24 friars from Our Lady of the Angels Province who have a combined 950 years of service were honored at a Mass at The Shrine of St. Anthony in Ellicott City, Md., on Nov. 14, 2024. 15 of the jubilarians celebrated their professions with another nine marking their ordination anniversaries. Friar Bishop Michael T. Martin, OFM Conv., bishop of Charlotte, was the principal celebrant. Concelebrant was Friar Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, OFM Conv., Archbishop of Atlanta.

Eight friars renewed their vows of profession. L-R: Fr. Santo Cricchio, Fr. Andrew Santamauro, Fr. Gregory Spuhler, Fr. Lawrence LaFlame, Fr. Emmanuel Acquaye, Fr. Robert Benko, Fr. Robert Schlageter, and Fr. Paul Gabriel.
“I am honored to be here today in the presence of our brothers who have dedicated so much of their lives to the ministry but more important, the walk of St. Francis of Assisi that has inspired all our lives to give of ourselves in service of the Gospel,” Bishop Martin said.
The Mass which was attended by 11 of the jubilarians and about 70 friars. “We give God, thanks for our jubilarians who encourage all of us friars to be faithful to our vows and our ministry to the people of God. I’m glad we’re here to celebrate that,” said Minister Provincial Friar Michael Heine, OFM Conv.

Six friar priests renewed their preistly commitment: L-R: Fr. William Robinson, Fr. Jude DeAngelo, Fr. Michael Lorentsen, Fr. John Ruffo, and Fr. Marek Stybor.
In his homily, Friar Andrew Santamauro, OFM Conv., a 25 year priestly ordination jubilarian, said, “The kingdom is manifest in our friaries when we’re patient, kind, merciful, empathetic, and yes, forgiving. As we look back on the years that have brought us to this jubilee, in those same friaries, among those same friars, we see countless instances of God’s grace — times when we have experienced His love, mercy, and guidance. We just had to have our eyes open to the possibility. “

Friar Priest Jubilarians with Minister Provincial Friar Michael Heine, Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, and Bishop Michael T. Martin.
Friars celebrating ordination anniversaries:
Friar Paul Varga, OFM Conv. – 60 years
Friar Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv., Friar William Robinson, OFM Conv., and Friar John Ruffo, OFM Conv. – 50 years
Friar Jude DeAngelo, OFM Conv. and Friar Daniel Fink, OFM Conv. – 40 years
Friar Michael Lorentsen, OFM Conv. – 30 years
Friar Abelardo Huanca Martinez, OFM Conv. and Friar Marek Stybor, OFM Conv. – 25 years

Friar Jubilarians with Minister Provincial Friar Michael Heine, Archbishop Gregory J. Hartmayer, and Bishop Michael T. Martin.
Friar Jubilarians celebrating profession anniversaries:
Friar Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv. – 70 years
Friar Joseph Angelini, OFM Conv. and Friar Julian Zambanini, OFM Conv. – 65 years
Friar Robert Schlageter, OFM Conv. – 50 years
Friar Santo Cricchio, OFM Conv. and Friar Lawrence LaFlame, OFM Conv. – 40 years
Friar Robert Benko, OFM Conv., Friar Pedro De Oliveira, OFM Conv, Friar Michael Lasky, OFM Conv., Friar Vincent Rubino, OFM Conv., and Friar Gregory Spuhler – 30 years
Friar Emmanuel Acquaye, OFM Conv., Friar Paul Gabriel, OFM Conv., Friar Daniel Lutolf, OFM Conv., and Friar Andrew Santamauro – 25 years
Friar Santamauro concluded his homily by saying, “As we continue to celebrate our jubilee anniversaries, let us give thanks to God for His faithfulness and grace. Let us rejoice in the many ways His Kingdom has been revealed among us and commit ourselves anew to being instruments of His love and peace.”