“Remember that when you leave this earth you take nothing with you that you have received, only what you have given; a full heart, enriched by honest service, love, sacrifice and courage” – St Francis of Assisi

Friar Bryan Hajovsky, OFM Conv. (Instructor) during the Transitus Service at St. Francis High School, in Athol Springs, NY

Fr. Luis Palacios Rodriguez, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar)~ Adoration during the Transitus, at St. Julia Parish, in Siler City, NC

Fr. Nader Ata, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar at Assumption and Chaplain for FrancisCorps) with the FrancisCorps volunteers who celebrated Transitus by reading different reflections from Francis’ followers, during the Transitus service, at The Franciscan Church of the Assumption, in Syracuse, NY.

From the Transitus Service of our friars of our Blessed Agnullus of Pisa Province Custody ~ Franciscan Friary, in Wexford Ireland

Led in prayer by Friar Bob and Friar Richard, with a reflection by Friar Germain {29:55 mark in video} the friars of our St. Mark Friary (Fr. Richard Florek, OFM Conv., Fr. Germain Kopaczynski, OFM Conv., Fr. Bob Benko, OFM Conv. – pastor, Fr. Carl Zdancewicz, OFM Conv. – parochial vicar (photo cred), Fr. Michael Sajda, OFM Conv. – parochial vicar, and Fr. Joe Dorniak, OFM Conv.) gathered to celebrate the Transitus with the people of St. Mark Catholic Church, in Boynton Beach, FL.
With the friars leading them in prayer: Fr. Richard-Jacob Forcier, OFM Conv. (Shrine Rector/Director), Br. Paschal Kolodziej, OFM Conv. (Shrine Staff Friar), and friar Joseph Krondon, OFM Conv. (student friar), the pilgrims of The Shrine of St. Anthony, in Ellicott City, MD who gathered in our chapel, with many of our friars of the Ellicott City friaries to celebrate the Transitus together in community, heard a beautiful reflection by Br. Douglas McMillan, OFM Conv. (friar in residence) [26:48 mark in video] on the life of our Seraphic Father, St. Francis of Assisi.