August 21-23, 2022: Our Lady of the Angels Province, Minister Provincial ~ Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (at left) made a Fraternal Visit to our friars living and serving in Ludlow, MA, Enfield, CT and Johnstown, PA. He is pictured here with Fr. Pedro de Oliveira, OFM Conv. (at right), pastor of Our Lady of Fatima Parish, in Ludlow.
More on Our Lady of Fatima Parish (Ludlow, MA):
In July 2022, our province was blessed to add our newest pastoral ministry, under the leadership of Fr. Pedro de Oliveira, OFM Conv. Born in Azores, Portugal, Friar Pedro professed his Simple Vows as a friar of our province, on August 06, 1994, and his Solemn Vows on October 11, 1998. After he was Ordained to the Priesthood, on May 20, 2000, Friar Pedro served as parochial vicar in four of our parishes, in the USA and one in Brazil. For his last two assignments, he had served as pastor for RCC of Most Holy Trinity – St. Mary (Brooklyn, NY), and then St. Peter’s RCC (Pt. Pleasant Beach, NJ). Masses at Our Lady of Fatima Parish are celebrated in both English and Portuguese, so Friar Pedro was a welcomed addition, working alongside a staff which is also fluent in both languages. There is hope that someday soon one of the bi-lingual friars of our Province’s Custódia Província Imaculada Conceição (Immaculate Conception Custody in Brazil) will also be able to join Friar Pedro in serving the people of Ludlow.
Some of the following information was extracted from the “History” page of the Our Lady of Fatima Parish website:
For 30 years prior to its establishment as a parish in 1948, the greatly devout Portuguese Catholics of the Ludlow area raised funds for a church of their very own. Over the years since the parish was first established, the campus has expanded to include an outdoor chapel & shrine, a Fátima museum. and an Annual Festa Celebration honoring the anniversary and dedication of the parish ~ Labor Day, September 5th 1949, the date Our Lady of Fatima Parish was inaugurated. Learn more about the events of the parish, on the parish’s Facebook page, where you can also virtually join in the parish’s weekend Masses. Festa 2022, has its own Facebook page.
Bem Vino ao Frei Pedro de Oliveira!
(The Sunday July 3rd welcome Mass of Friar Pedro de Oliveira, OFM Conv.)