Fr. Nicholas Spano, OFM Conv. (Pastoral Associate – Assumption Church, Syracuse, NY & Mall Ministry Chaplain – Franciscan Place Chapel & Gift Shop at Destiny USA) and Friar Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv. (Pastor – Assumption Church) touring the Hancock Field Air National Guard Base facilities.
Tuesday, June 14, 2022: Hosted by the New York Air National Guard’s 174th Attack Wing, Friar Nick and Friar Rick joined 65 other Syracuse, NY area clergy, to take part in “Clergy Day,” an informational event, including a tour of Hancock Field Air National Guard Base facilities, to learn more about their own military chaplains and about what Air National Guard Airmen assigned to the unit do, led by the wing commander, Col. William McCrink. Chaplain (Major) Matthew Hallenbeck, the wing’s chaplain, hoped to provide participants with a briefing about what military chaplains do and the opportunities for the clergy in attendance, who serve the members of The Wing, to participate as part -time Air or Army National Guard chaplains.
Excerpt from the 174th Attach Wing Facebook Page: “Clergy members from the local community attended Hancock Field Air National Guard Clergy Day. Clergy members from the local community received a welcome briefing and a tour of the base. The purpose of the event was to continue to nurture our base’s partnership with the local Syracuse community and to express our appreciation to civilian clergy members who have shared ministry with our chapel staff in providing spiritual care to our military members and their families.”