Saturday, May 1, 2021 marked the season opener weekend (photos to come) for our Saint Kateri Tekakwitha National Shrine and Historic Site., including Masses celebrated by our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. Throughout the Summer Season (May 1 – October 31), services will be held in their outdoor Saint Maximilian Kolbe Pavilion, rain or shine. They will celebrate a 4:30 p.m. Vigil Mass on Saturday and a 10:30 a.m. Mass on Sunday, every week. The Grounds are open 9:00 a.m. – 6:00 p.m. daily with the Shrine Office open Friday through Tuesday, 8:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m.. The Office is closed on Wednesday and Thursday. The Shrine also has a Gift Shop, open Friday-Sunday-Monday-Tuesday 9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., and Saturday 10:00 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. The Gift Shop is closed on Wednesday and Thursday. St. Peter’s Chapel and Native American Exhibit are also currently still closed, but the Candle Chapel, Outdoor Sanctuary, and Hiking Trails have remained open year-round, dawn to dusk, weather permitting. Summer Calendar
Note: You may have noticed the new logo featuring the iconic main building that welcomes visitors to the Shrine. This building reflects both the spiritual and cultural mission of the Shrine, as it houses both the Native American Museum and Saint Peter’s Chapel, named in honor of Saint Kateri’s place of baptism. The color purple acknowledges the Iroquois Confederacy; the people who lived on this site historically ~ Saint Kateri Tekakwitha’s people.

Artist/Author Karla Korzach (at center) of soon-to-be-published St. Kateri Coloring Book, pictured with her husband Walter, and (left to right) St. Kateri National Shrine Director ~ Fr. Timothy Lyons, OFM Conv., renowned Algonquin member Terry Steele, Mrs. and Mr. Korzach, and our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv.