Prayer over Friar Manny as he is installed into the Ministry of Acolyte: “God of Mercy, through Your Son, You entrusted the Bread of Life to Your people. Bless Emmanuel, who has been chosen for the ministry of Acolyte. Grant that he may be faithful in the service of Your altar and faithful in sharing the Bread of Life with his brothers and sisters. May he grow always in faith and love, and so build up Your Church. We ask this through Christ, our Lord. Amen”
During the January 29, 2022 Livestreamed Saturday Evening Liturgy, presided over by Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM Conv. (pastor of our Toronto, ON pastoral ministry – The Franciscan Church at St. Bonaventure), Br. Emmanuel Wenke, OFM Conv. was installed into the Ministry of Reader (Lector) and the Ministry of Acolyte. Friar Manny is currently in study for the priesthood, at Regis College, University of Toronto – Toronto School of Theology. Installation into the Ministries of Reader and Acolyte are vital steps in his formation. (Can. 1035 §1. Before anyone is promoted to the permanent or transitional diaconate, he is required to have received the ministries of lector and acolyte and to have exercised them for a suitable period of time.) Following the opening prayer, Br. Tom Purcell, OFM Conv. (Friary Guardian) called forth a joy filled Friar Manny to receive the Ministry of Reader. He then proclaimed the Scriptures of the day (at right), followed by Fr. Peter Knaapen, OFM Conv. (parochial vicar) proclaiming the Gospel. Our student friar Fabian Adderley, OFM Conv. (Apostolic Year of Formation) led the faithful in the General Intercessions, followed by special vocation intentions led by Friar Dennis. During the Communion Rite, Br. Tom again called forward Friar Manny, who then received the Ministry of Acolyte (above) and ministered the Eucharist to God’s People.

“Friar Emmanuel, take this vessel for the celebration of the Holy Eucharist. Make your life worthy of the service you will perform at the Table of the Lord and of His Church.”
All are encouraged to share in Friar Manny’s happiness, as you view the Liturgy, found on the parish YouTube channel: