Fr. Michael Lasky, OFM Conv.

On October 28, 2021, the Minister General and his Definitory nominated Friar Michael LASKY as the new Delegate General for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation (GPIC). He will take over for Friar Joseph BLAY who has been appointed the Co-Secretary for Justice, Peace and Integrity of Creation for the International Union of Men’s and Women’s Superiors General (UISG and USG) in Rome.

Consecration to the Immaculate

Consistent with our Franciscan charism and tradition of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our province is promoting opportunities to more fully tap into a devotion from our Kolbean heritage, through the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., and the continued efforts of his Militia of the Immaculata’s (M.I.) unconditional Consecration to the Immaculate. In order to better promote M.I. among the faithful served through the ministries of our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., our Province MI Assistant, has completed the 30th successful and rewarding stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries. Friar Jobe’s revised scheduled stops on this tour will continue through February of 2022. Keep him and all those he greets in your prayers, as he continues to preach at the Masses to encourage the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate, and to enroll in the M.I.
Now in the home stretch, on the weekend of October 30-31, 2021, the 30th Tour Stop of the M.I. Initiative came to the Archdiocese of Baltimore Pastorate of St. Casimir at Canton and Patterson Park, in Baltimore, MD. One of the most glorious churches of the Our Lady of the Angels Province, St. Casimir Church (sanctuary space pictured above) has not yet seen the return of the pre-pandemic crowds. Still, the faithful present at both St. Casimir and St. Elizabeth of Hungary churches welcomed the initiative promoting entrustment to the Immaculate Conception and membership in the M.I. In the photo are some of the parishioners with the pastor – Fr. Dennis Grumsey, OFM Conv. (center), associate pastor – Fr. Andy Santamauro, OFM Conv. (center right),  friar in residence – Br. Ed Handy, OFM Conv. (top row center left), and Friar Jobe (center left). Also residing in the St. Casimir Friary, with Friars Dennis, Andy and Ed is Br. Dan Lutolf, OFM Conv., who serves in education ministry in a Washington Diocese High School.

JPIC Farm Focus

The long, hot summer days spent planting, weeding, and harvesting (so many tomatoes!) feel like a distant memory as the air chills and leaves fall. We are so grateful to our dozens of volunteers and all those who support the mission of Little Portion Farm from afar. Thank you for being a part of this journey with us.

Congratulations, Friar Jobe!

In an October 21, 2021 letter from Rome, Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Provincial Delegate of our Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi (Canada), and Provincial Delegate to the M.I., the Very Reverend Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. has been appointed National Assistant of the Militia of the Immaculata M.I. Canada, by the Minister General of our Order, the Most Reverend Fr. Carlos Trovarelli, OFM Conv.

Since May of 2019, Friar Jobe has been traveling throughout our province, promoting Personal Consecration to the Immaculate via our  province’s M.I. Initiative Tour. On Saturday, April 30, 2022, he will lead our 1st Annual Franciscan Pilgrimage to the National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception in Washington, D.C.


Posted in MI

Provincial Visitation – Oct 2021

October 12-17, 2021: The Conventual Franciscan Federation (CFF) gathered at the Mexican American Catholic College Center (MACC) in San Antonio, TX. Included at the meeting were several Our Lady of the Angels Province friars: our Minister Provincial – the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., our Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi (Canada) Provincial Delegate & Delegate to the M.I. – Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., Assistant General CFF – Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv., and our Province JPIC Province Commission Chairman & pastor in two of our PA pastoral ministries – Fr. Michael Lasky, OFM Conv. Curia’s Newspost

October 16-18, 2021: Friar James, joined several of our friars in celebrating the 50th Jubilee of Ordination for Fr. Conrad Salach, OFM Conv., at Our Lady of Perpetual Help Parish, New Bedford, MA, where Friar Conrad serves as pastor.

October 21, 2021: Mass and Reception in Chancellor’s Residence at Syracuse University, where Our Lady of the Angels province friar – Fr. Gerry Waterman, OFM Conv. serves as Campus Minister.  Each year, Chancellor/President Kent Syverud and his wife Dr. Ruth Chen host this university community event.

October 24, 2021: Many friars, parishioners, Oblate Sisters of Providence, and family members gathered at our pastoral ministry of St. Casimir Church, in Baltimore, MD to celebrate Brother Ed Handy, OFM Conv., and his 2021 60th Jubilee of Profession of Vows.

Fr. James has a few more friar visits in the Carolina’s to close out the month before he heads over to visit with our Province Custody in Great Britain/Ireland – The Greyfriars of Blessed Agnellus of Pisa Custody.

Consecration to the Immaculate

On the weekend of October 23-24, 2021, the M.I. Initiative made its 29th stop at our province pastoral ministry of St. John Catholic Church, in Cromwell, CT. Friar Jobe was warmly received by the pastor, his Our Lady of the Angels province confrère, Fr. Mark Curesky, OFM Conv., and the parishioners joyfully responded to the invitation to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate and to become members of the M.I. In the photo above are Friars Jobe and Mark surrounded by the biggest group we have seen since resuming the M.I. Initiative despite the ongoing pandemic.

St. John Catholic Church, Cromwell, CT

Posted in MI

An Introduction – Friar Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv.

Rebuild My Church” by Friar Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv.: August 2nd, the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels of Portiuncula, was the publication date for Ed’s newest book which features two detailed chapters each on the life of the late Fr. Peter Damian Fehlner, OFM Conv.; on Bonaventure; on Duns Scotus; on Newman, and on Fr. Peter’s theological vision and why it matters.

The following introduction was presented on October 21st,
at the Hammes Notre Dame Book Store – Book Talk and Signing.


My name is Cyril O’Regan, Huisking Professor of Theology, here at the University of Notre Dame. It is my pleasure to introduce Fr. Edward Ondrako, who will shortly have the stage to himself, and to say a few words about his new book, which Fr. Ondrako will speak to more fully.
Rebuild my Church is the reworking and expansion of a dissertation that Fr. Ed. Ondrako completed under my supervision at Notre Dame. Intentionally, it constitutes a homage to his teacher and mentor Fr. Peter Fehlner, or Fr. Peter Damian Mary Fehlner, which probably captures just about all the aspects of Fehlner’s writing and teaching on the Church, its substance, office, and mission. In particular, Rebuild my Church wishes on the basis of a diagnosis of the erosion, drift, and assimilation of the Church in and into a secular modernity, to propose with and after Fehlner the retrieval of the Franciscan School whose lynchpins in the medieval period are Bonaventure and Duns Scotus, are  developed in the modern period by Franciscan scholastics, and outside a direct causal line echoed by Newman, who in turn is echoed by Benedict XVI, though in his case he has direct access to the Franciscan tradition in his deep study of Bonaventure that constitutes his Habilitation (1958). But in line with the Franciscan genius that Christianity is first a form of life and only secondarily a form of thought, again after Fehlner Fr. Ondrako wants to insist upon the pivotal importance of the witness, and especially the witness of Saint Maximillian Kolbe who died at Auschwitz.
Above when speaking of Fr. Ondrako’s relation to Fr. Fehlner I used two prepositions for the price of one, that is, “with” as well as “after.” Fr. Ondrako knows as well as anyone that one does not do honor to a teacher by rote repetition. Rather, you honor the teacher by carrying forward what was opened up but not fully articulated. To speak in the language of tradition as tradio, the gift that is handed on exceeds what the hander-on offered on and sets the one who is gifted a task of developing as well as elucidating what is intended in what has been said. This is precisely what is happening in this rich text. If Fehlner’s major contribution lies in his ressourcement of Franciscan sources and the prophetic claim of their relevance for the renewal of the modern age and in the rebuilding of the Church, perhaps Fr. Ondrako has the keener sense of the evacuation of doctrines and practices effected by secular modern age and the drift of the Church towards the secular that makes retrieval so necessary. Without challenging Fehlner as the ultimate source of Fr. Ondrako’s inspiration, it might be said that Ondrako has plumbed deeper into Newman and Benedict XVI, for him the two prophets of both lamentation and jubilation in the modern period. This is a serious and learned book, but I also dare to suggest itself a prophetic one.
Congratulations to Fr. Ed for producing such a treasure. Since his energy is indefatigable and his passion without bounds, I suspect that we will be repeating today’s event of celebration and appreciation any number of times in the future.
Cyril O’Regan
Catherine F. Huisking Professor of Theology
University of Notre Dame College of Arts and Letters


Fr. Edward J. Ondrako, OFM Conventual
Research Fellow Pontifical Faculty of St. Bonaventure, Rome
Visiting Scholar, McGrath Institute for Church Life
University of Notre Dame
Recent Reflections:
Reflection by Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv. | Our Lady of the Angels Province, USA (
Reflection by Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv. | Our Lady of the Angels Province, USA (
Reflection by Fr. Ed Ondrako, OFM Conv. | Our Lady of the Angels Province, USA (

2021 ~ The Solemnity of All Saints, All Souls Day, the Commemoration of All Deceased of the Seraphic Order & All Saints of the Seraphic Order

Throughout the Month of November, we are all called to continue to remember all those who have gone before us. Our varied Province ministries hold special Masses, prayer services, memorials and other events to remember the faithful served by the ministries, as well those who have been served through them. Photos and articles from many of our ministries, will be shared on our Province Facebook Page throughout the month, starting with the November 1st celebration of the Solemnity of All Saints and the November 2nd Commemoration of All the Faithful Departed (All Souls).
Two more uniquely Franciscan memorial days will also be celebrated in November. November 5th is the Commemoration of All the Deceased of the Seraphic Order – Franciscan All Souls Day, when we pray for all Franciscans who have died, our family, friends, and benefactors. On November 29th we end the month in celebration of the Commemoration of All Saints of the Seraphic Order – Franciscan All Saints Day. Join us in prayer, entrusting cares and concerns to God. “The souls of the just are in peace.” “The one who believes in the Son of God has life everlasting.”

Five friars of our province met Sister Death over this past year:

Friar Augustine Pilatowski, OFM Conv. ~ January 24, 2021

Friar Vincent Lachendro, OFM Conv. ~ March 27, 2021

Friar Kenneth Lucas, OFM Conv. ~ April 6, 2021

Friar Michael Taylor, OFM Conv. ~ August 29, 2021

Friar Conrad Salach, OFM Conv. ~ October 30, 2021

Let us pray. Lord God, You are the glory of believers and the life of the just.
Your Son redeemed us by dying and rising to life again.
Since our departed brothers, sisters, relatives, friends and benefactors
of our Order believed in the mystery of Your resurrection,
let them share the joys and blessings of the life to come.
We ask this through our Lord Jesus Christ,
Your Son, who lives and reigns with You and the Holy Spirit,
one God, for ever and ever. Amen.

Deceased Friars since Our Lady of the Angels Province was erected:

Fr. Peter Fehlner, OFM Conv. ~ 5/8/2018
Fr. David Stopyra, OFM Conv. ~7/1/2018
Fr. Emmett Carroll, OFM Conv. ~ 8/20/2018
Fr. Patrick Gallagher, OFM Conv. ~ 9/4/2018
Fr. Henry Madigan, OFM Conv. ~ 12/10/2018
Fr. Terence Pescatore, OFM Conv. ~ 12/17/2018
Fr. Marcel Sokalski, OFM Conv. ~ 1/2/2019
Fr. Joseph Grzybowski, OFM Conv. ~ 1/24/2019
Fr. Phillip Blaine, OFM Conv. ~ 2/5/2019
Fr. Canice Connors, OFM Conv. ~ 3/17/2019
Fr. Duane Mastrangelo, OFM Conv. ~ 3/22/2019
Br. David Suckling, OFM Conv. ~ 3/31/2019
Fr. Giles Van Wormer, OFM Conv. ~ 4/10/2019
Fr. Joseph Madden, OFM Conv. ~ 4/22/2019
Fr. Firmin Finn, OFM Conv. ~ 5/4/2019
Fr. Lucjan Krolikowski, OFM Conv. ~ 10/11/2019
Bishop Elias Manning, OFM Conv. ~ 10/13/2019
Rev. Antone Kandrac, OFM Conv. ~ 11/20/2019
Fr. Boniface Reinhart, OFM Conv. ~ 12/28/2019
Fr. Edward Costello, OFM Conv. ~ 2/18/2020
Fr. Brad Heckathorne, OFM Conv. ~ 7/11/2020
Fr. Alvin Somerville, OFM Conv. ~ 8/19/2020
Fr. Augustine Pilatowski, OFM Conv. ~ 1/24/2021
Fr. Vincent Lachendro, OFM Conv. ~ 3/27/2021
Br. Kenneth Lucas, OFM Conv. ~ 4/6/2021
Fr. Michael Taylor, OFM Conv. ~ 8/29/2021
Fr. Conrad Salach, OFM Conv. ~ 10/30/2021