Statement of the Franciscan Friars Conventual on the Decision of The Catholic University of America to replace them as Directors of Campus Ministry
The Franciscan Friars Conventual of Our Lady of the Angels Province are saddened and disappointed in the decision of The Catholic University of America to terminate the friars’ 24-year service as University Chaplains and Directors of Campus Ministry.
When the Franciscans assumed leadership of campus ministry at the University, they were mandated by the U.S. bishops to restore a fuller sense of Catholic identity in the ethos of life on campus – orienting the undergraduate and graduate students, along with faculty, administration, and staff, to the Church’s gospel principles of truth, charity, and justice. For 24 years the friars, in collaboration with hundreds of lay ministers, have striven to create a faith community at the Catholic University, committed to the principles of the Christian intellectual tradition, the sanctity of life, the dignity of the human person, the culture of social justice, the witness of interreligious dialogue, and the sacredness of liturgical celebration.
The friars depart with profound gratitude to God for the privilege of having accompanied the Catholic University community on its journey of faith through 24 years of unprecedented times. We hope, in the humble spirit of St. Francis of Assisi, that we have contributed to upbuilding the faith-life of the University. We offer our support to those whom the University has chosen to replace us. May the Franciscan blessing of “Pax et Bonum” (“Peace and Good”) descend upon all.
Friar Nick Romeo talks about why wounded men make the best friars. Part of the hard work of formation is owning our less -than-idyllic reasons for joining, then permitting them to be chiseled away by the mercy offered by Christ
Today, May 6, 2022, Our Lady of the Angels student friar Antonio Moualeu, OFM Conv. received a Doctoral Degree in Mechanical Engineering, from Georgia Institute of Technology.
Friar Antonio’s hooding at the 39:52 mark in this video of the Georgia Tech Ph.D. Ceremony:
Another one of our student friars ~ friar Franck Sokpolie, OFM Conv. was one of the friars on hand for the celebration. He was able to catch this quick video and a few photos prior to and during the Commencement.
Here are his comments on the day’s celebrations:
“It was a beautiful ceremony. The rain right came at the end but rain or shine we weren’t gonna miss it. I flew with friar Antonio from San Antonio [they both live in the San Damiano Friary]. Fr. Paul Scholmer, OFM Conv. [Guardian and Co-Director of the Post Novitiate in Silver Spring] and friar Cristofer Fernández, OFM Conv. [another student friar of our province] drove up 11 hours just to be here to support our dear brother. Another interesting detail – Antonio, his brother and father our all engineers. His little sister Nelly gets her PhD next week in psychology. Two doctorates in the Moualeu family! After Commencement, we joined friar Antonio’s family at an authentic German restaurant (Fr. Paul was happy, because he is German). It was also friar Antonio brother’s birthday so we all sang happy birthday to him during dinner. Friar Paul, myself and friar Cristofer drove back 11 h to DC because I had my little sister’s Masters graduation to attend on Saturday (Biochemistry and Education).” ~friar Franck
Friar Paul, friar Cristofer, friar Antonio & friar Franck
Friar Antonio’s family, with the friars on hand, cheering from the stands.
From Fr. Paul Lininger, OFM Conv. (pastor) of our Burlington, NC pastoral ministry ~ Blessed Sacrament Catholic Church:
Thanks to the Fantastic Volunteers and Supporters of theLittle Portion Food Pantry sponsored by Blessed Sacrament Church, we want to share with you a brief video of the recent major Food Distribution(Monday, May 2, 2022).
With Your Help – We served922families consisting of3668individuals.
Thank You to all who help make this ministry of service possible: “for whatever we do for our sisters & brothers in need, we do for Christ Jesus”. Enjoy the following brief video produced and edited by Leo Quinn, the Coordinator of Youth Ministry at Blessed Sacrament:
The San Damiano Friary, in San Antonio, TX, is home to several of Our Lady of the Angels Province student friars, as well as Fr. Gary Johnson, OFM Conv. (pictured seated center front row), who serves as Friar Guardian and Director of the Formation House. A part of the Our Lady of Consolation Province, this new expansion of the formation house will continue to form and educate friars from across the broad Franciscan families and countries worldwide. Currently, it forms friars from the United States and Mexico. Details on the expansion and dedication can be found on the Province of Our Lady of Consolation website.
Archbishop Curley High School‘s entire Sophomore Class (Class of 2024) went on an End of the Year Retreat together. There, they were afforded time to reflect upon how they have responded to God’s Call over the course of this past school year and how they will continue to grow as Curley Men. Together they prayed, ate, rested, and played.
World Day of Prayer for Vocations will be observed on Sunday, May 8th, also known as “Good Shepherd Sunday.” The purpose of this day is to publicly fulfill the Lord’s instruction to, “Pray the Lord of the harvest to send laborers into his harvest” (Mt 9:38; Lk 10:2). Please pray that more young men hear and respond generously to the Lord’s call to the priesthood and religious life, especially to the Franciscan Friars Conventual. Know a young man who you believe would make an awesome friar? Tell him that! And identify the specific gifts you see in him!
Interested in becoming a Franciscan Friar? Contact our vocation director, Br. Nick, at
Brothers, The same everlasting Father who cares for you today
will care for you tomorrow and every day. Either he will shield you from suffering
or give you unfailing strength to bear it. Be at peace then
and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginings.
(Prayer by St. Francis de Sales) Good People, May our prayer always be ~ Jesus, I trust in You!
Letter from the Bishop of the Roman Catholic Diocese of Savannah
The Most Reverend Stephen D. Parkes, D.D.:
Letter from our Minister Provincial
the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.: