Now approaching the halfway mark in his Fraternal-Apostolic Year of Formation (May 2022 – May 2023), where he has served at our pastoral ministry ~ Assumption Church, in Syracuse, NY, friar Joseph Krondon, OFM Conv., a simply professed student friar of our province, is continuing to live with our friars of St. Francis Friary, while interning as a pastoral minister at the parish’s Food Pantry & Soup Kitchen, and Franciscan Northside Ministries. He has also been serving the parish as sacristan, altar server coordinator, and hospitality minister.

Pictured at Assumption Food Pantry and Soup Kitchen with RaeAnn Kirk, one of our FrancisCorps volunteers, who serves as Assistant Director
In honor of the 10th Anniversary of the canonization Saint Marianne Cope [October 21, 2012], a special Mass was celebrated on Saturday, October 22, 2022, at our Syracuse, NY pastoral ministry ~ Assumption Church, with a reception to follow at the Saint Marianne Cope Shrine & Museum, a ministry of her Order ~ The Sisters of Saint Francis of the Neumann Communities. The Mass was celebrated by Bishop Douglas J. Lucia. Assumption Church is home to a small shrine honoring Saint Marianne Cope who once walked the streets of the Northside neighborhood providing care and love to all. “Mother Marianne” was a native of Syracuse, NY, who had strong ties to our friars, the people of Assumption Church and the greater community. She made Hawaii her final home and her remains were transported from Syracuse to the Cathedral Basilica of Our Lady of Peace, in Honolulu, in July of 2014. Her Feast Day is celebrated on January 23rd. During the October 22nd Mass, she was hailed as a “living Gospel” by Bishop Lucia who imparted the final blessing with a relic of St. Marianne (see below).

During the Mass in honor of St. Marianne Cope, friar Joe had the privilege of serving Bishop Lucia. He is pictured here as the Bishop blessed those present with a relic of this great saint. [Photo Cred: The Catholic Sun]