Our friars living in and serving from our St. Francis Friary, in Syracuse, NY were honored to welcome the Most Reverend Carlos Trovarelli, OFM Conv. (Minister General of the Order) and Fr. Jude Winkler, OFM Conv. (Assistant General of the Order – CFF) for a brief fraternal visit. Friar Carlos and Friar Jude had an opportunity to visit with our friars, share in the Eucharist at Assumption Church and Syracuse University (video of SU Mass above), tour the various outreach ministries and pray at the Assumption Cemetery Friars’ plot before heading off to Montreal for a visit with the friars there.
More photos are on the Assumption Church Facebook and FrancisCorps Facebook pages.

After Mass at Assumption Church, Some of the FrancisCorps Volunteers met with Friar Carlos and Friar Jude, with Friar Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv. (pastor of Assumption Church and chaplain for FrancisCorps).

Friar Carlos got to chat about Canon Law over coffee, with Friar Nevin Hammon, OFM Conv.

Br. Ed Falsey, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian) took Friar Carlos and Friar Jude to the Friars Plot at Assumption Cemetery, where they were able to pray for the friars buried there, including two former Minister Generals: Most Reverend Dominic Reuter, OFM Conv. (1886-1933) and Most Reverend Bede Hess, OFM Conv. (1885-1953). Friar Dominic Reuter (1904-1910) was the first American to be elected General. He held a doctorate in both philosophy and theology, and during the First World War he was appointed to head the Vatican Office for war prisoners. Friar Bede Hess (1936-1953) served the Order during the precarious years of the Second World War. He was an intermediary between the Allied and Axis powers, and a man who promoted culture, social works, and new missions in Latin America.