St. Kateri Feast Weekend

Over the weekend of July 10-11, 2021, while on break from his ministry as an instructor at our St. Francis High School (Athol Springs, NY), Our Lady of the Angels Province friar – Fr. Max Avila, OFM Conv. was able to join the pilgrims at our Saint Kateri National Shrine and Historic Site (Fonda, NY) to celebrate Mass during the Saint Kateri Feast Day Weekend:
  • July 10, 2021 – 4:30 PM Saint Kateri Feast Day Vigil Mass with the Traditional Purification Rite and Solemn Blessing with the relic of Saint Kateri
  • July 10, 2021 – 7:00 PM Prayer and healing service
  • July 11, 2021 – 10:30 AM Mass with Traditional Purification Rite and Solemn Blessing with the relic of Saint Kateri
The Feast Day of St. Kateri Tekakwitha is July 14th.
She was a Mohawk woman who lived in the 17th century, with a profound and moving story of conversion to Christianity, of courage in the face of suffering and extraordinary holiness. St. Kateri also came to be  known as the Lily of the Mohawks, in recognition of her kindness, her prayer life, her faithfulness and her suffering. She is the first Native American Saint in the United States of America and Canada and our Shrine ministry honoring her is located in Fonda, New York; her home during her teenage years, and the site of her Baptism.
St. Kateri’s parents, her mother a Christian Algonquin mother – her father a Mohawk Chief, and her brother died of smallpox when she was only four. She survived but was badly scarred and left with poor vision, giving her the name “Tekakwitha” {she who bumps into things}. Taken in by her uncle, and following the tradition of her people, at the age of eight she was paired her with a young boy with the expectation of marriage. Instead, she wanted to dedicate her life to God, remain single, and give herself only to Jesus. When she was 10, a war caused the Mohawk survivors to move to the modern Fonda, NY area creating the Caughnawaga village, where she lived for another 10 years – the site of our St. Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine and Historic Site. She began instruction in the Catholic Faith in her late teens, with her uncle’s permission ~ but in secret because he was greatly opposed to Christianity. In turn she was ridiculed, scorned, beaten and her life was threatened by others in her village, but that did not deter her. At the age of 20, she was baptized Catherine (Kateri in Mohawk speech) and later escaped North to the St. Francis Xavier Mission near Montreal (a village also named Caughnawaga/Kahnawake – meaning fortified place or castle). There, in peace, she received her 1st Eucharist, made a vow of perpetual virginity, and consecrated herself to Our Lady. In her new home, she was greatly loved and respected, as she taught the children, and worked with the elderly and sick, all with a great devotion to the Blessed Sacrament and the Cross of Jesus. After a suffering a harsh illness, she died at the age of 24 and was buried in Canada. Tradition holds that at her death, she spoke the final words, “Jesus, I love You,” and moments later the pock marks vanished from her restored radiant face.

News from Our Canadian Delegation

June 8, 2021: The Very Reverend Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. (Provincial Delegate & Delegate to the M.I.) and the other thirteen solemnly professed friars working in our Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi were joined by Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province friar and Assistant General – CFF), the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. (Minister Provincial) and Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (Vicar Provincial) for a Delegation Assembly via Zoom. After the Opening Prayer, Friar Jude read an inspiring letter from our Order’s Minister General, The Most Reverend Fr. Carlos Trovarelli, OFM Conv. in which he encouraged the assembled friars to grow, and reverse the decline of vocations in the West. The keynote speaker, Rev. Dr. Andrew P.W. Bennett, a Ukrainian Catholic Deacon, gave a well-received conference entitled, “Public Faith and Religious Freedom in Canada: Challenges and Opportunities for the Church,” addressing the need for a call for the faithful to engage in public life by fostering the Church’s role in advancing a culture of Incarnation. The meeting covered a variety of Delegation business items, including a Friars’ Forum allowing all the friars a chance to express their hopes and expectations for the new Delegation, as well as the election of the Councilors to the Delegate: Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv. and Fr. Maurice Richard, OFM Conv. The next Assembly is projected to meet February 2022 in order to work on a strategic plan to be presented, along with any other proposals, to the 1st Session of the Ordinary Provincial Chapter of Our Lady of the Angels Province in May 2022.

Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv. currently serves as pastor of the Parish Community of St. John the Apostle, in Kingston, ON and Chaplain of Kingston General Hospital

Fr. Maurice Richard, OFM Conv. is a native of Canada, returning to pastoral ministry in the Delegation after many years serving as Assistant Novice Director

New Vocational Song – “I am ready to do Your Will!”

Sung in English, Italian and French (with subtitles throughout), student friars of the Istituto Teologico Sant’Antonio Dottore – Padova  (Padua, Italy) recently released a new song, which they composed in praise of Franciscan Vocation. READ MORE

“Oh Most High and glorious God,
enlighten the darkness of my heart.
Give me right faith, certain hope,
perfect charity and profound humility.
Oh Lord, give me sense and discernment
in order to carry out Your true and holy will.”


If you feel called to discern if life as a Franciscan Friars Conventual is God’s Will for you, contact our Province Vocation Director, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv., at Consider joining him at the upcoming Summer Discernment Retreat. Sign up soon.

Welcome Postulants

{Photo Cred: Fr. Mario Serrano, OFM Conv. of the Province of Our Lady of Consolation}

On July 2, 2021, Our Lady of the Angels Province Minister Provincial – the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. (center top) traveled to our Franciscan Friars Conventual Interprovince Postulancy, in the St. Bonaventure Friary of St. Bonaventure Province (Chicago, IL), to celebrate the welcoming of the eight new Postulants of the 2021-2022 Class. Two of these new Postulants are of our province – Connor J. Ouly and Marvin Paul Fernandez.
Joining in the celebration were several friars from all four of the USA Provinces, including Postulancy Director, Fr. Paul Schneider, OFM Conv., of the St. Bonaventure Province (top left) and Postulancy Associate Director, Fr. Joseph Bayne, OFM Conv., of our own Our Lady of the Angels Province (top right). The Postulancy is the first stage of formation for men entering our Order. For the most part, this is a one year stage before being invested in the habit of our Order and beginning the second stage of formation at our Interprovince Novitiate (Arroyo Grande, CA). Please pray for these men and their journey of discernment, as well as for an increase in vocations. For more information on Vocations for our province, contact Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. at

Left to Right: Our Lady of the Angels Province Postulant – Connor J. Ouly, Postulancy Associate Director – Fr. Joseph Bayne, OFM Conv., our Minister Provincial – the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. and Our Lady of the Angels Province Postulant – Marvin Paul Fernandez.

Apostolic Year of Formation – Friar Fabian

Our Lady of the Angels Province student friar Fabian Adderley, OFM Conv. has begun his Apostolic Year of Formation, with our friars of St. Bonaventure Friary, in Toronto, ON (Canada). This friary is one of our three of our Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi friaries, in Ontario, Canada. Friar Fabian will be assisting at the two main ministries there –
Franciscan Church of St. Bonaventure and at St. Clare Inn.
Friar Fabian has been living in the Post-Novitiate San Damiano Friary (San Antonio, TX), finishing his university studies and actively ministering in the area, since 2018, when he completed his time in the Novitiate. Born in the Bahamas, friar Fabian began his formation journey as a Franciscan Friar Conventual with our province in 2016, when he entered our Postulancy, in Chicago, IL. He professed his Simple (First/Temporary Vows) on July 16, 2018, renewing them on June 1, 2021, just before he left San Antonio. The Apostolic Year of Formation is one of the last stages of formation for a friar of our province. Last year, we had three friars in this stage, who are currently on their Solemn Vow Retreat, in preparation for their July 30, 2021 Profession of Solemn Vows.

Although they are still under limited attendance COVID protocol in Canada, at the morning Mass on July 2, 2021, Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM Conv., pastor of St. Bonaventure Church, was able to introduce friar Fabian to the congregation, who also served as lector at the Mass:


The Psalms

The Companions of St. Anthony is a our province evangelization and mission development ministry, located in the lower level of The Shrine of St. Anthony, in Ellicott City, MD.

This ministry is staffed dedicated lay staff & volunteers, under the Spiritual Direction of Our Lady of the Angels Province Secretary, & Rector/Director of The Shrine of St. Anthony – Fr. Richard-Jacob Forcier, OFM Conv. One of the tools used for the evangelization efforts of this unique ministry is their YouTube Channel. On it, viewers will find several “playlists” of interest, including the newest installment by Our Lady of the Angels Province friar & Assistant General (CFF) of our Order, Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv.

In his most recent series of reflections, Friar Jude will delve into an individual reflection on each of the 150 Psalms.

Solemn Vow Retreat

“Pray for our men making ready to profess Solemn Vows. Yesterday began their three-week retreat in preparation for consecrating their selves (and the rest of their natural lives!) to God in obedience, without anything of their own, and in chastity.”
{From Facebook Page}

In this photo are all of the CFF friars on their Solemn Vow Retreat, at the El Tesoro de los Angeles Retreat House in Woodland Hills, CO, including our own three Our Lady of the Angels Province friars who will profess their Solemn Vows on July 30th: friar Tim (2nd from left – front row), friar Franck (2nd from right – front row), and friar Rich (far right – top row).

Left to Right: Our Lady of the Angels Province friars – Fr. Adam Keltos, OFM Conv., Friar Tim Blanchard, OFM Conv., Friar Franck Sokpolie, OFM Conv., Friar Richard Rome, OFM Conv., Fr. Tim Kulbicki, OFM Conv.

June 2021 Provincial Visits

June 19/20, 2021: Our Lady of the Angels Province Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. preached at all of the Masses at St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr Basilica Parish in Chicopee, Massachusetts, on the weekend of June 19-20, 2021 to introduce Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. (pictured at center) as the new pastor. Friar Brad was Principal Celebrant of all the Masses, including the Polish liturgy. Friar Brad is looking forward to this return to pastoral ministry after his last assignments as leadership in Formation Houses.



June 25/26, 2021: Our Minister Provincial joined our New York City friars and the Franciscan Missionary Sisters of Assisi at the celebration of the 25th Jubilee of religious profession of Sr. Dorcas Cordilia Munthali, FMSA.  Several Our Lady of the Angels Province friars were on hand, while Fr. Raphael Zwolenkiewicz, OFM Conv., who serves as the pastor of Most Holy Trinity – St. Mary Parish in Brooklyn, was the Principal Celebrant of the June 26th trilingual liturgy.  Friar James expressed our Province’s congratulations and esteem for all that the Franciscan Sisters mean to us, as collaborators in mission.


June 27/28, 2021: On the 28th of June, Archbishop William E. Lori of Baltimore invited the Minister Provincial and Vicar Provincial (Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. – at right) to a private tea in his residence for discussion of recent matters of consequence.  Auxiliary Bishop of Baltimore – Most Reverend Adam J. Parker (at left) – joined the meeting.  Mindful of Friar James’s affection for tea, the Archbishop delighted in using the century-old silver tea service of his famed predecessor Cardinal Gibbons, whose portrait hung over the amicable scene.

Meet the New Postulants

The CFF Postulancy Formation Team introduces the new postulancy class as of Thursday, July 1, 2021. This new year, we are happy to announce that we have postulants from all four of our Provinces served by the Conventual Franciscan Postulancy – USA, including two men for our province:

Postulants of our Province and our Province Delegation:

Connor J. Ouly (22) is from Steelton, PA, USA and is currently living in New York, NY, finishing up his undergraduate in Voice/Opera at the Juilliard School. Connor became interested in the Franciscan Friars Conventual due to a love of Saints Joseph Cupertino and Maximilian Kolbe. He is greatly attracted to the deeply fraternal and community driven life of the Conventuals, as well as our dedication to serving the poorest of the poor in simple but necessary ways, such as parish, school, and hospital work. In addition to music, his interests lie in other art forms such as film, drama, and the visual arts. He hopes to discern God’s will in this Postulancy year amongst his formators, brother postulants, and under the mantle of the Immaculate.  Connor is of the Our Lady of the Angels Province (USA).

Marvin Paul Fernandez (27) is from Ottawa, ON, Canada. He was born and raised in the northern province of the Philippines, until 2011, when his mom sponsored him to come to Canada. He works with Ottawa Public Health (OPH) as a Clerk for the COVID-19 Vaccine Clinic. He decided to enter the Postulancy Program of the Franciscan Friars Conventual because he was inspired by the work that the Friars do in his home parish and in the greater community. He hopes that entering the program will deepen his relationship with Jesus, his Lord and his God, and to know more of the lives of Saint Francis and Saint Anthony, his patron saints. Marvin is of the Our Lady of the Angels Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi (Canada).

Postulants of the other Provinces (USA):

Israel Garcia Alderete (21) is better known by the nickname his grandmother gave him; “Chico.” He is the youngest brother of Arturo, Jr., and Melissa. Since 2011 he and his family have lived in San Antonio, Texas. Israel recently graduated from Gloria’s Barber College. He enjoys playing the guitar, engaging in sports (especially soccer), and doing any type of physical activity. He has been impressed by the lives of the saints, especially St. Giorgio Frassati and St. Francis of Assisi. Entering the friars’ formation process is a way that Israel believes he can give himself to the will of God and serve God’s people, especially the marginalized. “My hope is that Franciscan life can be a beautiful way to learn more about God and to grow as a person. I’m excited to meet the other brothers and deepen my faith through community, prayer, and service.” Israel is of the Our Lady of Consolation Province.

Andre Miller (20), born and raised in Albuquerque, New Mexico, has completed his second year of college at the Central New Mexico Community College in Business Administration. He and his younger brother, Brandon, live with their parents and three unique dogs: Oreo (an old, blind, and deaf Chihuahua), Nin o (the friendliest Golden Retriever), and Bella (the most restless Texas Heeler mix). His mom is from Mexico City and his dad is from L.A. “We love to travel and learn about cultures, traditions, languages and the enjoy the local food.” Andre enjoys playing the guitar, reading, and taking advantage of the Sandia Mountains to be outdoors (fishing, hiking, camping). He also takes time volunteering almost daily at a Catholic Worker House. “The time spent with the less fortunate has developed a deep fulfillment, which I credit for my desire to be Franciscan and say ‘yes’ to postulancy. I am an instrument in the work towards peace and justice even when it might seem impossible to accomplish.” Andre is of the Our Lady of Consolation Province.

Colden Fell (25) was born in Monroe, Louisiana and is the son of Patrick and Lisa Fell. He is the oldest brother of Tyler and Jacob Fell. Colden has been living in Gonzales, Louisiana since 2006. He was homeschooled from second grade through high school and graduated in 2014. After high school, he attended River Parishes Community College where he graduated in 2017, with an associate degree in General Studies and Humanities. While he attended college, Colden started working at a local grocery store; Harvest Supermarket. During his time at Harvest, he has been able to move up from grocery store stocker to unloading the trucks and is now making the orders and is warehouse manager. Colden, along with his family, were part of non-denominational churches and eventually made their way into the Catholic Church. His mother is the director of the RCIA process and Colden is involved in children’s ministry at his parish. He became drawn to the Franciscan Friars because of their service to the poor and the sick. Colden is of the Our Lady of Consolation Province.

Eric Rewa (29) is from Grand Rapids, MI. He has a background in teaching at the secondary level both from his bachelor’s degree in history and social science from Central Michigan University and from his last two years which he spent substitute teaching at public and Catholic schools in the Grand Rapids area. His experience with the Franciscan Friars Conventual dates to the time he spent at Mundelein Seminary (2016-2018) studying for his home diocese. While he was there, he had the opportunity to go to daily Masses and Holy Hours in the chapel at Marytown, which is conveniently next door to the seminary. On top of that he joined the chapter of the Militia Immaculata at the seminary where he got to learn more about Franciscan spirituality through reading and reflecting upon the writings of St. Maximilian Kolbe. These experiences, along with visits with the friars, helped to draw him toward the Franciscan Friars Conventual, as a place where he can find the vocation that God has prepared for him. Eric is of the St. Bonaventure Province.

Paul Utterback (34) is from Crawfordsville, IN. He is an only child. His parents are both retired: his dad from the local police force and his mom from a factory. He has been teaching for the better part of the last decade, starting off with English at a secondary school in Malawi (where the Zambian friars were instrumental in his “reversion” to the faith), and then middle school English, when he returned to the United States. “I also worked evenings at the public library, so between teaching English and moonlighting at the library, you might say that I am rather bookish! Waugh, O’Connor, Tolkien, Chesterton, Lewis, and others have been good friends along my Christian journey. Literature, essays, poetry, and music have been staples of our young adult group at St. Bernard Catholic Church. On the less cerebral side, I enjoy CrossFit, running, tennis, hiking, board games, coffee (or a pint) and good conversation, travel (if possible, on a train!), films, playing the piano, singing, and listening to music. I am grateful to the friars for their patience and unfailing charity; Br. Joseph Wood first visited me in response to my vocation inquiry when I was 16. Now, 18 years later, Fr. Hans Flondor and the witness of service and fraternal charity from dozens of friars on three continents have helped bring that journey to a close—Deo Gratias!” Paul is of the St. Bonaventure Province.

Jessy Cuevas (35) was born in Los Angeles to a Catholic family. It was not until he was seventeen that he began to have thoughts of becoming a priest. In 2015, he began to attend priestly discernment meetings at a local parish. One night, the Director of Vocations for the Diocese of Los Angeles attended a gathering and gave all in attendance his personal phone number. He eventually contacted the Director and began to meet with him monthly. After months of attending discernment meetings and private meetings with the Vocation Director, he was encouraged to apply to the college seminary belonging to the Diocese of Los Angeles. He applied and was accepted in the Fall of 2016. Jessy completed his undergraduate degree in the Fall of 2019 butd did not apply to the major seminary in Camarillo, California. “I had desired to become a Franciscan ever since I began to know the life of S. Padre Pio. I met with the Vocation Director of all three Franciscan branches and felt God leading me to the Conventuals. The first Conventuals I met were those living in the friary in Hermosa Beach, California. I met Father Paul Gawlowski and Father Victor in early 2020 and would later begin my theological studies while living in the friary in Castro Valley. I now find myself in the postulancy program and I could not be more excited.” Jessy is of the St. Joseph of Cupertino Province.

Please keep these men in your prayers as they continue to discern their call to our Franciscan life.

If you feel called or if you want more information on discerning life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual, contact our Province Vocation Director – Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. at

Consider signing up for our Summer Discernment Retreat, July 29 – August 2, 2021.