October 21, 2022: Frei Fernando Pereira de Andrade Júnior, OFM Conv., a student friar of our Custódia Província Imaculada Conceição (Immaculate Conception Custody) in Brazil, renewed his Simple Vows of Poverty, Chastity and Obedience. He also received the Ministry of Acolyte, at the hands of our new Custódio Provincial, Frei Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Charles, OFM Conv.
Article on the Curia’s Website

Frei Marcelo dos Santos da Silva, OFM Conv., Frei Jesus Rodrigues do Amaral, OFM Conv., Frei Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Charles, OFM Conv., Frei Fernando Pereira de Andrade Júnior, OFM Conv., Frei Ricardo Elvis Arruda Bezerra, OFM Conv. and Frei Michel da Cruz Alves dos Santos, OFM Conv.
If you are a young man in Brazil
and would like more information on Vocations with our Custody there,
contact Friar Willian Gomes Mendonça, OFM Conv.,
at despertarfranciscano@gmail.com or sav.conv@hotmail.com
If you are a young man living on the East Coast of North America,
and you would like more information on life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual
of Our Lady of the Angels Province, email our Province Vocation Directors,
Fr. Manny Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. and Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv.
at vocations@olprovince.org.