Friar Sebastian De Backer, OFM Conv., Renews Simple Vows

Friar Sebastian De Backer, OFM Conv., renewed his simple vows on Tuesday, July 9, 2024, at Our Lady of Angels Chapel in Enfield, Conn., at the 4 p.m. Mass.  Presiding and preaching at the Mass, Friar John Koziol, OFM Conv., received Friar Sebastian’s vows.  The friars and sisters at the infirmary joined in the celebration.

Our three friars on their solemn vow retreat in Holyoke,  Friar Cristofer Fernández, OFM Conv., Friar Raad Eshoo, OFM Conv., and Friar Joseph Krondon, OFM Conv., also joined the celebration as did Friars Brad Milunski, John Ruffo, Joseph Freitag, and Luis Palacios-Rodriguez. Friars Tony Kall and Vincent Vivian were the official witnesses for the renewal of vows. A fraternal gathering and pizza party took place after the Mass.

Congratulations Friar Sebastian!