125 Years of Franciscan Presence at St Adalbert Parish

On the Solemnity of Our Lord Jesus Christ, King of the Universe, Sunday, November 21, 2021, our province pastoral ministry of St. Adalbert Roman Catholic Church (Elmhurst, NY) celebrated 125 years of Franciscan Presence. Fr. Mirosław Podymniak, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian and Pastor), Fr. Herman Czaster, OFM Conv., Fr. Ericson de la Pena, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar) and Fr. Lucjan Szymański, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar) welcomed several other friars, including our Province Vicar Provincial ~ Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv., who served as the main celebrant and homilist, stating, “St. A’s is a legnd in our Franciscan Province. It was the cent of so much activity and literally hundreds of friars would pass through the doors of that friary, because this was where they would come as soon as they would land in the United States…The fruit of those early friars who ministered to this Polish community can be felt today, as the friars and all of you welcome our sisters and brothers from around the world….Here, the vision of the prophet Daniel is seen, for at St. Adalbert’s, all peoples, nations & languages serve Him [Daniel 7:14].” Friar Michael continued to ask those present to pray for vocations: “Encourage your sons or grandsons to consider a life as a Franciscan Friar, or your daughters and granddaughters to consider life as a Consecrated Religious. Who knows? Maybe one of these little crowned ones in the front, will be your next pastor or the principal or a sister at the school.”

At the end of the celebratory Mass, the pastor – Friar Mirosław also spoke to those gathered: “We have given praise and thanksgiving to God almighty at this Eucharistic celebration today, for both occasions; for the occasion of the Solemnity of Christ the King and also for our Franciscan Jubilee 125 years. It’s a long time; six generations of Franciscan Friars and people of our parish. Not long ago, in 2017, we had our Parish Jubilee of 125 Years and today, the Franciscan Friars praise the Lord for the opportunity that we have to serve the people of this parish. The 1st pastor was a diocesan priest who was here for four years, followed by another diocesan priest who was stationed here for only four months, because the bishop invited Franciscan Friars…We thank God for all these years of service He called us to do...” Friar Mirosław listed the 20 Franciscan Pastors by name, pointing out that there were also 67 Franciscan Associate Pastors, who have served over these 125 years. Four of those pastors were present for the celebration: Fr. Herman Czaster, OFM Conv., Fr. Paul Miskiewicz, OFM Conv. (now Parochial Vicar at the Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr, in Chicopee, MA), Fr. Russell Governale, OFM Conv. (now serving as a Psychotherapist at the Interborough Developmental and Consultation Center, in Brooklyn, NY), and himself. There were eleven vocations to the Franciscan Friars Conventual from the parish, and after pointing that out, Friar Mirosław took the opportunity to also ask those in attendance to continue to pray for vocations. He thanked the two student friars who came to assist and celebrate with them: friar Jonathan García Zenteno, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province) and friar Alexander Gould, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province). These student friars took some time away from study to travel up from The Catholic University of America (Washington DC) along with Fr. Everest Valentine Nyaki Mkenda, OFM Conv., a friar of the Provincial Custody of St. Maximilian Kolbe in Tanzania, who is continuing his education at CUA, while living in community in our Post Novitiate House of Formation in Silver Spring, MD.

The entire Mass was livestreamed on the Saint Adalbert Parish in New York Facebook page:

Consecration to the Immaculate

Mother Cabrini Catholic Church (Shamokin, PA)

During this stop of the M.I. Initiative with Friar Jobe, when he reached Mother Cabrini Friary, Shamokin, PA, the friars there were anxious that he visit the Shrine of the Miraculous Medal at St. Catherine Labouré Parish, Harrisburg, PA. Indeed, the miraculous medal, so dear to St. Maximilian and precious to all M.I. members, was fashioned after the apparition of the Blessed Mother to the young Daughter of Charity, Catherine Labouré in Paris, France, 1830. In the apparition, as Our Lady sat in the confessor’s chair, Sister Catherine fell to her knees and placed her hands in Mary’s lap. The Blessed Mother commissioned Sister Catherine to make a medal of the apparition and promised God’s abundant blessings on all who wear the medal. After the canonization of St. Catherine Labouré in 1947, this parish became the first in the world to bear her name. In the church are one of the miraculous medals in St. Catherine’s possession at her death as well as a first class relic containing a bone fragment from her hand. Pictured at left, with Friar Jobe is Friar Tim Geiger, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar for all three parishes in the area), who accompanied him to the shrine. Between by Friar Jobe on the right, is the miraculous medal and on the left by Friar Tim is the first class relic.

Also while Friar Jobe was visiting with our friars in Shamokin, PA, on Monday November 22, 20211, our friars serving in the Shamokin area hosted an Interfaith Prayer Service marking the 80th Anniversary of the martyrdom of St. Maximillian Kolbe. A new statue of Kolbe (at right) in the church of Our Lady of Hope (Coal Township, PA) was dedicated during the service and Miraculous Medals were given to all who attended. Those from all faith traditions were taking many medals home for family and friends. The new Kolbe Shrine in the church will serve as a focus for the local faith community to help heal from the adverse effects of addictions (one of the biggest problems in our region). Friar Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. served as a guest speaker and spoke of Kolbe, as the patron saint for those who suffer from drug addictions; a source of comfort for those in recovery, as well as family members and friends of those who suffer. Pastor Jean Eckrod (above 2nd from right) of the Salem United Church of Christ spoke of her ministry of support for family members of those who have addictions. Resources from the local Oasis Recovery Center were also made available to those who attended the service.


Please note that there are a small change in the schedule for the remainder of the M.I. Initiative tour. It has been decided to postpone the stop at Coal Township & Trevorton (Our Lady of Hope Parish and St. Patrick Parish) until next February.

The following are the last three stops; please make the change in the posted schedules:

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Vocation Promotion at NCYC

Br. Nick in attendance at one of the NCYC arena events, along with 11,000 youth from around the country.

The 2021 NCYC (National Catholic Youth Conference) was held November 18-20, 2021, in Indianapolis, IN, with a Virtual attendance option also available. Our Lady of the Angels Province Vocation Director – Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. traveled, along with two student friars of our province and one Solemnly Professed friar of St. Joseph of Cupertino Province, to attend and staff a Vocations Booth. Previous NCYC conferences have been attended by 23,000-25,000 young people. Even with COVID restrictions, 11,000 were about to attend this year, in person, and 2,210 attended virtually. According to Br. Nick, it was a “great experience at #NCYC this past weekend in Indianapolis! (They) met lots of good dudes and got bundles of our swag out into the world.” He and the other three friars: Friar Franck Lino Sokpolie, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province Solemnly Professed Friar), friar Raad Eshoo, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi – Canada Simply Professed Friar), and Br. Chris Garcia, OFM Conv. (St. Joseph of Cupertino Province – California) enjoyed participating in several of the activities, as well as being a Franciscan Friars Conventual presence to the many attendees and their chaperones.
[Photo Cred: Friar Franck unless otherwise indicated]

Friar Franck, Br. Nick, Br. Chris and friar Raad attending one of the many arena events.

The Youth participants from our province’s Jonesboro, GA pastoral ministry – St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church – stopped by the Vocations Booth to visit with (front left to right: Br. Chris, Br. Nick, Friar Franck and friar Raad). [Photo taken from the parish Facebook Page]

Br. Nicholas Romeo, OFM Conv.


Year of St. Joseph

“St. Joseph, Terror of Demons” by Cecilia Lawrence (2019)

As we enter the last days of the Year of St. Joseph; marking the 150th anniversary of Blessed Pope Pius IX’s declaration of St Joseph as Patron of the Universal Church, we remember that like Saint Joseph, “those who appear hidden or in the shadows can play an incomparable role in the history of salvation.”

Hail, Guardian of the Redeemer,
Spouse of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
To you God entrusted his only Son;
in you Mary placed her trust;
with you Christ became man.

Blessed Joseph, to us too,
show yourself a father
and guide us in the path of life.
Obtain for us grace, mercy and courage,
and defend us from every evil. Amen.

Prayer taken from the
December 8, 2020 Apostolic Letter
Patris Corde
of the Holy Father Francis,
iven in Rome, at Saint John Lateran.


Franciscan Pilgrimage Opportunity

On Monday, August 15th, start the day with Mass at the Church of Our Lady Victorious, where the miraculous statue of the Infant of Prague is venerated.

After a long pandemic pause, Our Lady of the Angels Province is once again sponsoring a Franciscan Pilgrimage to a number of Marian Shrines in Europe, from August 13 -25, 2022. The highlight this coming year will be to attend the Passion Play at Oberammergau, Germany. The pilgrimage will include five countries: Czech Republic, Germany, Austria, Slovakia and Hungary. As is the past, Friar James McCurry, OFM Conv. will be the Spiritual Guide. The brochure containing all the information and details is linked: Franciscan European Marian Shrines Pilgrimage (August 13-25, 2022). The brochure is to be used to register. The reservation deadline is April 12, 2022, but great interest is expected so the limited space of 35 participants is bound to fill up quickly. Thank you for your cooperation in this provincial initiative.

Friar Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. (Pilgrimage Director – jobe.abbass@gmail.com)
Our Lady of the Angels Province – Delegate for the Marian Apostolate

Ministry Moment with Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv.

Taken from The Catholic University of America Facebook Page:

“In a treasured tradition, (Our Lady of the Angels Province friar) Father Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv., University chaplain and director of campus ministry, blessed the hands of over 150 student nurses from the 2022 and 2023 classes in the University’s Conway School of Nursing, earlier this fall.
The annual White Coat Dedication and Blessing of the Hands Ceremony held at the Basilica of the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception (Washington DC) reminds student nurses of the need for patient-centered, humanistic care and seeks a commitment to the highest standards of the profession. The 2022 blessing was delayed by COVID.

Shrine of Guadalupe’s Lit Torch Reaches Our Province

November 16, 2021: The people of our Siler City, NC pastoral ministry of St Julia Catholic Community welcomed the lit torch from the Shrine of Guadalupe in Mexico’s “Torch Race” (Carrera Antorcha Guadalupana Mexico New York). For 19 years the Asociación Tepeyac de New York has coordinated the Torch Race to honor the Queen of Mexico, and thus achieve more unity among Mexicans living on both the sides of the Border. The torch left Mexico City on September 5, 2021 and crossed the boarder into the USA, on October 20, 2021.
As the race leg in NC came closer to St. Julia Catholic Community, runners ran along Rt 64 to bring the torch to the parish. The pictures below show the parish runners along the way, with the parish youth in the church courtyard, as they brought it home. Our Lady of the Angels Province friar & pastor of the St. Julia Catholic Community, Fr. Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. is seen reverencing the two images of Our Lady and of St Juan Diego, and then lighting of the Paschal Candle in the church sanctuary, with the “Light of Guadalupe.” The final photo depicts the church ready for the evening celebration of songs, tributes, poetry and dance. December will also hold a week-long celebration at the parish, and the recitation of 38 Rosaries prayed in three different homes every night has already begun, in spiritual preparation for the great Feast, on December 12th. Viva La Virgen de Guadalupe!  Viva Mexico!


Ministries Working Together

Starting on Sunday, November 14, 2021, Fr. Richard-Jacob Forcier, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province Secretary, Director & Rector of The Shrine of St. Anthony, and Spiritual Guardian of The Companions of St. Anthony– all on the Ellicott City, MD Campus) is the featured presenter for the three day 40 Hours Eucharistic Devotions, at our Shamokin, PA pastoral Ministry – Mother Cabrini Catholic Church.

Day One

Day Two

Day Three

Consecration to the Immaculate

Consistent with our Franciscan charism and tradition of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our province is promoting opportunities to more fully tap into a devotion from our Kolbean heritage, through the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., and the continued efforts of his Militia of the Immaculata’s (M.I.) unconditional Consecration to the Immaculate. In order to better promote M.I. among the faithful served through the ministries of our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., our Province MI Assistant, has completed the 32nd successful and rewarding stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries. Friar Jobe’s revised scheduled stops on this tour will continue through February of 2022. Keep him and all those he greets in your prayers, as he continues to preach at the Masses to encourage the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate, and to enroll in the M.I.
On the weekend of November 13-14, 2021, the M.I. Initiative arrived at St. Julia Parish in Siler City, N.C., where Friar Julio Martinez, OFM Conv. is the much-loved pastor. In addition to two English Masses, there are two Spanish Masses, which were filled to capacity despite the ongoing pandemic. It was a pleasure and an inspiration to see how the faithful so enthusiastically welcomed the invitation to entrust themselves to the Immaculate and to become members of the M.I. In the photo above with Friar Jobe (top center) and the parish’s Deacon Ramon Ferrer Vales (front center) are only a portion of the new M.I. members. The others were among the great crowd being greeted by Friar Julio as they left the church.

St. Julia Parish, Siler City, NC

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