News from our Friars in Brazil

On February 8, 2020, the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of the B.V.M. in Brazil celebrated the simple profession of Friar Fernando PEREIRA DE ANDRADE JUNIOR. The ceremony took place at the São Francisco de Assis Church in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

“Aesthetic Rationality: Notes on an Affinity between Newman and Scotus”

Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner‘s groundbreaking originality in discovering commonalities between the thought of Bl. John Duns Scotus and St. John Henry Newman is the lead to an essay by Prof. William A. Frank from the University of Dallas which was published in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, December 24, 2019, edition. It is included in a collection of scholarly articles on both Duns Scotus and Newman. 

[William A. Frank, the University of Dallas, recognizes the original research of Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conventual in the American Catholic Philosophical Quarterly, December 24, 2019.]

Philosophical work on the relation between the thought of John Henry Newman and John Duns Scotus is not commonplace in Scotus studies, nor in Newman studies, for that matter. There are in Newman’s vast corpus of books, notes, sermons, letters, novels, and poetry, some though very few, direct references to Duns Scotus and his thought. It is likely he had little acquaintance with the Subtle Doctor’s printed works; most of his familiarity seems to have come from secondary sources in the contemporary theology of his day.
Nonetheless there are found in Newman and Scotus a range of affinities in philosophical approaches and sensibilities that run deep in both thinkers. Many of these have been identified and discussed in a recent book entitled The Newman-Scotus Reader.[1] Contributions to the book that lean toward Scotus studies are Timothy Noone, Olivier Boulnois, Mary Beth Ingham, and Cyril O’Regan. Those who particularly represent the Newman side of the conversation are John T. Ford, Geoffrey Rowell, and Robert C. Christie. There are also two authors who give more or less equal voice to both Scotus and Newman in their contributions. Patricia Hutchison reflects on the potential in Scotus and Newman for the advancement of Catholic higher education in the twenty-first century. And Peter Damian Fehlner, with his remarkable capacity for integration, introduces teachings on Scotus, Bonaventure, and Newman, ranging widely over such topics as the Immaculate Conception and the Incarnation, theological method, faith and reason, the natural and supernatural, metaphysics, anthropology and epistemology. The editor, Edward Ondrako, offers, from the perspective of Scotus and Newman, critiques of Hegel and Kant, as well as an insightful appreciation of Gerard Manley Hopkin’s poetry. As a whole, the book draws out a number of philosophically interesting commonalities in the thought of Scotus and Newman. I shall not attempt to trace any of the commonalities woven through the rich complex of ideas in Reader. Instead, I propose to discuss a feature common to Scotus and Newman that was not the focus of any direct attention in Ondrako’s Reader.

[1] The Newman-Scotus Reader: Contexts and Commonalities, ed. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conv (New Bedford MA: Academy of the Immaculate, 2015, rpt. 2019).


Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conventual
Research Fellow Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, Rome
Visiting Scholar, McGrath Institute for Church Life
University of Notre Dame
Easter Sunday, 2019

MORE (Click image for more information):

+Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM. Conv.

Relics of St. Maximilian ~ Philippines Pilgrimage

Most of the friar priests and brothers of the Custody with Bishop Pabillo holding the relic, Friar Jobe on his right and the Filipino custos, Fr. Francis Victor Mateo, OFM Conv. on his left. On the left end of the row of concelebrants is also Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Eric de la Pena, OFM Conv., who was home on vacation with family.

At the invitation of the Custos and Definitory of the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception and Bl. Bonaventure of Potenza in the Philippines of the Province of Seraphic Father St. Francis in Italy, the relics of St. Maximilian Kolbe were brought by Our Lady of the Angels Province friar ~ Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. to the Philippines for a two-week (February 4-18, 2020) Pilgrimage to our confrere’s friaries and parishes.

The first stop highlight was at the Minor Basilica and Metropolitan Cathedral of the Immaculate Conception, also known as Manila Cathedral, where the relics were welcomed by hundreds of faithful at a Mass at which the Auxiliary Bishop of Manila, His Excellency Most Rev. Broderick S. Pabillo, D.D. presided and gave the homily. His Eminience, Luis Antonio G. Cardinal Tagle had intended to preside but was called to Rome to head the Congregation for the Evangelization of Peoples.

Follow the rest of the tour via the Facebook Page of the Philippines Custody, including the second stop St. Maximilian M. Kolbe Parish (Quezon City) and Mass with the Bishop of Novaliches, His Excellency, Most Rev. Roberto Orendain GAA, D.D. This second stop highlight was held at the only parish in the Philippines that bears St. Maximilian’s name. The friars have been entrusted with that parish. On Sunday, February 9th, the relics of St. Maximilian were warmly welcomed at St. Maximilian Kolbe Parish in Novaliches. Together with many concelebrating friars, Bishop Gaa, presided at the liturgy before a packed and enthusiastic congregation.

His Excellency, Most Rev. Roberto Orendain Gaa, D.D. (top left) next to Friar Jobe, and many of the local friars, including the Provincial Custos, Friar Francis Victor and the pastor of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe Parish ~ Friar Linus Bacayan, OFM Conv. holding the reliquary


The third stop highlight is an important one recalling the visit Maximilian made to the pontifical delegate on May 30, 1936 at the Benedictine Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat of the Subiaco-Cassinese Congregation, of Monte Serrato, in Manila. On Monday, February 11th, the relics of St. Maximilian were joyously received by the abbot and monks of Our Lady of Montserrat Abbey. The friars traveling with the reliquary were welcomed by San Beda Rt. Rev. Dom Austin P. Cadiz, OSB (8th Abbot of the Abbey of Our Lady of Montserrat) with hospitably offered meals and accommodation for the two days that the relics were venerated in the abbey church. The stop was made to recall St. Maximilian’s visit to the abbey on his return trip from Japan to Poland. On that date, Fr. Kolbe celebrated Mass in the abbey church and consulted with the papal delegate who, at that time, had his office and living quarters at Montserrat Abbey. (Photo cred: San Beda University)

The friars and monks of the abbey, took a photo with the abbot, Very Reverend Austin Cadiz, OSB, (center), Friar Francis Victor Mateo to his left and Friar Jobe

February 21, 2020: Fr. Jobe (center) celebrated Mass with the Novices and had morning classes with them. The Novitiate Community of southeast Asia, normally located at Tagaytay, has been relocated to Parañaque because of the recent eruption of the Taal Volcano. These ten novices hail from the Philippines (4), Indonesia (3) and Vietnam (3).

More Photos and Information on our Order’s Website

Posted in MI

Revitalized Franciscan Soy Candle Ministry

Postulants’ Workshop

On January 27-31, 2020, Friar Jude Winkler conducted a workshop on the Letters of St. Paul for the postulants of the Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF). The workshop was held at the St. Bonaventure Friary in Chicago, Illinois, USA.

Catching up with friar Fabian

The majority our friars in the Post Novitiate stage of formation (Simply Professed) live in community in the St. Bonaventure Friary, in Silver Spring, MD, while continuing their education at the Catholic University of America, in Washington DC. However, two of our Post Novitiate friars, friar Antonio Moualeu, OFM Conv. and friar Fabian Adderley, OFM Conv. live in community in the San Damiano Friary, in San Antonio Tx, in order to continue their studies. Friar Antonio is finishing his doctoral program in Engineering. Friar Fabian is a student at the University of the Incarnate Word, in San Antonio, TX.
Both friars continue to spend time serving in varied ministries; an integral part of their 3 stages of formation (Postulancy, Novitiate & Post Novitiate).
On the first weekend in February 2020 at a local parish, friar Fabian was able to convey the Blessing of Throats in anticipation of the Feast Day of St. Blaise (February 3rd). St. Blaise is known as the patron saint of throat ailments, physicians, veterinarians, wool combers, those in the wool industry, and as an intercessor against attacks of wild animals.
If you feel called to add an inquiry into life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual of our province to your discernment journey, or if you simply want more information, visit our Vocation Page.

Consecration to the Immaculate

St. Lucie Catholic Church, Port St. Lucie, FL

On the weekend of January 25-26, 2020 the M.I. Initiative promoting consecration to the Immaculate made its 19th stop at St. Lucie Catholic Church, in Port St. Lucie, Florida. At a parish mission given just a few days before, the presenter focused on three important things: prayer, the sacraments and cultivating a devotion to the Blessed Mother. We couldn’t have asked for a better introduction for our message. At the six Masses (five in English and one in Spanish), the parishioners, who already have a strong Marian devotion, embraced the ideals of consecration to the Immaculate characteristically promoted in our Franciscan tradition and Kolbean heritage. Friar Jobe was welcomed graciously by the friars of St. Lucie Friary: Fr. Curt Kreml, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian and Parochial Vicar), Fr. Mark Szanyi, OFM Conv. (Pastor), Fr. Daniel Pal, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar) and Fr. Milton de Jesus, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar).

A sampling of St. Lucie Catholic Church Parishioners are pictured with Friar Jobe (top center in green vestments) and their pastor, Friar Mark ( to his left in habit).


Posted in MI

Consecration to the Immaculate

St. Mark Catholic Church, Boynton Beach, FL

On the weekend of January 18-19, 2020, the M.I. Initiative Tour made is 18th stop at St. Mark Church in Boynton Beach, Florida. Fr. Jobe was welcomed by our friars of St. Mark Friary, including the Guardian – Fr. Richard Florek, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), Fr. Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv. parochial vicar), Fr. Joseph Dorniak, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), and Fr. Daniel Fink, OFM Conv. (pastor). As Isaiah prophesied, the Messiah would be a Light for all nations. The Immaculate Mother of God was the first to carry that Light and Elizabeth, who burst into praise of the Mother of her Lord, surely recognized that Light in Mary’s eyes and voice. At the six Masses (five in English and one in Spanish), the crowds of parishioners warmly received the initiative to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate. {Video of Fr. Jobe of Militia of the Immaculate (MI) – Speaking at St. Mark Catholic Church 10AM Mass, on Sunday January 19, 2020}

A small sampling of the parishioners (including some of the parish “snowbirds”) who entrusted themselves to the Immaculate and enrolled in the M.I., pictured with Friar Jobe (center bottom in green vestments) and Friar Daniel (center bottom in habit). More photos are available on the parish’s Facebook Page.

Posted in MI

+Dom Elias James Manning, OFM Conv. Memorial Mass

The Our Lady of the Angels Province’s Memorial Mass for our native son, the friar-missionary-bishop +Dom Elias James Manning, OFM Conv., took place on Saturday, January 18, 2020, at 11:00 a.m., at his home parish of St. Michael the Archangel in Troy, NY. Many of his family members, old friends and friars braved the cold weather to remember this humble friar, whose entire ministry was spent serving the people of his beloved Brazil. Assistant General of our Order and a friar of our province, Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. was on hand to represent the Minister General. Frei Michel da Cruz Alves dos Santos, OFM Conv. and Frei José Luiz Magalhães, OFM Conv. traveled from Paraíba do Sul and the Araruama communities of Rio de Janeiro to represent our confreres from our Immaculate Conception Custody. Included among the several friars from our province on hand were our Minister Provincial – the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., our Vicar Provincial – Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. Four diocesan clergy concelebrated.

Frei Michel (left) and Frei José Luiz (right) came from a hot Brazilian summer to a typical Albany winter. Although Friar José Luiz served in ministry in the USA many years ago, it was Friar Michel’s first experience with the snow!
