January 9-12, 2023: This year marks the 800th Anniversary of the 1223 Rule of Saint Francis. Theologian, professor, speaker, and author – including contributing editor of “
The Francis Trilogy,”
Friar Bill Short, OFM (of the
St. Barbara Province – USA, Order of Friars Minor [OFM]***), presented a conference on the histories and developments of the Rule of 1221 (Regula non bullata) and the
Rule of 1223 (Regula bullata), to the Novices of the First Order Franciscan USA Novitiates. The participating Novices, including our own province’s
friar Marvin Paul Fernandez, OFM Conv. (4th row – 4th from left) and
friar Connor J. Ouly, OFM Conv. (2nd row – 2nd right from center), will profess their Simple Vows, at the end of this Novitiate Year. Also pictured above far right is Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv., a friar of our province who serves the Novices of our St. Francis of Assisi Friary Novitiate, in Arroyo Grande, CA, as Assistant Novice Director.

Friar Bill and friar Marvin demonstrate how a friar professes his obedience to his ordinary, in the same way that our Seraphic Father ~ Saint Francis of Assisi vowed an obedience to Pope Innocent III and his successors.
***NOTE: Just as our province
one of the Order of Franciscan Friars Conventual [OFM Conv.],
the friars of the St. Barbara Province OFMs are also
one of the three First Orders of Franciscans,
which includes the Capuchin friars [OFM Cap.].
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