Consecration to the Immaculate

Stop #23: August 14-15, 2021
Fonda, NY (Saint Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine and Historic Site)

Stop #24: September 11-12, 2021
New Bedford, MA (Our Lady of Perpetual Help Church)

Stop #25: September 18-19, 2021
Chicopee, MA (St. Anthony of Padua Parish)

Stop #26: September 25-16, 2021
Johnstown, PA (St. Francis of Assisi Parish)

Stop #27: October 2-3, 2021
Davidsville, PA (St. Anne Church)

Stop #28: October 9-10, 2021
Kensington, CT (St. Paul Catholic Church)

Stop #29: October 23-24, 2021
Cromwell, CT (St. John Catholic Church)

Stop #30: October 30-31, 2021
Baltimore, MD (Pastorate of St. Casimir at Canton and Patterson Park)


Be sure to mark your calendars
and check back as more information will follow about the
First Annual Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception,
in Washington D.C.,
on Saturday, April 30, 2022

Posted in MI

April 30, 2022 M.I. Pilgrimage Announcement

(1941 – August 14 – 2021)

Dear M.I. Members,

            As the Covid-19 pandemic winds down in North America, we remember in prayer those who contracted the illness, those who continue to suffer from the virus and those, over four million persons worldwide, who have died on account of the disease. In a special way, we give thanks to the Lord for the sacrifices made by heroic front-line health care and other essential workers who risked, and even lost, their lives to protect us over these eighteen months. After the example of Christ, who laid down his life for us, these dear souls came to know and embody the love of God by laying down their lives for others (see 1 Jn 3).

This year, we commemorate the 80th anniversary of another heroic act of sacrificial love. On August 14, 1941, St. Maximilian Kolbe was martyred after he had volunteered to take the place of Franciszek Gajwoniczek, the father of a family and a prisoner condemned to die at the Auschwitz concentration camp. Even as Father Kolbe awaited a sure death with fellow prisoners in the starvation bunker, he repeated to them what might be called his axiom for life, “Hatred destroys; love alone creates.” How could he have come to know and live the depths of such love other than through his total consecration to the Immaculate Mother of God? After all, Mary is the creature most completely filled with this love, united as She is to the Holy Spirit as His Spouse. Indeed, the Mother of Jesus, who is Love, is also fittingly venerated as Our Lady of Charity. Molded as an instrument in the hands of the Immaculate, Maximilian’s consecration to Mary was not an end in itself but, rather, a means through Mary of leading all souls to the very source of love, the Sacred Heart of Jesus. The zeal with which Father Maximilian proclaimed the Kingdom of Christ’s Sacred Heart ultimately merited for him the martyr’s crown as, for the first time in the Church’s history, Pope St. John Paul II canonized St. Maximilian Kolbe for his ultimate witness as a martyr, not in defense of the faith, but in the living out of supernatural charity.

To commemorate the 80th anniversary of St. Maximilian’s martyrdom, the Militia of the Immaculate of Our Lady of the Angels Province is sponsoring the first annual pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C. on Saturday, April 30, 2022. This will also be a time to celebrate the 40th anniversary of St. Maximilian’s canonization (October 10, 1982). So please organize, involve your friars and pastors, drive in groups or rent a bus and come to join us for this special Marian pilgrimage and Mass. Individual groups may plan and schedule their own activities both before and after the Saturday festivities. We look forward to seeing you!

August 14, 2021
Friar Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv.
Our Lady of the Angels Province M.I. Assistant


Be sure to mark your calendars and check back as more information will follow about the First Annual Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception, in Washington D.C., on Saturday, April 30, 2022.

Posted in MI

Congratulations Friar Tim!

July 15, 2021: On the Feast of St. Bonaventure – Seraphic Doctor of the Universal Church, in the hands of our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., witnessed by Friar Martin Kobos, OFM Conv. (Guardian of Mother Cabrini Friary and Pastor of Mother Cabrini Catholic Church, Shamokin, PA) and Friar Michael Lasky, OFM Conv. (Province Commission Chairman of the JPIC and Pastor of St. Patrick Parish, in Trevorton, PA & Our Lady of Hope Parish, Coal Township, PA), Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Angelo Geiger, OFM Conv. professes his Solemn Vows as a Franciscan Friar Conventual and takes the name Friar Timothy Geiger, OFM Conv. during the Noon Mass in our Chapel at The Shrine of St. Anthony, in Ellicott City, MD. Fr. Tim is the former Rector of The Shrine and currently serves our province as Parochial Vicar at St. Patrick Parish and Our Lady of Hope Parish.

Also on hand to celebrate were Fr. Richard-Jacob Forcier, OFM Conv. (Province Secretary, Director/Rector of The Shrine of St. Anthony and Spiritual Director of the Companions of St. Anthony), Fr. Louis Maximilian Smith, OFM Conv. (Associate Chaplain at The Catholic University of America), Fr. Tom Lavin, OFM Conv. (Guardian of St. Joseph Cupertino Friary and Chaplain of Our Lady of Good Counsel High School, Olney, MD) Br. Paschal Kolodziej, OFM Conv. (Staff Friar – The Shrine of St. Anthony), Br. Brian Newbigging, OFM Conv. (Director of Franciscan Soy Candles), Br. Douglas McMillan, OFM Conv. (In Residence at St. Joseph Cupertino Friary), friar Bram De Backer, OFM Conv. (to be Simply Professed on July 29, 2021), and Fr. Paul Schloemer, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province friar and Formation Director – St. Bonaventure Friary, Silver Spring, MD).

Top Row Left to Right: Br. Paschal, Fr. Louis Maximilian, Fr. Tom, friar Bram, Fr. Michael, Fr. Martin, Fr. Paul – Bottom Row Left to Right: Fr. Richard-Jacob, Fr. Tim, Fr. James, Br. Brian

Reflection by Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv.

Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, O.F.M.Conv., Feast of St. Bonaventure, 15 July 2021
“Wisdom I loved and sought after from my youth, as my bride.”
Wis 8, 2-7, 16-18;
“We speak in words taught by the Spirit interpreting spiritual things in spiritual terms.”
1 Cor 2, 6-13;
“You are the salt of the earth, you are the light of the world”
Mt 5, 13-19

Truth and the Justifying Power of the Subjective Conscience[1]
Who is the instructress of understanding God? How do I know each person’s innermost self? Sacred Scripture answers: With Wisdom. Today, few have doubts that America has potentially dangerous enemies to religious liberty. Some are in high places. Remember how Justice Amy Coney Barrett’s ascension to the High Court bench not long ago brought promise for the future of religious liberty in America?[2] What is religious liberty? What is truth? What is conscience? These questions call for a thicker development.
If I claim that the judgment of conscience is always right, that has to mean my own truth. How does my subjective truth fit into the broader world where we are all brothers and sisters? If we think it through, this brings human existence and freedom, into the realm of something deeper. Does truth align with the justifying power of the subjective conscience?
Today we find ourselves asking: what if a person takes the judgment of conscience to be always right? What if judgments of conscience contradict each other? First, it is undisputed that a person must follow a certain conscience, or at least not act against it. Second, we are at the core of the moral problem, existence itself, and the story of our own encounter with the problem of existence.
Being Christian is to recognize that God came to fulfill the law and the prophets, … not the smallest part of the letter of the law shall be done away with (Mt. 5, 18). God cares about everyone and allows many unbelievers in good conscience. A person in good conscience can still achieve salvation. Vatican II states: the Catholic Church (NA 2) rejects nothing of what is true and holy in the different peoples and different religions, but proclaims Christ as the way, the truth and the life (Jn. 1:6).
The high road to truth challenges. To retreat into oneself may seem comfortable but does it lead to the discovery of beauty that lies in truth? Is it an imposition to have faith as a Catholic in what constitutes redemption, even a kind of punishment? If God gifts a person with faith, believing and submitting to the faith of the Catholic Church gives rise to joy and the desire to pass the faith on. [Thank God my ancestors had joy and the desire to pass on the faith to me] Living triggers tensions. Often a so called erroneous conscience appears to make life easier, happier, and more human. It is a shock to wake up to say an erroneous conscience is a real grace of God, a normal course to salvation. An erroneous conscience shelters the person from the exacting demands of truth.
Truth connects to the essence of conscience. Great witnesses attest to the Christian doctrine of living according to truth and one’s conscience. St. John Henry Newman[3] is one who chose Catholicism not as a matter of personal taste or of subjective spiritual need, but was taken by the necessity to obey recognized truth as more important than personal preferences. He listened to all views, recognized consensus, but never at the expense of truth. He had no intention to become a Catholic.
Newman’s[4] view of the papacy and the primacy of conscience may be a huge surprise. To our new saint, the papacy is based on the primacy of conscience and guarantees it. To presuppose the opposition of authority to subjectivity is to have difficulty understanding that St. John Henry Newman stands on the side of subjectivity and expresses the very freedom of the person. The truth connects authority and subjectivity. For Newman, his pivoting point is the primacy of conscience.
Fifty years ago, the voice of conscience led me to accept the duties of the Catholic priesthood. When I was ordained, I was familiar with abstract moral principles such as an erroneous conscience. Living hammers abstract principles. For one, St. John Henry Newman’s thought is unequaled on the primacy of conscience vis-a-vis a counterfeit conscience. He said it is impossible to “put into a tea cup.” With the grace of God and Franciscan formation, St. Francis of Assisi, St. Clare, St. Anthony of Padua, St. Bonaventure, Bl. John Duns Scotus, and St. Maximilian M. Kolbe took deep roots and have been guides to recognition and respect of the personal quest for truth that every person has in life. Following in the tradition they laid down, as a priest, the primacy of conscience and recognition of error never left my pastoral care, especially when preaching.
In his long pastoral and writing career, Joseph Ratzinger, Pope Benedict XVI, has written about erroneous conscience with a tender heart. He analyzes in the context of tolerance, success, concern about one’s public standing and the need for the approval of public opinion at the expense of truth. These are concepts that a preacher or teacher ought never rush when trying to explain the Catholic Church’s teaching such as on the primacy of conscience. Haste can turn a person who is searching away not towards truth.
I share a story of rushing to explain Catholic teaching. I put my arguments in a “tea cup” that St. Newman warned about. Amy Coney Barrett who was not on the High Court yet, was at Mass with her family. I intended to help persons struggling to form conscience, but I confused them. Instead, I had justified the power of conscience at the expense of truth. First, conscience is not identical to personal preferences. Second, conscience cannot be reduced to some kind of personal or social advantage, or to fit in with group consensus, or to cave into political and social trends. I have never doubted that but on that particular Sunday night I dropped the ball by trying to say too much in too short a time. Justice Coney Barrett’s gentle head shake did not escape me.
Truth and the primacy of conscience in the Franciscan tradition, especially for St. Bonaventure and St. John Henry Newman, as an indisputable honorary Franciscan, guided every moment of their scholarly lives. Justice Amy Coney Barrett may never know that her subtle head gesture rightly challenged my words on conscience as using a “tea cup.” I respectfully thank her.
Living the Gospel, we learn the beauty of lessons about religious liberty, truth, and conscience, together. We are the salt of the earth, together, the light of the world, together, living in the city set on a hill, together. What we say and do cannot be hidden when we are together. If we break what appears to be the least significant of these commands and teach others to do so, we will become the least in the kingdom of God. If we fulfill and teach these commands, we shall be great in the kingdom of God (Mt 5, 19). In our post Christian culture, there is no other way to live the Gospel except together in faith.

Delivered on the Feast of St. Bonaventure, The Life Center, South Bend, IN.

[1] Joseph Ratzinger, Faith and Politics (San Francisco: Ignatius Press, 2018), ch. 6: Truth, Values, Power, 95-130.
[2] Ken Starr, Religious Liberty in Crisis (New York: Encounter Books, 2021), see Appendix, 175-178.
[3] E. J. Ondrako, Rebuild My Church (Hobe Sound, FL: Lectio Publishing, LLC., 2021). ISBN 978-1-943901-18-0
[4] C. O’Regan, “Newman: Apostle of Fear and Trembling to Liberal Christianity” in Church Life Journal, McGrath Institute of Church Life at the University of Notre Dame (14 October 2019); “Newman and the Dis-Asters of Modernity” in C L J (10 October 2019). I endorse O’Regan as a most accurate and faithful interpreter of Newman. Proof is that he is a sought-after teacher of undergraduate and graduate students at the University of Notre Dame.

Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conventual
Research Fellow Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, Rome
Visiting Scholar, McGrath Institute for Church Life
University of Notre Dame
July 15, 2021

Summer Service with friar Raad

The student friars of our province are spending their summer break from study, living in community and serving with our friars in various ministries around the province: friar Antonio Moualeu, OFM Conv. – Atlanta, GA, friar Cristofer M. Fernández, OFM Conv. – Columbus, GA, friar Joseph Krondon, OFM Conv. – Pt Pleasant Beach, NJ, and friar Raad Eshoo, OFM Conv. – Port St. Lucie, FL.
Part of the ministry service friar Raad is experiencing while living in community with our friars of the St. Lucie Friary has been working with the Youth of St. Lucie Catholic Church during their July 12-16, 2021 Service Mission Week. This week of service affords the young people of the parish the opportunity to show mercy to those in need. The youth and their adult leaders, including friar Raad, start with Mass every day. Each morning, they serve in many different outreach facilities such as food banks, thrift shops, and feeding homeless. In the afternoon, they continue to help in the St. Lucie Parish Community, by doing yard work at parishioners’ houses, for those who need the extra help. It has been an enjoyable experience for friar Raad and he sends his blessings and well wishes to all.

Friar Raad’s “Goodbye” to the parish at the end of his Summer Assignment:

St. Kateri Feast Weekend

Over the weekend of July 10-11, 2021, while on break from his ministry as an instructor at our St. Francis High School (Athol Springs, NY), Our Lady of the Angels Province friar – Fr. Max Avila, OFM Conv. was able to join the pilgrims at our Saint Kateri National Shrine and Historic Site (Fonda, NY) to celebrate Mass during the Saint Kateri Feast Day Weekend:
  • July 10, 2021 – 4:30 PM Saint Kateri Feast Day Vigil Mass with the Traditional Purification Rite and Solemn Blessing with the relic of Saint Kateri
  • July 10, 2021 – 7:00 PM Prayer and healing service
  • July 11, 2021 – 10:30 AM Mass with Traditional Purification Rite and Solemn Blessing with the relic of Saint Kateri
The Feast Day of St. Kateri Tekakwitha is July 14th.
She was a Mohawk woman who lived in the 17th century, with a profound and moving story of conversion to Christianity, of courage in the face of suffering and extraordinary holiness. St. Kateri also came to be  known as the Lily of the Mohawks, in recognition of her kindness, her prayer life, her faithfulness and her suffering. She is the first Native American Saint in the United States of America and Canada and our Shrine ministry honoring her is located in Fonda, New York; her home during her teenage years, and the site of her Baptism.
St. Kateri’s parents, her mother a Christian Algonquin mother – her father a Mohawk Chief, and her brother died of smallpox when she was only four. She survived but was badly scarred and left with poor vision, giving her the name “Tekakwitha” {she who bumps into things}. Taken in by her uncle, and following the tradition of her people, at the age of eight she was paired her with a young boy with the expectation of marriage. Instead, she wanted to dedicate her life to God, remain single, and give herself only to Jesus. When she was 10, a war caused the Mohawk survivors to move to the modern Fonda, NY area creating the Caughnawaga village, where she lived for another 10 years – the site of our St. Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine and Historic Site. She began instruction in the Catholic Faith in her late teens, with her uncle’s permission ~ but in secret because he was greatly opposed to Christianity. In turn she was ridiculed, scorned, beaten and her life was threatened by others in her village, but that did not deter her. At the age of 20, she was baptized Catherine (Kateri in Mohawk speech) and later escaped North to the St. Francis Xavier Mission near Montreal (a village also named Caughnawaga/Kahnawake – meaning fortified place or castle). There, in peace, she received her 1st Eucharist, made a vow of perpetual virginity, and consecrated herself to Our Lady. In her new home, she was greatly loved and respected, as she taught the children, and worked with the elderly and sick, all with a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Cross of Jesus. After a suffering a harsh illness, she died at the age of 24 and was buried in Canada. Tradition holds that at her death, she spoke the final words, “Jesus, I love You,” and moments later the pock marks vanished from her restored radiant face.

News from Our Canadian Delegation

June 8, 2021: The Very Reverend Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. (Provincial Delegate & Delegate to the M.I.) and the other thirteen solemnly professed friars working in our Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi were joined by Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province friar and Assistant General – CFF), the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. (Minister Provincial) and Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (Vicar Provincial) for a Delegation Assembly via Zoom. After the Opening Prayer, Friar Jude read an inspiring letter from our Order’s Minister General, The Most Reverend Fr. Carlos Trovarelli, OFM Conv. in which he encouraged the assembled friars to grow, and reverse the decline of vocations in the West. The keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Andrew P.W. Bennett, a Ukrainian Catholic Deacon, gave a well-received conference entitled, “Public Faith and Religious Freedom in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities for the Church,” addressing the need for a call for the faithful to engage in public life by fostering the Church’s role in advancing a culture of Incarnation. The meeting covered a variety of Delegation business items, including a Friars’ Forum allowing all the friars a chance to express their hopes and expectations for the new Delegation, as well as the election of the Councilors to the Delegate: Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv. and Fr. Maurice Richard, OFM Conv. The next Assembly is projected to meet February 2022 in order to work on a strategic plan to be presented, along with any other proposals, to the 1st Session of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of Our Lady of the Angels Province in May 2022.

Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv. currently serves as pastor of the Parish Community of St. John the Apostle, in Kingston, ON and Chaplain of Kingston General Hospital

Fr. Maurice Richard, OFM Conv. is a native of Canada, returning to pastoral ministry in the Delegation after many years serving as Assistant Novice Director