October 5, 2021 – Shrine of St. Anthony, Ellicott City, MD: Last year, due to COVID restrictions, our province could not celebrate our 2020 Jubilarians, in our usual way. We are happy to share as we gather to celebrate them, along with our 2021 Jubilarians, now that some of the restrictions have lifted. On Tuesday, October 5th, our friars gathered at the Noon Mass at The Shrine of St. Anthony, to fraternally concelebrate the Liturgy, followed by a luncheon. The presider is Fr. John Burkhard, OFM Conv. who will be honored for his 60th Anniversary of his Profession. The homilist is Fr. Donald Grzymski, OFM Conv. who will be honored for his 50th Anniversary of his Profession and 40th Anniversary of his Ordination. The Director of our Province Healthcare Ministry – Mrs. Pat Ashburn – was invited to serve as lector.
Other honorees are:
2020 & 2021 Profession Jubilarians
65th Anniversary of Profession:
Richard Rossell: August 16, 1955
Edward Debono: August 15, 1956
Robert Amrhein: August 15, 1956
Adam Keltos: August 15, 1956
Stanley Sobiech: September 16, 1956
60th Anniversary of Profession:
Hilary Brzostowski: August 15, 1960
Romuald Meogrossi: August 15, 1960
Nicholas Swiatek: August 15, 1960
Charles Jagodzinski: August 15, 1960
Stephen Merrigan: September 24, 1960
John Burkhard: August 12, 1961
Edward Handy: August 12, 1961
Mark Steed: August 12, 1961
James Amrhein: August 12, 1961
Dominic McGee: August 12, 1961
Nicholas Lorson: August 12, 1961
Dennis Sokolowski: August 15, 1961
Martin Breski: August 15, 1961
Joachim Giermek: August 15, 1961
Anthony Francis Spilka: August 15, 1961
50th Anniversary of Profession:
Thomas Reist: August 15, 1970
Vincent Gluc: August 15, 1970
Raphael Zwolenkiewicz: August 15, 1970
Gregory Hartmayer: August 15, 1970
Michael Sajda: August 15, 1970
Joseph Dorniak: August 15, 1970
Brian Newbigging: August 15, 1970
James Moore: August 16, 1970
Tom Purcell: August 16, 1970
Douglas McMillan: August 16, 1970
James McCurry: August 15, 1971
Donald Grzymski: August 15, 1971
40th Anniversary of Profession:
Thomas Lavin: August 15, 1980
Michael Martin: August 15, 1980
Michael Englert: August 15, 1980
Maurice Richard: August 1, 1981
Brennan Joseph Farleo: August 1, 1981
Jobe Abbass: August 1, 1981
John Koziol: August 15, 1981
25th Anniversary of Profession:
Gary Johnson: August 5, 1995
Andrzej Brzezinski: September 26, 1996
Grzegorz Wierzowiecki: September 26, 1996
2020 & 2021 Ordination Jubilarians
60th Anniversary of Ordination:
Richard Rossell: May 27, 1961
Raymond Borkowski: December 23, 1961
50th Anniversary of Ordination:
Michael Kolodziej: May 23, 1970
Conrad Salach: May 22, 1971
Anthony Kall: May 22, 1971
Edward Ondrako: May 22, 1971
Francis Lombardo: May 22, 1971
George Sabol: November 20, 1971
40th Anniversary of Ordination:
Donald Grzymski: May 10, 1980
Paul Lininger: May 9, 1981
Robert Twele: July 18, 1981
Jude Winkler: July 25, 1981
25th Anniversary of Ordination:
Stephen King: May 26, 1996

A sampling of the Jubilarians on hand
If you would like more information on life as a Franciscan Friar Conventual,
contact our Province Vocation Director:
Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. at vocations@olaprovince.org
and visit Vocations | Our Lady of the Angels Province, USA (olaprovince.org).