JPIC – Farm Focus

Beds of spinach and kale that were planted in late October or even early November spent the winter as tiny plants quietly waiting for warmer temperatures and longer days.

Checking in with Friar John, at the Vatican

Tuesday, March 30, 2021: The friars at the Convento San Pietro – Collegio dei Penitenzieri Vaticani (Friary of St. Peter – The College of Penitentiaries) had a visit from Cardinal Mauro Gambetti, OFM Conv. (Archpriest of Saint Peter’s Basilica, Vicar General for the Vatican State, and president of the Fabric of Saint Peter). Some photos were taken of the visit with the friars on their patio, which overlooks St. Peter’s Basilica and the Vatican Gardens (Shown above and home to the Franciscan Friars Conventual who serve as Confessors at the Vatican, including Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. John Voytek, OFM Conv., pictured at top left). The friars of the Penitenzieri presented Cardinal Gambetti with a Saint Joseph icon (below), who also visited the friary chapel (at left).

Congratulations Friar Joe!

March 21, 2021: The City of Chicopee, MA honored Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Joe Bayne, OFM Conv. with a celebration honoring him for his selfless service to the St. Stanislaus Community and the men and women of the Chicopee Fire Department. Additionally, Friar Joe was honored for his Birthday (March 15), Feast Day (March 19th), and Belated 35th Ordination Anniversary. A very large amount of Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr parishioners joined in a Car Parade to extend their well wishes to their Beloved Pastor; a much-loved Shepherd to the St. Stanislaus Community. “We are so blessed to have him as our humble Shepherd!” ~ DQ Diane LaCosse

Media coverage for the day included: Local TV 22, Catholic Communications, the Diocese of Springfield’s “Real to Reel — 3-27-2021” and the Chicopee Herald. The Parish had a wonderful day honoring their Beloved Priest – Friar Joe!

Stations of the Cross around the Province

Christ Carrying the Cross” is an oil painting by El Greco, produced early in his Toledo period circa de 1580.

March 29, 2021: Our friars serving at The Catholic University of America (Washington, DC), Fr. Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv., Fr Louis Maximilian Smith, OFM Conv., Fr. Albert Puliyadan, OFM Conv., and Fr. Andrzej Brzeziński, OFM Conv. led university students in a campus-wide Stations of the Cross. {Photo Cred: Fr Louis Maximilian Smith)


Taken from the St. Anne-Pacelli Catholic School (Columbus, GA) Facebook Page:
Led by friar Franck Sokpolie, OFM Conv., serving his Apostolic Year of Formation at the school & St. Anne Catholic Church

Taken from the Archbishop Curley High School (Baltimore, MD) Facebook Page:
One of the Curley traditions that survived the pandemic was the Live Stations of the Cross. Produced and performed by the senior class, the Live Stations followed the last hours of Jesus.  It was performed twice with two different casts to accommodate our hybrid environment.  This tradition is always a fine introduction and tone-setter for Holy Week and the Triduum.”

Stations of the Cross with the students of St. Peter School, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ,
led by Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv., Parochial Vicar at St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church.

Taken from the St. Casimir Catholic School (Baltimore, MD) Facebook Page:
“Living Stations of the Cross performed by 8th graders for our school.  Absolutely amazing!”

Originally Created in 2020, under the guidance of Fr. Matthew Foley, OFM Conv., Franciscan Voice re-presents for Lent 2021, the members of ALVERNA, the peer ministry team at our St. Francis High School in Athol Springs, New York, as they virtually pray the Stations of the Cross.


Consider praying the USCCB Stations of the Cross for Vocations.

CUA Remembers Saint Óscar Romero

In addition to our friars serving in Campus Ministry at The Catholic University of America, we have several student friars in study there. These student friars, along with several from the three other North American Provinces, live in community in our St. Bonaventure Friary (Silver Spring, MD) under the Direction of Fr. Paul Schloemer, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of Consolation Province) and Fr. Nick Rokitka, OFM Conv., a friar of our province who also serves as our Province Treasurer. The student friars also live in community with our own Fr. John Burkhard, OFM Conv. who is on hand to share his wisdom, as well as his guidance.

One of these student friars of our province, friar Cristofer Fernández, OFM Conv. is an M.A. Student in Theology, Religion, & Culture, at CUA. He has been very active on campus in many organizations including Campus Ministry and was on the joint planning committee between Campus Ministry and the Center for Cultural Engagement, for CUA’s first ever Saint Óscar  Romero Week

Public access events:

The Witness of Oscar Romero
A Special Presentation by Dr. Matthew Whelan about his latest book on Romero’s views on land rights and Catholic Social Teaching.
Tuesday, March 23rd  | 12:00 – 1:00PM EST on Zoom:

Oscar Romero: Yesterday & Today
A special panel discussion that will explore the impact of Romero’s legacy in our world today. Our panelists currently serve the Church in El Salvador and the Boston Archdiocese.
Thursday, March 25th. 7:00PM EST on Zoom:

Servant of God Friar Léon Veuthey, OFM Conv. ~ Heroic Virtue Decree

A Vatican News 3-18-2021 online article, states that on March 17, 2021, the Holy Father Francis authorized the Congregation for the Causes of Saints to promulgate the Decrees of seven individuals. Included among them was Servant of God Friar Léon Veuthey, OFM Conv.
Read more about Friar Léon on our Curia’s Website Post:
Servant of God Friar Léon Veuthey, Priest (1896-1974)

New Vocations Brochure ~ Canadian Delegation

Our Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi has produced a new Vocations Brochure.  If you live in Canada and need any help finding a Spiritual Director or want to pursue further information about the Franciscan Friars Conventual, contact our Canadian Vocations Director: Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. at or call him at 613-558-1962

Canadian Delegation Celebrates the Year of St. Joseph

With joy and gratitude, the friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province’s Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi commemorate the Year of St. Joseph (2020 – December 8 – 2021) proclaimed by Pope Francis. After all, St. Joseph is the patron saint of Canada and, what’s more, that choice was first made by Franciscans. The Recollects (les Récollets), a French reform of the Friars Minor, were best known for their presence as missionaries in various parts of the world, most notably in early Canada. It was these Franciscans who chose St. Joseph to be the patron saint of Canada in 1624 and their choice was officially confirmed by Pope Urban VIII in 1637. In line with this Franciscan note to the history and tradition of the Church in Canada, the Franciscans Conventual are pleased to celebrate this Year of St. Joseph.
Almost two hundred and fifty years after St. Joseph was chosen to be Canada’s patron saint, in 1870, Pope Pius IX declared St. Joseph to be the patron saint of the universal Church. Now, to mark the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of St. Joseph being proclaimed the universal Church’s patron, Pope Francis has issued an apostolic letter, Patris corde (“the heart of a father”) by which he has declared this year to be the Year of St. Joseph. In his letter, the pope notes that, after Mary, the Mother of God, no saint is mentioned more frequently in papal magisterium than Joseph, her spouse. His Holiness extols St. Joseph, “the shadow of the heavenly Father,” who is always in the background, protecting and watching over Jesus. During these tumultuous times of the Covid-19 pandemic, the pontiff also draws a comparison, reminding us of those front-line, essential workers, worldwide, who appear hidden or in the shadows but who are playing an indispensable role in protecting and caring for all of us. Certainly, all the faithful join Pope Francis in saying, “A word of recognition and gratitude is due to them all.” The Holy Father also underscores how St. Joseph and all the saints help the Christian faithful to strive for the holiness and the perfection of their particular state of life (Lumen gentium, 42). In this regard, Pope Francis undoubtedly recommends us Franciscans and all religious vocations to the prayers of St. Joseph.
To celebrate the Year of St. Joseph, the friars of the Canadian Delegation are planning a pilgrimage to the Oratory and Shrine of St. Joseph in Montréal. The Oratory, founded in 1904 by St. André Bessette, is fittingly the largest church in Canada. The protocols surrounding the pandemic permitting, the friars hope to come together on November 29th for a tour of the shrine together with a Eucharistic celebration. At the Mass, we will renew our Franciscan vows before St. Joseph, the patron of Canada and the universal Church, and recommend our vocations to his prayers as our protector and sure guide in the footsteps of Our Seraphic Father St. Francis.

March 19, 2021                  Very Reverend Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv.
Solemnity of St. Joseph                                                                                  Delegate

Note: Our Canadian Delegation is currently home to 14 friars, serving in 10 ministries, including one Solemnly Professed friar in continued studies, one Simply Professed friar serving his Apostolic Year of Formation, two friars from India and one from the Philippines. Our Delegation also has one Simply Professed friar in Post Novitiate studies at The Catholic University of America. Friar Jobe is not only the Provincial Delegate of our Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi, he also serves as our Province M.I. Assistant, the Guardian of the St. André Bessette Friary (Ottawa, ON), and the Delegation Vocation Director. If you live in Canada, and are a single, Catholic male, 18-40 years old, in good health, with a desire to learn, serve, sacrifice, and share a common life, consider adding a visit with our friars to your discernment journey: vocations.ofmconv.canada@gmail.com613-558-1962