Presented by St. Francis experienced intensely the physical humanity of Jesus, especially during the days of Holy Week when Christ becomes present in the Eucharist and dies on the Cross. Friar Jude Winkler talks about Greccio, the Stations of the Cross, the Stigmata, and Franciscan spirituality – “Francis even said our habit is shaped like a cross to remind us that we are supposed to carry the Cross every day.”
Dear Brothers: It is Easter, when Christ breaks the chains of death and rises triumphant from the grave (cf. Exultet). It is the Passover of the Lord; it is the ultimate truth of creation. The Risen One has the power to shed light on the contradictions and woes within us and to overcome the great abysses that cut through our history today.
Fr. Mark David Skura, OFM Conv. is an actor and a director but his vocation is Franciscan Friar – how does that work? He talks about his vocation and his love of the fine arts in this interview. Bonus: There are a few clips of some of the shows he has directed at St. Francis High School in Hamburg (Athol Springs), NY.
Shared by & SGAM: “Even as the Ukraine endures the invasion by Russian forces, the faith and hope of young people in Lviv remain strong as they work with the Friars at the St. Anthony Shrine to keep Holy Week sacred and prepare an Easter Festival for the local community.”
Two of this year’s postulants are of our province: Connor J. Ouly (top right) and Marvin Paul Fernandez (to his left). Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Joe Bayne, OFM Conv. (far right) serves as Associate Director of the Postulancy, in Chicago, IL.
“A blessed Palm Sunday to you from our postulants and friars! Today, in the solemn blessing and distribution of palms, procession, and Mass, the Church ushers us into the most sacred and solemn week of the year: Holy Week. This is the week where Christ purchased Our Redemption with the price of His most precious blood! Today on Palm Sunday, Holy Mother Church has us read the Gospel narrative of Christ’s triumphal entry into Jerusalem as well as the narrative of His bitter Passion and Death. Such mysteries we have set before us in the sacred liturgy to contemplate! Our postulants and friars ventured to the Basilica of Our Lady of Sorrows for the Palm Sunday liturgy where they were greeted by a stunning building and a warm parish community. We will be keeping you all in our prayers during this most holy week, and we do hope you will continue praying for us. May God bless you and may Our Lady keep you!
Lord Jesus crucified, have mercy on us!
Sorrowful Mother, pray for us!“
Keep these men, and all of the men in formation for our province, in your continued prayers. For more information on vocations, contact our Province Vocation Director, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. at
CMSM (Conference of Major Superiors of Men) has produced prayer and reflection videos for each Stations of the Cross, featuring CMSM members and staff members. Our Lady of the Angels Province Vicar Provincial & Minister Provincial Elect ~ Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. presents: The Third Station: Jesus Falls The First Time. Friar Michael serves CMSM as an At-large Board Member.
Sunday, March 20, 2022: A joint Taize Evening Prayer Service was held at our Shamokin, PA pastoral ministry ~ Mother Cabrini Catholic Church. Parishioners of neighboring Transfiguration of Our Lord Ukrainian Catholic Church joined with Mother Cabrini parishioners, visiting clergy and other guests, filling the church to capacity praying for peace in Ukraine. Fr. Mykola Ivanov, pastor of Transfiguration Parish, delivered a moving reflection regarding his native country’s current situation. Accompanying Fr. Mykola was his altar server, Nicholas Sandri. Our Lady of the Angels Province friar and Pastor of Mother Cabrini Pairsh ~ Fr. Martin Kobos, OFM Conv. was presider for the Evening Prayer. Fr. Mykola and his wife still have their parents and siblings living in Ukraine. As of date, over $150,000 has been collected throughout the local “Coal Region” as relief aid. Fr. Mykola will be traveling to Ukraine after Easter to present these funds and aid supplies to various relief efforts and agencies.
Since February 24, 2022, the day Russia invaded Ukraine, the Brother Sun Foundation (Fundacja Brat Słońce), established by the Province of St. Anthony and Bl. James of Strepar in Poland (Cracow), has been raising funds for Ukraine with a drive entitled “Helping Ukraine.”
Friar Mykola Orach, OFM Conv. of the Custody of the Holy Cross (Ukraine) talks about the situation in Ukraine – the aid the Conventual Franciscans have been receiving and the assistance they have been giving to those knocking on the doors of their friaries.
GMU Catholic Campus Ministry has invited br. Cristofer Fernández, OFM Conv. to be the speaker for their April 7, 2022 “Thursday Night Streams.” The purpose of the weekly speaker series is “to tackle a wide range of topics from social justice issues, being known and loved by God, to Church teaching on human sexuality, and everything in between. This podcast is a recording of our Thursday Night Supper talk series that fosters an environment for fellowship and faith formation at George Mason University.” These events include Adoration, the Sacrament of Reconciliation, Mass, Dinner and then the Talk. Friar Cristofer is a student friar of our province in continued studies at The Catholic University of America (Washington DC). He is also an alumni of George Mason University (Class of 2017) and he returns to his alma mater to present: Franciscan Roots & Shoots of Laudato Si: Ecotheology, Catholic Social Teaching, & Caring for Our Common Home. Although GMU will not be streaming live video of the event, they will post a recording afterwards for those who may be interested.