St. Clare Inn 2019 Annual Appeal

One of the most unique, fruitful and rewarding ministries of our province ~ St. Clare Inn provides community, care, shelter & healing journey suport for homeless women (aged 30-60), with diagnosed mental health issues. This temporary (up to one year), non-denominational, home-like setting, located in Toronto, Ontario, focuses on re-building lives and self-esteem. When a woman is ready to move on from her time as a resident of St. Clare Inn, those serving in ministry there, including Our Lady of the Angels Province friar – Founder and Executive Director – Friar Tom Purcell, OFM Conv., help her to find permanent affordable housing, facilitating a smooth transition to a self-maintainable stable living environment. An essential part of recovery is finding a home.

Metamorphosis is the theme for the St. Clare Inn 2019 Annual Appeal.
If we recall the image of the caterpillar transitioning into the butterfly, we might understand that each resident weaves her cocoon at St. Clare Inn. It’s her personal space where she can continue to address personal issues and become ‘comfortable’ with her reality that part of her life is coloured by mental health issues. As we say to the residents, these issues do not define who you are, but are part of who you are. Maybe, this time at the Inn is a time of comfort and acceptance for each woman. Hopefully, they emerge from the Inn as beautiful and comfortable in their new skin, much like the Monarch butterfly.”

For more information on this fruitful ministry of our friars, be sure to visit their website.

Implementing the New Constitutions with Friar Tim

As our Order’s Chairman of the Executive Committee for the Revision of the Constitutions and Secretary of the 202nd Ordinary General Chapter, Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Tim Kulbicki, OFM Conv. (center below) continues his journeys visiting friars around the world, for the implementation of the Revised Constitutions. In addition to his other assigned ministries and positions, including pastor and campus minister of Newman Student Center Parish – UNC Chapel Hill, Friar Tim has been traveling the world helping friars to “receive” the new Constitutions, through academic conferences and friary presentations.

Friar Tim continues his travels to promote the implementation of the new Constitutions and General Statutes of the Order. He (at left) was Indonesia to consult with FAMC (Federation of Asian Minor Conventuals), the leadership group of the Order in Asia, which includes Japan, South Korea, Vietnam, Indonesia, Philippines, Australia, India/Kerala, India/Andhra Pradesh, India/West Bengal, China, and Sri Lanka – during the November 30 – December 4, 2019, annual assembly of the Federation of Asian Minor Conventuals (FAMC)  at the retreat house of the Franciscan Sisters of St. Elizabeth in Berastagi. Also in attendance was Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. David Blowey, OFM Conv. (6th from left above – next to the Minister General,  Most Reverend Fr. Carlos Trovarelli, OFM Conv.). Friar David serves the Order as the ad tempus Provincial Delegate for the Provincial Delegation in Australia of the Province of St. Bonaventure (USA).

Indonesia: FAMC Assembly

Friar Noel Danielewicz, OFM Conv.


Father Noel Danielewicz, OFM Conv.
Spiritual Testimony

Hello, my name is Noel Danielewicz. I am 71 years-old and Conventual Franciscan Priest in the Our Lady of Angels Province (USA). I am currently living at Franciscan Martyrs Friary in Columbus, Georgia where I minister as the Pastor of St. Benedict the Moor Church.
I was born on August 18, 1948 in New Britian, CT. I am the oldest of 7 children born to John and Jennie Danielewicz. I have 4 brothers (Francis, Tom, Bob and Paul) and 2 sisters (Joann and Mary). We are still reading Genesis and I have 11 nieces and nephews and 17 grand-nieces and nephews. Being part of a Catholic, Polish-American family, our life centered on God, the Church and extended family. We enjoyed summers at the beach , the importance of Mass and meals, and our parish school. My family has always been supportive of my vocation and the friars. Both of my parents and grandmothers were Secular Franciscans. ‘Franciscan’ is in my gene pool!
I began my vocation journey first with the life of St. Francis – his love for the poor and his community of brothers. Other influences: The Father Justin Rosary Hour, my Dad’s vocation story, his desire “to be a brother,” a Conventual Franciscan Friar, and awareness of our Friars at Kolbe High School in Bridgeport, CT. But it was the “Blue Book” that connected me to the Conventual Franciscans. Sustaining that connection was a “Friar Pen Pal”- Fr. Nicholas Swaitek.
I entered the Franciscan community on August 3, 1966 at St. Joseph Cupertino novitiate, Ellicott City, MD. I professed my first vows on August 15, 1967 at the chapel in the novitiate. +Fr. Dominic Slemba, OFM Conv. was my novice master. Friars Jude Surowiec, Vincent Vivian, Paul Miskiewicz, Martin Kobos, Kark Kolodziejski and +Pat and +Mike Mendola were my classmates. Three years later on August 15, 1970, I professed my solemn vows at Immaculate Heart of Mary Church, Granby, MA.
I received a BA in Philosophy at St. Hyacinth College/Seminary, Granby, MA and then a Masters of Theology at our Seminary in Rensselaer, NY (St. Anthony-on-Hudson). Later I received a Maters in Religious Education at Loyola University, Chicago, IL.
On May 15, 1976 I was ordained a priest at Immaculate Conception Cathedral, Albany, NY. Some of my classmates are Friar Curt Kreml, Martin Kobos, Paul Miskiewicz and the late Patrick and Michael Mendola.
Following my ordination, I was assigned as a theology teacher at Cardinal O’Hara High School, Tonawanda, NY. I would have to say that my ‘favorite’ assignment was the 19 years I spent at the St. Francis of Assisi Community, Bessemer, Alabama. It was there where I helped implement a planned vision of ministry for them, moving from “St. Francis Mission” to “St. Francis Community” with a ‘mission’, RCIA, Teen Club, Retreat ministry, reorientation for the people.
My favorite ‘spiritual devotions’ or prayer is the Jesus Prayer: “Lord Jesus, be merciful to me a sinner.” I also love Scripture, in particular, Matthew 11:28-30 “Let Jesus be your burden-bearer. I also loved ministering in Assisi and conducting pilgrimages to Assisi.
For those considering a vocation to our Order and Province I would say: “(1) Be open to the Holy Spirit in your discernment. (2) To listen and hear the Lord speak from family and friends and the fraternity. (3) To fall in love with God of the Call and the Lord of the Journey. (4) To be prepared to die and rise in Christ through your Franciscan formation and ministry. (5) to embrace the Gospel and fraternity. (6) Love the Church and the people of God. (7) Witness to the Kingdom.”
And to our student friars: “Be ready to walk with God. Be flexible, compassionate, pastoral; experience God as healer and reconciler. Be a ‘brother’ not only in the Order, but in the fraternity of the Church and Creation. Get to know our Mother – St. Clare. See the bigger picture that includes everyone!”
Some years ago, while I was the chaplain in Enfield, CT, Felician Sister Anastacia asked me: “What language do you think in?” My answer was: “I think in Gospel!” I find that it helps me to choose well.

Friar Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv.


Father Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv.
Spiritual Testimony

Hello, my name is Raymond Borkowski. I am an 83 years-old Conventual Franciscan Priest in the Our Lady of Angels Province (USA). I am retired but I am active saying Mass, hearing confessions, participating in the RCIA program and church decorating at St. Paul Friary, Kensington, CT.
I was born in SCRANTION PA – July 30, 1936 and I grew up in THROOP PA. My Father, Henry Borkowski, was born in Poland, came to USA when he was eleven years old. Mother, Margaret Purta, was born in USA ; her parents were both born in Poland but met in USA. I have had one sister, Dorothy, two years older than I am. I attended the parish elementary school and St. Paul High School in Scranton. My father died when I was three years old. Mother worked in a sewing factory to support my sister and me. Father had died prior to social security. We lived across the street from the church and I volunteered for all kinds of help around the church.
Franciscan OFM Conv Friars from the former St. Anthony Province frequently came to the Parish Church to assist at Forty Hours Devotion and Parish Missions. Eventually four young men from the parish entered the Order. They all seemed happy and fulfilled in their vocation and provided a fine example which influenced me in my vocational discernment.
I entered the Order immediately following high school graduation at Becket, Massachusetts in 1953 with Fr. Cornelian Dende, OFM Conv. as my Novice Master. Fr. Cornelian came from Scranton PA and was one of the Friars who had assisted at my home parish of St. Anthony in Throop.
My Novitiate classmates were: Fr. Donald Kos, Stan Giermek, Ed Staniewicz and Richard Michanski. I made Simple Profession in 1954 and Solemn Vows in 1957. Donald and I were ordained in Rome in 1961. We had had the good fortune to be in St. Peter Square for the election of Pope St. John XXIII and in the Basilica for his Coronation Mass. While in Rome, I studied Theology at the Seraphicum and received the Licentiate in Sacred Theology (STL) in 1962.
I returned to the States in 1962 and my first assignment was as a faculty member at Cardinal O’Hara High School in Tonawanda NY. During this time, I completed graduate studies at Canisius College and was awarded a Master’s degree in Education.
In 1967, I was assigned to St. Hyacinth College and Seminary in Granby MA as a faculty member and spiritual director for the student friars. In 1971 I was appointed assistant novice director at St. Joseph Cupertino Novitiate in Ellicott City, MD and then Province vocation director. In 1979,
I returned to St. Hyacinth in Granby as Guardian of the community and as Director of the student friars. During this time, I also was elected for a three-year term to serve as a member of the provincial definitory (council).
In 1985, I was assigned as pastor for St. Stanislaus Church in Trenton, NJ. In 1988, I discerned a Missionary Vocation following a visit to our Province Mission in Ghana, West Africa. While in Ghana, I served several different ministries: on the faculty of St. Paul Regional Seminary in Accra and Guardian and Director of formation for the local Friars, as Chaplain to Poor Clare Nuns, as a Chaplain in Prison Ministry, and as founder of a new Diocesan Parish in the Archdiocese of Accra.
Upon my return to the USA in 1995, I became the first Franciscan Pastor of St. John Parish in Cromwell CT in the Diocese of Norwich where I remained for fifteen years. In 2010, I was assigned as Parochial Vicar at St. Paul Parish in Kensington.
I equally enjoyed all of my multiple and varied ministries. Each of them placed me in a strong supportive Franciscan community where I thoroughly enjoyed the dynamism of youthful communities, vibrant with Franciscan fervor and zeal in serving God’s people. I especially enjoyed the rhythm of the liturgical seasons, each with their particular devotional thrust.
One particular devotion which influenced my personal spirituality is Our Lady of Lourdes, especially because there, our Lady smiled, asked for prayer and penance, and accentuated her unique identity as the Immaculate Conception which is so central to our Franciscan Spirituality.
Advice to our Friars in Formation: “Always look forward and if you must look backward (rear view mirror) look only to avoid future mistakes. Place all your trust in the Lord.”

Friar Tony Kall, OFM Conv.


Father Anthony Kall, OFM Conv.
Spiritual Testimony

Greetings! My name is Anthony (Tony) Kall. I am 74 years-old and currently living and ministering as the Guardian Immaculate Conception Friary in Rensselaer, NY. I am a Conventual Franciscan Priest in the Our Lady of Angels Province (USA).
I was born on January 13, 1945 in Trenton, NJ. My family was a typical middle-income family and part of the ‘40s, ‘50s, and ‘60s culture and spirituality, etc. I attended Trenton Catholic Boys High School in Trenton, NJ and that is where I came to know the Conventual Friars.
After I graduated from high school, I entered the seminary at our Novitiate in Middldburgh, NY (1962). +Fr. Celestine Regnier, OFM Conv. was my Novice Master and two of the friars in my class are George Sabol and Edward Ondrako. We professed our Simple Vows at the Novitiate in Middleburgh, NY in 1963 and our Solemn Vows at the major seminary, St. Anthony-on-Hudson in Rensselaer, NY in 1966.
I completed all of my studies for the priesthood at St. Anthony-on-Hudson, Rensselaer, NY and was ordained to the priesthood in 1971 at the Immaculate Conception Cathedral in Albany, NY. There 11 friars ordained that year: 5 from the former Immaculate Conception Province and 6 from the former St. Anthony Province. Following my ordination, I was assigned as a teacher at Canevin High School, Pittsburgh, PA and I also earned an MA in Communication Arts from the University of Notre Dame.
I have had several different ministries but perhaps my ‘favorite’ would be when I was a teacher at our college seminary in Granby, MA. I really enjoyed working and living with the young friars there as well as the professed community.
My favorite type of prayer could best be described as contemplative spirituality.
For those considering a vocation to our Order and Province I would simply say: “Be open to life and to your experiences!”
And to our student friars: “Listen to your lived experiences and be open to them!”

Consecration to the Immaculate

On the weekend of the First Sunday of Advent (November 31 – December 1, 2019), the M.I. Initiative promoting consecration to the Immaculate Conception and enrollment in the M.I. made its 15th stop at St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church in Jonesboro, GA. Friar Jobe was welcomed by the 5 friars living in community there: Fr. John Koziol, OFM Conv. (Guardian of the Friary and Pastor), Fr. Martin Breski, OFM Conv. (photo credit), Fr. Vincent Gluc, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar), Fr. Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv. (Assisting at the parish while serving as a Contracted Counselor on site, through the Holy Family Counseling Center of GA) and Fr. Luis Palacios Rodríguez, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar). With seven Masses (5 in English and 2 in Spanish) and very engaged parishioners, this is the largest parish community yet on the tour. The response to the Initiative was record-breaking with 400 new M.I. enrollments and still counting. Instead of asking so many to stand in the sanctuary for a photo, the group decided to stay in their pews and have Friar John, Deacon Greg and Friar Jobe stand in the center of them. On Monday, December 2, 2019, Friar Jobe also presented a more in depth version of his talk, along with a Q&A , in the morning and in the evening. The Morning session is available through Facebook Live.

St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church ~ Jonesboro, GA

Posted in MI

Friar Ed Debono, OFM Conv.


Father Edward Debono OFM Conv.
Spiritual Testimony
My name is Ed Debono. I am an 86 year-old Conventual Franciscan Priest in the Our Lady of Angels Province (USA). I am in residence at St. Anthony Friary, Kingston, Ontario, Canada where I am the Chaplain for the Sisters of Providence.
I was born on November 29, 1932 in Toronto, Canada. My parents were immigrants from Malta! There were seven children in our family and I was #5. My family was very strong, very spiritual and very Catholic and my parents were always mentoring us with strong family values, and common sense. At the same time, they always allowed each one of us to determine our own vocation. Happiness and peace were criteria for my family!
I first learned about the Conventual Franciscan Friars though the Companion Magazine which was a publican of the Friars, published in Canada. My parents were subscribers. After reading about the Community, I applied and entered the Seminary in Staten Island, NY in September, 1951. A few years later, I entered the novitiate of the Conventual Franciscans in Middleburg, NY and then professed my first vows under the direction of my novice master +Fr. Celestine Regnier, OFM Conv. Some of the friars in my class were +Terence Pescatore, +Douglas Lawson, +Ray Yudin, +Isadore Blair, +Bill O’Donnell as well as Fr. Adam Keltos and Fr. Bob Amrhein. We professed our Simple vows on August 15, 1956 in Middleburg, NY and our Solemn vows on August 26, 1959 in Rensselaer, NY. I completed my formal studies for the priesthood at our seminary (St. Anthony-on-Hudson, Rensselaer, NY) and I was ordained a priest on May 26, 1962 in the Cathedral in Albany, NY with all of my classmates listed above.
Following my ordination, I was assigned as associate pastor of Holy Rosary Parish in Belleville, Ontario, Canada. I have had several different ministries but my current ministry is one I really enjoy because it is a very spiritual ministry.
My favorite ‘spiritual devotions’ are to St. Francis and to the Holy Spirit.
For those considering a vocation to our Order and Province I would say: “Observe the Gospel of Jesus Christ – that has to be our focus and do not let anyone deter you!”
And to our student friars: “I would say the same thing as above because our life is a wonderful and rewarding commitment…my vocation is the joy of my life!”
I would also like to see all the friars spend a year or two in Assisi. My time there was a profound experience and I believe it will be a profound experience for those who are open to the Spirit.

Fr. Jude ~ Zambia

Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv., serves the Order as Assistant General for the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF). This November, he conducted three formation meetings in Zambia.


Little Portion Farm – November 2019 Newsletter
In this week of Thanksgiving, we want to express our deep gratitude to all those who have supported Little Portion Farm in our first year. Whether it be through your donations, your prayers, or your volunteer work, we greatly appreciate you joining our mission to care for our land and serve those in need. I hope you have a blessed Thanksgiving!