Consecration to the Immaculate

Stop 24 of the M.I. Initiative took place at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, New Bedford, MA at the weekend Masses on September 11 -12. The pastor, Our Lady of the Angels Province friar – Fr. Conrad Salach, OFM Conv. and the parishioners warmly welcomed the invitation to entrust themselves to the Immaculate Mother of God and become members of the M.I. As they marked the 20th anniversary of the 9/11 tragedy, they recalled that just as Pope St. John Paul II declared St. Maximilian a saint for a difficult century, we are perhaps more in need of St. Maximilian and the M.I. now in the 21st century.

Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, in New Bedford, MA

Posted in MI

Extraordinary Provincial Chapter – September 2021

An altered image of a Chapter at the Portiuncula (“Little Portion” as St. Francis called the St. Mary of the Angels chapel) from “The Little Flowers of St. Francis,” published in 1919 by J.M. Dent & Sons Ltd. London. The book is an English translation by Thomas Okey of “I Fioretti di S. Francesco,” by Antonio Cesari (1822) of collected tales of St Francis of Assisi. Original stories were in Latin from about 150 years after the 1226 death of St Francis.

A modern Franciscan Chapter is reminiscent of the 1221 version when St. Francis of Assisi called more than 3,000 friars to come together as family, to the Portiuncula chapel, in Assisi, for a general meeting or “Chapter of Mats.” At that time, the friars lived in huts made from reeds and brought their sleeping mats with them, to the area surrounding the chapel to have a place to sit. Modern day friars, instead meet in a conference center, get to sit on actual chairs, and sleep in “real” beds. It is however still thought of as a coming together as a family, offering witness of brotherhood and celebrating Franciscan life. Days are filled with meetings, presentations as well as the much-needed work of organizing the general needs of the friars and ministries of the Province. Chapter is also a time to just enjoy Franciscan Brotherhood. From September 13-16, 2021, a set of delegate friars (about 1/3 of the province) will be representing the rest of our 165 Solemnly Professed friars at an Extraordinary Provincial Chapter.

Our province is grateful to those to whom we minister, and all of those who prayerfully support our work, who are praying for our friar delegates at our Monday through Thursday Meetings. We will share some photos after the Extraordinary Provincial Chapter.

Pax et Bonum!


Meeting with the Franciscans of Halifax

Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. (pictured at right on left: Provincial Delegate – Our Lady of the Angels Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi of Canada & Delegate to the M.I.) and the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. (pictured at top center: Our Lady of the Angels Minister Provincial) met with the Franciscans of Halifax (Nova Scotia) over the 2021 Labor Day holiday weekend to discuss future collaboration. The Franciscans of Halifax are a public association of the faithful, comprised of ordained priests, whose roots and charism are linked to the Italian Franciscan Friars Conventual. They currently number 8 members under the jurisdiction of the Archdiocese of Halifax.

While in Halifax, Dr. Simone Abbass took her brother, Friar Jobe, and Friar James to visit and pray at the graves of 170 of the victims of the sinking of the Titanic.

Linda’s Walk 2021

Join Our Lady of the Angels Province friar and Executive Director of our St. Clare Inn ministry, in Toronto, ON, Br. Tom Purcell, OFM Conv., for the 12th Annual Linda’s Walk!
Every Year, St. Clare Inn hosts two major fundraisers to help with operating costs. Since St. Clare Inn is entirely funded privately and without any government support, these fundraiser are vital to keeping the doors open. Proceeds account for almost 40% of operating costs. On September 25th, they will hold their 12th Annual Linda’s Walk.

Saturday September 25, 2021
Linda’s Walk 2021

St. Clare Inn’s 12th Annual Linda’s Walk! Due to COVID-19, they will be offering walkers two options to participate:

The in-person option will consist of staggered walk time registration. The in-person walk will start and end at St. Bonaventure Church. The virtual walk option will allow walkers to walk in their own neighborhoods and at their own speed and convenience. The third way to participate is by buying a 50/50 Draw or making a DONATION.

Registration Prices
Adult Registration: $25.00
Youth Registration (Ages 12-15): $15.00
Child Registration: Free
A Linda’s Walk t-shirt is included with each registration!

50/50 Draw
This year, we will also be holding a 50/50 Draw.
The winner of the draw will be announced after the walk.
1 Ticket for $5.00 donation
5 Tickets for $20.00 donation

For more information please email St. Clare Inn at or call 416-690-0330.
Participants can also register for the walk by visiting the website at
Thank you for supporting St. Clare Inn!

THANK YOU from Br. Tom Purcell, OFM Conv.

Friar Julio in the News

Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. serves as pastor at St. Julia Catholic Community, in Siler City, NC. He was featured in this article in the Chatham News & Record. ~”God has given us the ability to develop the vaccine and so I have promulgated getting vaccinated among our people here at St. Julia’s,” Father Julio Martinez of St. Julia’s Catholic Church said, “and I will continue to do that.”

Saying Farewell after 34 Years

On Sunday, August 29, 2021, on behalf of Our Lady of the Angels Province Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. who sent a message available via the parish website, our Vicar Provincial, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. joined Fr. Carl Zdancewicz, OFM Conv. (pastor), Fr. Joseph Angelini, OFM Conv. (pastor emeritus) and Fr. Daniel Pal, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar) to say “Farewell” to the parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church & Our Lady of Fatima Chapel, in Winston-Salem, NC, after 34 years of pastoral ministry by our friars. Here are his remarks and photos he took throughout the day:

The façade of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church

On behalf of Father James McCurry our Minister Provincial and the entire Our Lady of the Angels Province, I want to say thank you for opening your hearts and lives to us Franciscans for these past 34 years. My name is Father Michael Heine, and I am the Vicar Provincial. I first heard about this wonderful parish when I was still a seminarian back in 1987. I can recall the excitement of the friars as this new opportunity came about in the south, here in the Diocese of Charlotte. There was a thrust in the Province to move south and to minister to the thriving Catholic Community and ever growing Catholic Hispanic community. Father Edger Holden and Father Canice Connors couldn’t wait to arrive, and you all opened your hearts to these sandal wearing friars, as you did for the 21 other friars who followed. You have all made an impression on the friars and we are so blessed to have been able to minister to and with you here on Link Road as well as West 3rd Street downtown.

The interior view of the Sanctuary Space of Our Lady of Mercy Catholic Church

Saying good-bye is never easy, especially when the love is so strong. Imagine how difficult it was for the apostles to say goodbye to Jesus as he ascended into heaven. The friars were broken hearted in the year 1226 as they said goodbye to Saint Francis as he welcomed sister death. Today is no less difficult. With heavy hearts and tears in our eyes, we Franciscans say that even though we depart, our love for you all has not diminished. It is not easy for anyone; for the friars or for you all.

Final Blessing by Friar Daniel, Friar Carl and Friar Joe

On behalf of our Franciscan Friars, I want to thank in a special way Fathers Carl, Joe, and Daniel as they have journeyed with you, especially in these last few months since the announcement by Bishop Jugas was made. As you know the friars profess three vows – poverty, chastity, and obedience. These three vows are much more than the three knots on our cords. Leaving a ministry and people we love, is when the rubber really hits the road – we are called to let go of something and people very important to us, our love is for all people not just a select few and even though I am sure if they had a choice, our three friars would want to remain, but that vow of obedience calls them, calls us to go and be led by the Spirit.

Friar Carl

Sad yes, disappointing I imagine, there may even be a bit of anger at the situation and that is ok. As Christians we know the Lord never leaves us. He is always calling us to a deeper relationship with Him. Those scared and confused apostles, once filled with the Holy Spirit preached throughout the world and it is on their shoulders we stand today. For over 800 years the friars, open to the working of the Holy Spirit, who Saint Francis called the real Minister General of the Order, have tried to share the merciful and gentle love of the Lord. What I am saying, the goodbye of the apostles and the early friars opened up new possibilities and empowered by the Holy Spirit enflamed them to continue to build God’s Kingdom on earth.

Friar Joe

The same Holy Spirit is alive and well here at Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Fatima. We always preach that the Church is not a building, although this one is beautiful and will always have the image of the San Damiano Cross on the front, but the Church is not the friars, not the sisters – the Church is all of us and as living stones the Lord continues to use us to build up His Body.

Friar Dan

Next weekend, there will be two new, young faces here celebrating with you. Certainly not as handsome as these three! We are all different in our own way and we know you will open your hearts and lives to them as you did to us.

The practice of saying goodbye goes back centuries. It’s a contraction of the phrase “God be with ye.” In the distant past, people didn’t have the means of communication we do today, and they often didn’t know when or if they would see that person again when they parted. So, they issued a sincere send-off, asking God to be with them until they met again.

Parishioner Blessing on the Friars

Sister and brothers, God be with you until we meet again, either here in the beautiful south or ultimately in our heavenly home. May our Blessed Mother under the titles of Our Lady of Mercy, Our Lady of Fatima, and Our Lady of the Angels, intercede for all of us as we listen the voice of the Lord and follow His holy and true command. Thank you and God bless!”


The bulletin message of thanksgiving, presented by Friar Carl, on behalf of Friar Joe and Friar Daniel:
Dear beloved parishioners of Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Fatima Churches, I want to express my deepest thanks to all of you for your support over the many years that the Conventual Franciscans have ministers at both of our churches in Winston Salem, NC. It certainly has been a great privilege for me to come to know so many of you throughout the 7 years I have been your pastor. Your help in so many different areas of leadership has given me hope that the church is still valued by you. We have a very diverse population in our parish. We have tried to be authentic ministers to the great blend of cultures that make up our wonderful community. The spirit of our parish is alive and well and it will flourish in the coming years. I reflected this past weekend on one important idea. Due to the Covid pandemic which arrived in 2020, we need to focus our attention on reinvigorating our ministries. As September comes, all leadership positions in the parish community need to be filled with people who are currently attending church services. We have fewer people attending and many of the positions for leadership especially in the liturgical area are vacant. Since we less have Altar Servers, Lectors, Ushers, and Eucharistic Ministers, I invite you to volunteer to come active in one of these important rolls. Remember that the Lord Jesus calls us all to service among ourselves and others. Let us continue to be a vibrant community! The Friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province will continue to support the people here at Our Lady of Mercy and Our Lady of Fatima with our prayers and very good memories of what has been achieved over these many years. Please keep Fr. Joe, Fr. Dan and Fr. Carl in your prayers. Keep in touch with us via email or telephone. We will love to hear from you.

Friar Chris Honored by Archdiocese of Baltimore

Left to Right: Most Reverend Adam J. Parker – Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore, The Most Reverend William Edward Lori – Archbishop of Baltimore, Friar Chris, Dr. Donna Hargens – Superintendent of Schools for the Archdiocese of Baltimore, and James B. Sellinger – Chancellor of Education for the Archdiocese of Baltimore.

Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Chris Dudek, OFM Conv. was chosen as the Teacher of the Year, not only for our Baltimore, MD high school ministry of Archbishop Curley High School (where he is a theology instructor, Curley’s campus minister and moderator of Franciscan Youth Ministry), but also as the Archdiocesan High School Teacher of the Year. He and Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. (school president) concelebrated the Catholic Schools Convocation Mass on Thursday, August 26, 2021, celebrated by Archbishop Lori. The Mass was limited to attendance by those who received “Teacher of the Year” throughout the schools of the Archdiocese of Baltimore, but joyfully the choir from Archbishop Curley was able to provide the music for the Liturgy. Another one of our friars serving at Archbishop Curley, Br. Lawrence LaFlame, OFM Conv. was also recognized for his 5 years of service in the Archdiocese of Baltimore. On May 20, 2021, Friar Chris was surprised on the campus of Archbishop Curley High School. He is pictured here, receiving a new laptop from Archbishop Lori, during the presentation ceremony after the August 26th Mass.


Rio Custody – Canonical Visitation of Minister Provincial – Part II

Rio Comprido
The year 2021 marks the 75th anniversary of the arrival in Latin America of the first Franciscan Conventual missionaries.  Brazil was their pioneering site for the implantatio ordinis [“implantation of the Order”]. When this stalwart band of brothers from the Immaculate Conception Province of the USA (now Our Lady of the Angels Province after union with St. Anthony Province in 2014) settled in the Rio Comprido sector (barrio) of Rio de Janeiro, the country’s capital had not yet been moved from there to the futuristic new federal district of Brasília.  In the passage of time since the capital moved, Rio Comprido has suffered a deteriorating infrastructure, and is surrounded by three impoverished and violence-ridden “communities” [formerly called favelas– a term for “slums” that is no longer regarded as “politically correct”].  Our friars of the Custodial curia and the attached parish church of St. Francis are regarded by the locals as a true oasis of peace in the midst of a complicated neighborhood, where people have simply learned to keep out of harm’s way when the bullets begin to fly.  One of those bullets has now been surgically removed from door next to my guest room in the friary – no worse for wear!  Yet, among friars and people in Rio Comprido, a spirit of determined resilience prevails.  I am reminded of it several times a day as I look out the friary window at the 2300-ft. Corcovado peak with its statue of Christ the Redeemer.  “Corcovado” in Portuguese means “hunchback.”  In a sense, we are all flawed “hunchbacks,” and our Lord is the “Hunchback’s Redeemer”!  A symbol of Rio’s resilience is a young classical guitarist named Renan Francisco (pictured with Friar James), who composes music and also teaches it to poor children.  During my days of canonical visitation at the friary, the 14th to the 16th of August, as he does during all my visits, Renan stopped at the house to chat with me in English about his favorite Brazilian composer Villa-Lobos, who wrote “I consider my works as letters I’ve written to the posterity without expecting an answer.” 

Costa Barros
Across the city from the Curia is Costa Barros, one of the most challenging neighborhoods of Rio de Janeiro.  Our friars have a parish with six communities, each having its own church.  On the day of my visitation, the 17th of August, the friars explained that they have no telephone or internet, because all these utilities are under the control of “bandits.”  Local people use the term “bandits” to denote the cartels which control nearly every aspect of life in Costa Barros.  One friar described his experience of having to pause Mass for a half hour, while he and the whole congregation ducked for cover as gunshots erupted in front of the Church.  Yet, amidst the brutality of Costa Barros, there stands something utterly extraordinarily – a creative new “museum of graffiti,” a type of school which attempts to re-channel the energy of youth towards something positive.  The friary-pastor took me there to meet the inspiritng “Graffiti Boy [Pichador] of Rio” André Rongo (pictured with Friar James).  Twenty years ago, André was arrested for spray-painting graffiti on the statue of Pope John Paul II in front of Rio’s Cathedral.  The Cardinal Archbishop Eugênio de Araújo Sales met with him, and (reminiscent of the saintly bishop in Les Miserables), told André: “You have a great artistic talent.  You must use it for good not bad.”  Those words changed André’s life.  He would spend an hour with me talking enthusiastically about his conversion to Christ, and his projects for using the artistic mode of graffiti to decorate and adorn his city, not vandalize it.  One of his stunning artistic works depicts a graffiti boy encompassed by a divinely illumined light bulb, pointing his finger to heaven, and flying a kite of hope.  Andre calls Christ “the Great Recycler,” adding “and I’ve been recycled!”   Now I have started using this new title for the iconic statue of the Redeemer on the humpy-backed Corcovado.

This city of about 135,000 people, situated in the lake district about two hours’ drive from Rio de Janeiro, is one of the earliest foundations of the Immaculate Conception Province missionaries. It is also our largest parish, with an astonishing number of 24 “communities,” each having its own church.  Of all the stops in the itinerary of my canonical visitation, my two days in Araruama, the 18th and 19th of August, were the most poignant.  This was one of the cities devastated by the merciless ravages of the Covid-19 pandemic.  Its effects remain starkly evident.  Many people, including whole families, succumbed to the virus in Araruama.  Our own beloved confrere +Frei José Luiz Magalhães, OFM Conv. was one of Araruama’s Covid-19 victims.  Strict city regulations required him to be buried with other Covid victims in a separate cemetery established by the prefecture, reminiscent of medieval plague times. Four of us friars visited this Covid graveyard, but we were prohibited by the police from entering.  So, we stood on the periphery, where we chanted the Salve Regina for José Luiz and the hundreds of others buried there – graves marked by simple wooden crosses row on row.  The city was in lockdown for a few months, and all of the churches were closed.  Nearby, the friars and I went to offer Mass with the Poor Clare nuns, who along with our parish, were an anchor of solace for the grieving families of Araruama.

Custodial Definitory Meeting
A canonical visitation normally ends with a meeting of the Minister Provincial, the Custos, and the Custodial Definitory (pictured here).  Thus, after my visitation of all eight house (five friaries and three filial houses) in the Custody, I then convened with the Custos and Definitors in Rio Comprido on Friday the 20th of August.  For several hours, we discussed all of the following topics impacting the life of the Custody: a) fraternal life, in which the primacy of God and supernatural charity need to be the Custody’s first priority; b) ministries, including its diversification, with parishes, teaching, the eremitical experience in Andrelândia, and the service to the poorest of the poor in Costa Barros; c) vocational animation as the Custody’s second priority; d) formation (initial and continuing); e) the Custodial Statutes; f) finances and self-sustainability issues; g) new initiatives of collaboration with the Mother Province of Our Lady of the Angels.  After the meeting concluded, the Custos and I went to Rio’s Metropolitan Cathedral to pray in thanksgiving for the whole canonical visitation.  Conically shaped like a honeycombed beehive (but in my view actually resembling a badminton shuttlecock), the modernistic Rio Cathedral has solidity.  It dwarfed the Custos and me as we prayed in its crypt for the solidity of the Custody facing its future.

Technically, the Casa de Formação São Francisco de Assis (House of Formation) in Brasília, where the Custody now sends its friars for their post-novitiate initial formation, need not have been included in the official itinerary of canonical visitation.  It is a canonical site belonging to a different jurisdiction, the Province of St. Maximilian Kolbe in Brazil.  However, I decided to visit there, anyway, in order to assess the formation program and to meet individually with the three young friars of our Custody who study there: Frei Fernando Pereira de Andrade Júnior, OFM Conv., Frei Ricardo Elvis Arruda Bezerra, OFM Conv., and Frei Jesus Rodrigues do Amaral, OFM Conv. (pictured with Friar James). The lads surprised me by going to a special tea shop, so they could assure that a decent and proper “cuppa” would be shared among themselves with their Minister Provincial.  For three days, from the 21st to the 23rd, we four paused at 4:00 PM for our fraternal “tea fest” – and other times as well.   Among the pastoral apostolates nearby, in which the local friars engage, is the Brazilian version of St. Maximilian Kolbe’s Niepokalanów – the Santuário Jardim da Imaculada (“Garden of the Immaculate” – pictured at right), where a vibrant media and evangelization ministry is flourishing.  The parish friary next to the formation house nearly killed me with kindness – highlighted by a meal of roast boar!  In the seminary chapel, where I celebrated Mass for the whole formation community (about 30 friars) the sanctuary has a stunning image of St. Francis embracing not only Jesus on the cross, but an “everyman friar” whom the Seraphic father draws close to the Lord (pictured below).  Truly, at every stop of my canonical visitation, I felt like that “everyman friar” embraced by Jesus and Francis, through the goodness of my Brazilian brothers.

Praise God!


Read More:

10-4-1927: Return of the Sacro Convento to the Order

A message from the Assistant General (CFF) of our Order, Friar Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. to the USA Provinces: Our Lady of the Angels Province, St. Bonaventure Province, Our Lady of Consolation Province, and Saint Joseph of Cupertino Province.
Friar Felice Autieri, OFM Conv., a friar from the Northern Province of Italy,
sent me this article concerning a memorial stone in the Sacro Convento
that thanks the US provinces for their financial assistance
in the return of the Sacro Convento to the Order.

The English translation of the memorial stone is: With the favor of the Most High God, With the assistance of Our Seraphic Father Francis, His most Holy Most High Pontiff Pius XI, the Most Eminent Cardinal Raffaele Merry del Val, the Protector of the Order, The Most Reverend Alfonso Orlini, the Minister General of the Friars Minor Conventual, and the Reverend Alessandro Antonelli, the Custos of the Sacro Convento, after a lengthy and painfully difficult time, Thanks to the benefactors of the Provinces of the Order of the Friars Minor Conventual, In particular those of North America for the offering that they fortunately gave, This Sacro Convento of St. Francis in Assisi, built by order of Gregory IX by Friar Elias, erected seven hundred years ago to be the house for the sons of St. Francis, After seventy-two years of miserable theft was restored to their predecessors and by the same Minister General has been established as the primary site of the Missionary Collegio of the Order.  October 4th, in the year of the Lord 1927.  In the Solemnity of the seven hundredth year from the death of the Seraphic Father, this large monument joyfully fulfilling a vow made.

The Provinces of the United States & the Return of the Sacro Convento to the Order
Running along the corridor that leads to the refectory of the friary, on the left one sees a large memorial stone dating to October 4, 1927.  This Latin inscription speaks of the important role that the provinces of the United States played in the return of the Sacro Convento to the Order.  A decree by the Italian government dated July 7, 1866, came into effect on February 4, 1867, expelling the friars from the Sacro Convento.  The friars fought this decree with the government officials, asking that the complex be returned to the Order.  Unfortunately, their request was rejected on June 3, 1867 with the decision that their proposal was not sufficiently supported.
In the meantime, the city of Assisi used the building to establish a collegio named for the Prince of Naples for the children of teachers.  It was opened October 4, 1875.  The following year, the technical and gymnasium schools were also transferred there.  In 1878, the school of pedagogy with its internship for student masters was also put there.  Finally, in 1894, the technical institute for accountants was also placed there.  In spite of this, the friars did not give up the battle, continuing their court case, basing it upon the fact that the Sacro Convento and its Basilica were propriety of the Holy See and not the Order.  The friars were only administering the facility.  The friars won the case, but the tribunal established that the collegio and the other schools would remain in the structure until the Order paid for the construction of a new site for them in Assisi.  Construction was initiated in the Piazza Mattertti of the building today called the Convitto.  The conclusion of the project was established as August 31, 1927, at the cost of 4,700,000 lire (worth about $4,650,000 today).
Besides the money provided by the Order, there was also a collection among the provinces and their benefactors.  On October 4, 1927, the Conventual Friars officially reacquired possession of the building.  The memorial stone mentioned above was placed to thank the American Provinces of the Order for their fundamental economic role in the construction of the school and the consequent return of the Sacro Convento.

Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco (Papal Basilica & Sacred Convent of St. Francis)

In response, a reflection on the stone by our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.:
Many, many times I have stood in front of that memorial stone in the loggia of the Sacro Convento, and reflected on the role that our North American provinces played in the restoration of the Sacro Convento to the Order.  This is the best historical reflection on the subject that I have read in English.  It is a valuable bit of Franciscan history of which our North American friars can be justifiably and humbly proud. Thank you for sending it to everyone.

Italian History Timeline

Read more on the Basilica Papale e Sacro Convento di San Francesco website