Many of the pastoral ministries of our province, include a parish or parochial school. In addition, fifteen more of our friars also serve as educators, chaplains, scholars and administrators in high school and university level ministry.
In the Holy Father’s January 2023 “The Pope Video,” Pope Francis proposes that educators “add new content to their teaching: fraternity.” Fraternity is already at the heart of our Order. This fraternal charism is central to all of our ministries, and it is visibly evident in our parish schools and other education ministries. As the Holy Father stated in his January 2023 video reflection, “Education is an act of love that illuminates the path for us to recover a sense of fraternity, so we will not ignore those who are most vulnerable.”
If you do not already, prayerfully consider becoming a part of our education ministries, by enrolling your family in a school near you, praying for our friars serving in education ministries, or financially contributing to one of these ministries most in need.
Featured Ministry: St. Peter School, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ
At left, 8th & 2nd grade Prayer Partners attended Mass together, at St. Peter School, the parish school of our pastoral ministry ~ St. Peter Catholic Church. These 8th graders work together to help guide their 2nd grade Prayer Partners through the correct prayers and responses, during the Liturgy. St. Peter School, located at 415 Atlantic Avenue, Point Pleasant Beach, NJ 08742 (732-892-1260), is celebrating a Centennial Jubilee this year. Start off your support, by joining them on January 29, 2023, for their Catholic Schools Week Kickoff, including a student led Mass and an Open House. Come back for more celebrations throughout the year, in support of our friars’ 100-year-old school, founded by our own +Fr. Peter Jachetti, OFM Conv., and “Anchored in Faith.” (Donate)

Along with the January intention of Pope Francis,
“Let us pray that educators may be credible witnesses,
teaching fraternity rather than confrontation
and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.”
teaching fraternity rather than confrontation
and helping especially the youngest and most vulnerable above all.”
Visit our province website’s Location Page to find a ministry nearest to you.