June 2019: The Summer Program at our pastoral ministry of St. Philip Benizi Catholic Church (Jonesboro, Georgia) is an opportunity for PreK – 8th Grade students to participate in Faith Formation during the summer, instead of the school year. This June, the two weeks (10days – 30 hours) of sessions included Daily Mass, Scripture Lessons, Hands-on Activities, Prayer Liturgical Experiences, Music, Snacks and Outdoor Fun.
Message taken from the June 23, 2019 Bulletin:
“Every day with daily Mass, allowing the children to come together to offer up their day to the Lord. Students shared in classroom time, learned diverse forms of prayer, participated in games (kickball, soccer, baseball, and basketball) and unstructured play time. The younger ones chose to play on the playground, practiced gymnastic poses, and took turns hanging upside down. During the music rotation, our children learned about what full, active, and conscious participation is at Mass. Ashe Griffin led wonderful music sessions and taught our children several songs that tied back into the daily Gospel themes that they had heard at Mass. Meanwhile, Joceline Hernandez worked with several guest teachers to help students learn about ways that they can put their Catholic faith into action. They learned about care for God’s Creation and visited our Laudato Si garden and met our working goats, Anthony and Francis. They took home a little green bean seed to re-pot and grow at home. Then, later in the first week, they visited with Sherry Ann Jenkins to learn about the wonderful work that the Pregnancy Aid Center in Jonesboro does to provide support to pregnant women and their babies. Our children drew pictures and wrote cards of encouragement to the soon-to-be mothers. They also learned about Mary and how she lived out her maternity period by taking Jesus (still in the womb) to visit others and how we can do the same. On Friday of the first week, our children also took turns visiting the St. Vincent de Paul food pantry and learned about the incredible work that is accomplished through the generous gifts of canned foods and money that are given each month by parishioners! Did you know that we feed approximately 125 families each week? WOW! God is Good! Stay tuned and check back next week’s bulletin for a second update on what we did for the second week of the Summer Program!”