Top Row l-r: friar Edgar Varela, OFM Conv. (OLA), friar Wayne Mulei, OFM Conv. (SJC), Assistant Director of the Novitiate – Fr. Maurice Richard, OFM Conv. (OLA), Minister Provincial of St. Bonaventure Province – the Very Reverend Fr. Michael Zielke, OFM Conv. (SB), Director of the Novitiate – Br. Joe Wood, OFM Conv. (SB), friar Jonathan García Zenteno, OFM Conv. (OLA) Bottom Row l-r: friar Michael Boes, OFM Conv. (OLA), friar Anthony Ruffolo, OFM Conv. (SB), and friar Bram De Backer, OFM Conv. (OLA)
The Minister Provincial of St. Bonaventure Province, the Very Reverend Fr. Michael Zielke, OFM Conv. spent time at the U.S.A. Provinces’ Novitiate, from May 4-11, 2021, to visit with the community there, cook several delicious meals for them, and meet with the community for the scrutiniums for the novices, as they prepare to end their Novitiate year; looking forward to profession of simple vows this Summer. {For our province, we will joyfully celebrate the Simple Vow Professions of friar Michael, friar Edgar, friar Jonathan and friar Bram, on July 29, 2021} It was a great time of fraternity, sharing many laughs and telling stories with Fr. Michael.
Please keep these six Novices in your continued prayers as they make final preparations for their Solemn (Simple/Temporary) Vow Professions. For more information on vocations, contact our Province Vocation Director, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. at vocations@olaprovince.org or visit FranciscanVoice.org.