March 21, 2021: The City of Chicopee, MA honored Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Joe Bayne, OFM Conv. with a celebration honoring him for his selfless service to the St. Stanislaus Community and the men and women of the Chicopee Fire Department. Additionally, Friar Joe was honored for his Birthday (March 15), Feast Day (March 19th), and Belated 35th Ordination Anniversary. A very large amount of Basilica of St. Stanislaus, Bishop & Martyr parishioners joined in a Car Parade to extend their well wishes to their Beloved Pastor; a much-loved Shepherd to the St. Stanislaus Community. “We are so blessed to have him as our humble Shepherd!” ~ DQ Diane LaCosse
Media coverage for the day included: Local TV 22, Catholic Communications, the Diocese of Springfield’s “Real to Reel — 3-27-2021” and the Chicopee Herald. The Parish had a wonderful day honoring their Beloved Priest – Friar Joe!