Our Lady of the Angels Province Director of Vocations, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. visited our friars of St. Francis Friary, in Syracuse, NY, over the August 28-30, 2020 weekend. He was on hand to present a reflection during Mass at Assumption Church, (video of Mass), served by Friar Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv. – Pastor & Chaplain of FrancisCorps, Friar Nicholas Spano, OFM Conv. – Pastoral Associate & Chaplain of the Franciscan Place Chapel & Gift Shoppe at Destiny USA, and Friar Gregory Spuhler, OFM Conv. – Director of the Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen.
Br. Nick was also able to share his message (audio below) during Masses in Syracuse University’s Hendricks Chapel (photo above) and in the St. Thomas More Chapel, after he is introduced by Friar Gerry Waterman, OFM Conv. who celebrated the Masses and who serves as Campus Minister at the SU Catholic Center.
St. Francis Friary of Syracus, NY is home to ten friars. Still in active ministry are Friar Ed Falsey, OFM Conv. – Friary Guardian & Psychotherapist with Brightpath Counseling Center, and Friar Robert Amrhein, OFM Conv. who serves in Priestly Ministry at the Franciscan Place Chapel. Also residing in the St. Francis Friary are three more retired friars living in community there and one visiting friar from India who is continuing his studies at Syracuse University.