On Thursday, January 12th, participating friars traveled to the General Curia for a practicum day and some free time to explore the Eternal City, before celebrating Mass in our Order’s Basilica dei Santi XII Apostoli (The Basilica of the Twelve Holy Apostles aka Santi Apostoli), presided over by Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, OFM Conv., who formerly served as Guardian of the Sacro Convento of the Basilica of San Francesco d’Assisi.
Our Friar Max and Friar Michael while visiting St. Peter’s Tomb, guided by Friar Agnello Stoia, OFM Conv., the pastor of the parish of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter – Vatican. Pope Francis named Friar Stoia pastor in 2021, after he had served eight years as pastor of our Curia’s Santi Apostoli. The Papal Basilica of Saint Peter houses the sacred tomb of St. Peter, the 1st Pope of the Catholic Church, in the depths of the Vatican Necropolis.
The participating Provincials remained in Rome
for a “Midway” Meeting of the Order
in preparation for the 2025 Ordinary General Chapter.
Many of the pastoral ministries of our province, include a parish or parochialschool. In addition, fifteen more of our friars also serve as educators, chaplains, scholars and administrators in high school and university level ministry.
In the Holy Father’s January 2023 “The Pope Video,” Pope Francis proposes that educators “add new content to their teaching: fraternity.” Fraternity is already at the heart of our Order. This fraternal charism is central to all of our ministries, and it is visibly evident in our parish schools and other education ministries. As the Holy Father stated in his January 2023 video reflection, “Education is an act of love that illuminates the path for us to recover a sense of fraternity, so we will not ignore those who are most vulnerable.”
If you do not already, prayerfully consider becoming a part of our education ministries, by enrolling your family in a school near you, praying for our friars serving in education ministries, or financially contributing to one of these ministries most in need.
Featured Ministry: St. Peter School, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ At left, 8th & 2nd grade Prayer Partners attended Mass together, at St. Peter School, the parish school of our pastoral ministry ~ St. Peter Catholic Church. These 8th graders work together to help guide their 2nd grade Prayer Partners through the correct prayers and responses, during the Liturgy. St. Peter School, located at 415 Atlantic Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 (732-892-1260), is celebrating aCentennial Jubileethis year. Start off your support, by joining them on January 29, 2023, for their Catholic Schools Week Kickoff, including a student led Mass and an Open House. Come back for more celebrations throughout the year, in support of our friars’ 100-year-old school, founded by our own +Fr. Peter Jachetti, OFM Conv., and “Anchored in Faith.” (Donate)
Along with the January intention of Pope Francis,
“Let us pray that educators may be credible witnesses,
teaching fraternity rather than confrontation
and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.”
Visit our province website’s Location Page to find a ministry nearest to you.
Posted January 11, 2023, by Mike Randall, a reporter with 7 News WKBW-TV ~ “Three friars at St. Francis High School put together a regular YouTube segment called ‘Friars, Fries and Frosties.'”
Throughout our province, several of our ministries are still able to share Livestreamed Masses via their website and varied social media platforms. Several of these are shared on our Province Facebook Page, each day. Visit the “Locations” page of this website to find hyperlinks to the individual ministry website, for more information.
Until the Thursday, January 5, 2023 Funeral, the body of +Pope Emeritus Benedict XVI lies in state in the Papal Basilica of St. Peter, as the faithful pay final respects, offering prayers for the repose of his soul. In this Vatican News photo posted on January 2, 2023, His Eminence Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, OFM Conv. [a friar of our Order, appointed Archpriest of the Papal Basilica of Saint Peter in the Vatican, Vicar General of His Holiness for Vatican City and President of the Fabbrica di San Pietro, the office in charge of the basilica’s upkeep, on February 20, 2021], welcomed and blessed the body of the +Pope Emeritus. In the center of the second row behind them, standing among many more Franciscan Friars Conventual who like him also serve as Confessors at the Vatican, is Our Lady of the Angels Province friar ~ Fr. John Voytek, OFM Conv.
Conventual Franciscans were included among the small congregation gathered in St. Peter’s Basilica on January 2nd. A photo taken that day by Friar John is below.
Friday, December 30, 2022, the Feast of The Holy Family of Jesus, Mary and Joseph: Our Lady of the Angels Province Vicar Provincial, Fr. Gary Johnson, OFM Conv. (photo cred) traveled to Liverpool, England to concelebrate the Mass and share in the celebration of the Solemn Profession of Vows of Friar John Paul Banks, OFM Conv., Friar Peter George Flynn, OFM Conv. and Friar Terence Bateman, OFM Conv., at the hands of their Provincial Custos ~ Friar Maximilian Martin, OFM Conv., who also served as the celebrant for the Mass. In the St. Anthony of Padua Church (Mossley Hill, Liverpool) the friars were joined by parishioners, family, and members of other religious communities who serve and learn with or educated our friars at the Oxford House of Studies – Blackfriars Hall.
Fr. Terence serves as the Guardian of the friary of St. Anthony of Padua Church (at left) and as Parish Priest (pastor) there. Friar John Paul and Friar Peter George will continue their studies for the priesthood at Oxford, residing in our Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Friary – Formation House. Also included among the friars in attendance were Custodial Vicar ~ Friar Colin Edwards, OFM Conv. [below far left], Fr. Kevin Hanley, OFM Conv. [below center], Friar Giles Zakowicz, OFM Conv. [below 3rd from right] and Friar Gerard Toman, OFM Conv. [bottom 2nd from right]. Fr. Kevin is the former pastor of St. Anthony of Padua Church, who currently serves as the Custody Secretary and as a Definitor, while in pastoral ministry at our Church of the Visitation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, in Dublin, Ireland. Fr. Giles is a friar of our province who has always served in formation, including assignments in the USA, Ghana, Kenya, and most recently as the Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody Formator at Oxford. He will remain serving in our Custody, but now in pastoral ministry at St. Anthony of Padua Church, under Fr. Terence. [Fr. Giles was Fr. Terence’s formator]. The new Guardian and Director of the Formation House in Oxford, Friar Gerard M. Toman, OFM Conv. is returning from his continued studies in Rome.
If you live in Great Britain or Ireland and want more information on vocations with our Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody, email vocation@thegreyfriars.org.
On the Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception, it is a tradition that the Holy Father visits the Piazza di Spagna and prays at the base of the tall column with the statue of the Virgin.[1] Pope Francis had just offered to mediate the Ukraine-Russia conflict but the official spokespersons for the Russian Federation[2] formally rebuffed his offer in no uncertain terms. He has much information on the cruelty taking place and has condemned events and persons by name. In the context of being rejected, we can imagine his prayer in tears.
Let us join his tears and hope that “the Gospel is not merely a communication of things that can be known—it is one that makes things happen and is life-changing. The dark door of time, of the future, has been thrown open. The one who has hope lives differently; the one who hopes has been granted the gift of a new life.” [3]
“Immaculate Virgin, I would have liked to bring you today
The gratitude of the Ukrainian people
For the peace we have been asking the Lord for such a long time.
Instead of that, I still have to bring you the supplication
Of the children, of the elderly, of the fathers and mothers, of the young people
Of that tormented land that suffers so much.”
Pope Francis’ love for Our Lady remembers her joy at the Incarnation and her tears at the foot of the cross.
The mystery of the Incarnation heightens our sense of responsibility for the Church in the World. This Christmas, may we join the joy of the Virgin Mother with prayers and tears as those of Pope Francis. May we judge where and how each of us has an irreplaceable part in the Church in the World.
Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv., University of Notre Dame, eondrako@alumni.nd.edu
[1] When John Henry Newman made his profession of faith as a Roman Catholic, he spent time there at the Propaganda Fidei. This is the center for dealing with doctrinal issues and related matters. [2] They Include the spokesperson of the Foreign Affairs Ministry, Ambassador to the Holy See, and leader of the Chechen Parliament. [3] Pope Benedict XVI, Saved in Hope, Encyclical Letter, 30 November 2022.
Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conventual
Research Fellow Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, Rome
Visiting Scholar, McGrath Institute for Church Life
University of Notre Dame
Christmas Octave December 17-25 , 2022
At the July session of our 2022 Our Lady of the Angels Provincial Chapter, our friars again elected Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. for another four-year term as Province Delegate for the Marian Apostolate. In that capacity, he hopes to continue promoting devotion to the Immaculate Conception by way of a number of initiatives.
Mark Your Calendars!
Following the success of our province’s first annual pilgrimage, to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. (April 2022), Our Lady of the Angels Province friars will sponsor the Second Annual Franciscan Pilgrimage to the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C., on Saturday, April 29, 2023. We hope this will become an annual, fraternal gathering and celebration, looking forward to being together with you to honor the Immaculate Conception, patroness of the United States and our Order. Gather your family, friends or group and meet Friar Jobe there, ready to begin the day together. Be sure to arrive well before the 11:00 a.m. WORDS OF WELCOME so you (or your group) will be able to find parking. (Info on the Basilica)
11.00 a.m. – WORDS OF WELCOME from the Very Rev. Michael Heine, OFM Conv., Provincial of Our Lady of the Angels Province and Msgr. Vito Buonanno, Director of Pilgrimages at the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, Washington, D.C.
11.30 a.m. – 1.00 p.m. – LUNCH TIME
1.00 p.m. – 2.00 p.m. – CONFERENCE “Behold Your Mother” (Rev. James McCurry, OFM Conv.)
2.00 p.m. – 2.30 p.m. – COMMUNAL PRAYER
2.30 p.m. – 3.30 p.m. – EUCHARISTIC LITURGY and CLOSING
3.30 p.m. – 4.30 p.m. – FREE TIME (There is a scheduled Vigil Mass at 4.30 p.m. The Basilica closes at 6.00 p.m.)
~ August 19-29, 2023, the friars will again lead a pilgrimage to Marian Shrines in Europe. This year we will travel to the most important Holy Shrines in England and Scotland, including attending a performance of the renowned Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. The well-planned program promises to be an unforgettable experience. Information and Registration Flier.
~ Finally, in the Fall of 2023 and continuing for three years, Friar Jobe will be carrying out a tour of all the pastoral sites of Our Lady of the Angels Province. He will be highlighting and comparing the lives of three contemporary Polish saints in relation to the Immaculate Mother of God: St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., St. Faustina Kowalska, OLM and Pope St. John Paul II. Invoking their intercession and blessing for the tour, he will be accompanied by first-class relics of these saints. The schedule of dates for the ministry site visits will be finalized over the next few months. More information will follow.