minister Provincial, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. traveled to Syracuse and joined Br. Jim Moore, OFM Conv., friar Joe Krondon, OFM Conv. and Fr. Gerry Waterman, OFM Conv., on Saturday, October 29th for a pre-game marching band extravaganza, in front of Syracuse University’s (SU) Hendricks Chapel, prior to the football game, in the JMA Wireless Dome, against the University of Notre Dame (ND). Despite noble attempts at a victory, ND triumphed over SU, 41-24. After the game, there was a tailgate party on the back lawn of the Catholic Center, with Chicago donors Beth & Brian Saunders, and their son Sam. The friars were also visited by SU Chancellor Kent Syverud and his wife Dr. Ruth Chen. The post-game festivities more than made up for the difficult loss.

Friar Mike, Friar Gerry, Dr. Ruth Chen, Chancellor Syverud, and the Saunders family