May 6, 2021: Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. ~ Province Vocation Director (4th from left) was invited to join the students served by Syracuse University Catholic Campus Ministry & Fr. Gerry Waterman, OFM Conv. ~ Campus Minister (center top) for the weekly Thursday Night Dinner after Evening Mass, in the SU Catholic Center.
With the recent lifting of travel and social gathering pandemic restriction protocols, our Vocation Director, Br. Nick Romeo, OFM Conv. has been able to return to his travels, visiting our province ministries and promoting vocations to our Order ~ specifically to our province. While in the Syracuse, NY area over Mother’s Day 2021 weekend, Br. Nick was invited to visit with the SU Campus Ministry and joined them for their weekly Thursday Night Dinner (above) in the Catholic Center. He also spoke at weekend Masses at our Syracuse, NY pastoral ministry of Assumption Church, and returned to the University to speak at the Sunday Liturgy, in the St. Thomas More Chapel (below).
While many restrictions have been lifted, several events continue to remain virtual. On May 1st, Br. Nick presented a reflection on the vocation of brother for the 2021 Religious Brothers Day Virtual Gathering, sponsored by the Conference of Major Superiors of Men, National Religious Vocations Conference, Religious Brothers Conference and Religious Formation Conference.
For more information on Vocations,
visit FranciscanVoice.org or email Br. Nick at vocations@olaprovince.org.