Sunday, June 26, 2022: Our Elmhurst, NY province pastoral ministry ~ St. Adalbert Roman Catholic Church, celebrated a “Come Together” parish picnic celebration, which included a Santo Nino Statue Blessing, held during the 2:00 p.m. Filipino Mass. Our Lady of the Angels Minister Provincial, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv., was on hand to preside at the Mass, bless the statue, and enjoy the parish fellowship. The parish took the opportunity to also celebrate the 30th Ordination Anniversary of their pastor ~ Fr. Mirosław Podymniak, OFM Conv. and the belated 60th Birthday of Fr. Michael. The parish enjoyed a day filled with live music, dancing, food and fellowship. More Parish Photos

The pastoral leadership of St. Adalbert Roman Catholic Church (left side front row – left to right) Fr. Ericson de la Pena, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), Fr. Lucjan Szymański, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar), Fr. Mirosław “Mirek” Podymniak, OFM Conv. (pastor) & at right of the Santo Nino Statue, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (Minister Provincial)

Fr. Herman Czaster, OFM Conv. (friar in residence at St. Adalbert Friary) can be seen behind Friar Michael.
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Photos and Mass Video Cred: Saint Adalbert Parish in New York