Our newest provincial pastoral ministry, Our Lady of Fatima Parish (Ludlow, MA) celebrated their annual FESTA, September 1-5, 2022.
Joyfully, during his multi-day Fraternal Visit with our 17 friars residing in (and de familia to) our St. Stanislaus Bishop & Martyr Friary (Chicopee, MA), St. Hyacinth Friary (Chicopee, MA), and Our Lady of the Angels Care Center (Enfield, CT), the Vicar Provincial of our Province, Friar Gary Johnson, OFM Conv. was able to join Friar Pedro de Oliveira, OFM Conv. (Our Lady of the Angels Province friar serving there as Pastor), Frei Luiz Fernando Lima Rangel, OFM Conv. (a friar of our Custódia Província Imaculada Conceição – Province Custody in Brazil – who will soon serve there as Parochial Vicar), parishioners, neighbors and thousands (an estimated 30 thousand over the course of the FESTA was reported) of visitors from many states, for this year’s 74th Anniversary of Our Lady of Fatima Parish celebration. On Sunday, September 4, 2022, the faithful gathered at the outdoor chapel for Mass and a Candlelight Procession (praying the Rosary in five different languages) through the streets of Ludlow, with Most Reverend William Byrne. D.D., Bishop of the Diocese of Springfield.
Friar Gary shared these beautiful photos he was able to capture as a participant.

Preparation of the litter and crowning of Our Lady for the procession. Several of our friars in attendance can be seen in the back of the photo: Fr. Brad Milunski, OFM Conv. (pastor/rector of the Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr – Chicopee, MA), Fr. Andrew Santamauro, OFM Conv. (Guardian and Senior Friars Director at our St. Hyacinth Friary in Chicopee, MA & Chaplain of Our Lady of the Angels Care Center, in Enfield, CT), and Fr. Mieczysław Wilk, OFM Conv. (Parochial Vicar of Most Holy Trinity – St. Mary Church in Brooklyn, NY & Parochial Vicar Emeritus of the Basilica of St. Stanislaus)

Before joining, Friar Pedro, Frei Luiz and Bishop Byrne watch as the statue of Our Lady of Fatima is carried out to begin the procession.

Small sampling of the thousands of faithful gathered for the procession through the streets of Ludlow.

Friar Andy was able to catch this beautiful photo before the procession began.
Read more about the 74th FESTA celebration, in the September 5, 2022 online iObserve.org article.