Profissão Perpétua de [Solemn Vow Profession] Frei Jesus (center left) and Frei Ricardo Elvis (center right). Pictured at center top is Our Lady of the Angels Province Minister Provincial ~ the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv., who is flanked by the Very Reverend Fr. Ronaldo Gomes da Silva, OFM Conv. (3rd from right – Custódio Provincial) and Frei Michel da Cruz Alves dos Santos, OFM Conv. (2nd from left – Pastor, Paróquia São Pedro e São Paulo), also pictured are Frei Luis Henrique Nascimento Lima, OFM Conv. (far left – Formador aka Custody’s Prefect of Formation), Frei Alexandre do Carmo Souza, OFM Conv. (2nd from right – Parochial Vicar, Paróquia São Pedro e São Paulo), and Frei Flávio Freitas de Amorim, (far right – Vicar Provincial, São Maximilian Kolbe of Brazil)
August 2, 2021: On the Feast of Our Lady of the Angels, two friars of our
Custódia Provincial Imaculada Conceição do Brasil (Immaculate Conception Custody in Brazil),
Frei Jesus Rodrigues do Amaral, OFM Conv.
Frei Ricardo Elvis Arruda Bezerra, OFM Conv.
professed their Solemn Vows of Poverty, Chastity, and Obedience,
at the hands of our Minister Provincial,
the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.,
at Paróquia São Pedro e São Paulo (St. Peter and St. Paul Parish),
in Paraíba do Sul (Rio de Janeiro, Brazil).

Fr. James (far left), Frei Jesus (center left) and Frei Ricardo Elvis (center right) with the Franciscan Friar Conventual Postulants of Brazil.
See more photos in the albums:
Profissão Perpétua de Frei Jesus e Frei Ricardo
Profissão Solene de Frei Jesus Amaral e Frei Ricardo Elvis