Candlemas ~ Feast of the Presentation of the Lord

The Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, also known as Candlemas Day, is celebrated in the Church each February 2nd. It is a tradition on this Feast Day to have candles blessed, symbolizing Christ; the Light of the World. We celebrate the Presentation in remembrance of the rite of purification and dedication of Jesus at the Temple, by Joseph and Mary, 40 days after his birth. At the Presentation, Simeon proclaimed Jesus as the Christ – “a light for revelation to the Gentiles, and glory for your people Israel.” We faithful reflect on the Light of Christ through the tradition of having candles blessed at Mass, which we will then use throughout the year, at a special Mass called Candlemas.

Those in consecrated life are especially called to reflect the light of Jesus Christ to all, and in 1997, Pope Saint John Paul II instituted a day of prayer for women and men in consecrated life to be celebrated on the Feast of the Presentation. In parishes, the celebration of World Day for Consecrated Life is transferred to the Sunday following the February 2nd Feast Day, in order to highlight the gift of consecrated life with the whole Church. Please pray for all those in consecrated life, especially our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, for the strength to continue to be inspired by Jesus Christ and to always respond generously to God’s gift of VOCATION.

Special Masses will be celebrated throughout our province, on February 2nd and on the weekend of February 6&7, including Noon Mass on Tuesday, February 2nd, in our Chapel at The Shrine of St. Anthony (Ellicott City, MD). Uniquely, The Shrine also has an on-site gift shop where candles will be for sale prior to Mass. Bad weather is predicted for the area. The shop is fully stocked now, so it may be a good idea to purchase your candles early. Be sure to call ahead before you come to Mass, if the weather is questionable. The St. Anthony Shop is open from 9:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., and can be reached by calling 410-531-2800.

Almighty ever-living God,
we humbly implore Your majesty that,
just as Your Only Begotten Son was presented
on this day in the Temple in the substance of our flesh,
so, by Your grace,
we may be presented to You with minds made pure.
Through our Lord Jesus Christ, Your Son,
Who lives and reigns with You
in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, for ever and ever.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day

Many of your have heard of and know of the sacrificial love of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv. Take a moment to listen to the story of another Martyr of Charity, who was also a Franciscan Friar Conventual. Servant of God ~ Fr. Placido Cortese, OFM Conv. was kidnapped, tortured and killed because of his help of those persecuted by the Nazi’s.
January 27th is International Holocaust Remembrance Day.
Take a moment to listen to Friar Placido’s story presented by Fr. Mario Conte, OFM Conv., the Executive Editor of the “Messenger of Saint Anthony” magazine.

International Holocaust Remembrance Day Prayer:
Loving God, we come to You with heavy hearts, remembering the eleven million Jewish & non-Jewish souls murdered during the Holocaust. Forgive us when we give space to fear, negativity and hatred of others, simply because they are different from us. In Your Light, we see everyone as equally precious manifestations of the Divine. Help us know the courage to face the darkness. Through our prayers and actions, help us to stand together with those who are suffering, so that light may banish all darkness, love will prevail over hate and good will triumph over evil. Amen
St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv. ~ Pray for Us!
Servant of God Placido Cortese, OFM Conv. ~ Pray for Us!
If you want to know more about discerning life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual,
contact Br. Nick at

The Servants of God & Venerable Friars of our Order

Our Order’s Office of General Postulation has produced a series of biographical articles about the Servants of God, Venerable Friars, Blessed Friars of our Order, with the intention of making these figures better known to the friars and those who visit the website of the Curia of our Order, and to give greater glory to God for what He has accomplished through them, what He can accomplish through us as we are encouraged to follow in their footsteps and ask for their powerful intercession. A short biography has been presented, including the current status of the person’s cause.

So far, these biographies have been presented:

Be sure to check back on the Order’s website site for the last instalments.

We ask all these brothers and sisters to assist us on the journey that the Lord Jesus has called us to undertake, so we may live it more fully.


Franciscan Soy Candles

NOTE: Franciscan Soy Candles Have Moved! | Our Lady of the Angels Province, USA (

Re-established last year, Franciscan Soy Candles is a unique ministry producing artisan candles, in varied styles and scents. These Franciscan signature candles come with a large, 12 oz. Libbey Status glass jar, along with a lid, including a 3-part wood wick system and a specially designed gift box. Created originally by Br. Andre Picotte, OFM Conv., during the Christmas Season 2012, this hobby turned ministry served to be a great source of income benefiting our Franciscan Charity Fund, all while making great gifts and filling your home with lovely fragrances. In 2020, Br. Andre had to step down from the ministry, but he still serves as a consultant and advisor. The day to day operations and creation of Franciscan Soy Candles first moved to Hamburg, NY under the direction of Br. Brian Newbigging, OFM Conv. (Director) with the help of Fr. Francis Lombardo, OFM Conv. (Assistant Director). Starting next month, Br. Brian will be operating from our province’s Ellicott City, MD complex. Candles will be available in person, in the St. Anthony Shop at The Shrine of St. Anthony, or you can place an order with Br. Brian, at 518-496-4805 or via email at

Case Discounts Available

World Day for Consecrated Life

On February 2, the Feast of the Presentation of the Lord, the Church celebrates a World Day for Consecrated Life.  This year, it is recognized in parishes on the weekend of February 6-7.  2021 is the 25th year for the world day, which celebrates the gift of religious consecration in the Church.  Since the earliest days of Christianity, men and women have dedicated their lives more completely to Christ by professing the vows of poverty, chastity, and obedience.  For more than eight centuries, the Franciscan Friars Conventual have participated in this awesome tradition of consecration and self-offering.  Join the tradition; join us!

Find out more by visiting
or by contacting our Vocation Director, Br. Nick, at!

Virtual Visit to the Papal Basilica and Sacro Convento of St. Francis in Assisi

Basilica Papale San Francesco d'Assisi

Papal Basilica and Sacro Convento of St. Francis of Assisi

Even though restrictions on pilgrim travel during the pandemic has limited in person visits to the Basilica of St. Francis of Assisi (Italy), their website contains enough information and visual content that you can spend some time on your own personal tour virtually. Our friars serving there look forward to the ability to again provide in person pilgrim tours for English speaking visitors. In the meantime, spend some time exploring the website.