On Saturday, October 22, 2022, our friars of our Province’s Immaculate Conception Custody, in Brazil, celebrated the Ordination of Frei Jesus Rodrigues do Amaral, OFM Conv. at the hands of Archbishop Fernando José Monteiro Guimarães, C.SS.R., Archbishop Emeritus of the Military Ordinariate of Brazil (photo below).
Many more photos can be found on the Matriz São Pedro e São Paulo Facebook page.

On October 25, 2022 at our Custody’s Paraíba do Sul pastoral ministry ~ Matriz São Pedro e São Paulo, Frei Jesus celebrated his first Mass of Thanksgiving. The Eucharistic celebration was attended by our Most Reverend Diocesan Bishop Nelson Francelino, who solemnly delivered the homily for the Eucharistic celebration. In addition to the friars of the Convento Santo Antônio dos Pobres, Friar Alexandre do Carmo de Souza (guardian) and Friar Michel da Cruz, OFMConv. (Parish of São Pedro and São Paulo), the Mass was concelebrated by the following priests who are members of the Council of the Provincial Custody of the Immaculate Conception of Brazil: Friar Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Charles, OFM Conv. (Custódio), Frei Fábio Soares, OFM Conv. (Custodial Vicar), Frei Ronaldo Gomes da Silva, OFM Conv. (Definitor), Friar Willian Gomes de Mendonça,OFM Conv. (Definitor), Friar Luís Henrique Nascimento Lima, OFM Conv. (Treasurer and Exactor). The celebration was also attended by the following priests: Friar Lindomar de Jesus Carvalho, OFM Conv., Friar Luiz Gonzaga da Silva, OFM Conv., Fr. Medoro, Fr. Itamar, Fr. Jefferson, Fr. Marcio Xavier. More photos of the October 25th Mass from Focar Regional Notícias e Eventos

Frei Carlos Roberto de Oliveira Charles, OFM Conv. (Custódio Provincial of our Custódia Província Imaculada Conceição with Frei Jesus [Photo Cred: Focar Regional Notícias e Eventos]

Frei Jesus with Frei Ronaldo Gomes da Silva, OFM Conv., who served as Custódio Provincial throughout most of Frei Jesus’ formative years. Frei Ronaldo continues to serve the Custody now as a member of the Definitory. [Photo Cred: Focar Regional Notícias e Eventos]
If you are a young man in Brazil
and would like more information on Vocations with our Custody there,
contact Friar Willian Gomes Mendonça, OFM Conv.,
at despertarfranciscano@gmail.com or sav.conv@hotmail.com
If you are a young man living on the East Coast of North America,
and you would like more information on life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual
of Our Lady of the Angels Province, email our Province Vocation Directors,
Fr. Manny Vasconcelos, OFM Conv. and Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv.
at vocations@olprovince.org.