After completing their time in the Novitiate, frei Jesus Rodrigues do Amaral, OFM Conv., frei Ricardo Elvis Arruda Bezerra, OFM Conv., and frei Fernando Pereira de Andrade Júnior, OFM Conv. of our Immaculate Conception Custody (Brazil) first professed their Simple {Temporary} Vows; choosing to live as a Franciscan Friar Conventual (frei Jesus & frei Ricardo on February 08, 2018 and frei Fernando on February 8, 2020). Although the number of times varies from area to area, Simple Vows will be renewed at least once during a friar’s Post-Novitiate years of continuing study and formation. Solemn Vows are perpetual and are not professed until after the friar completes all stages of formation. While continuing his education, the time between the temporary and perpetual vow profession is also the formation period when a friar further reflects on his personal discernment on his life as a friar priest or friar brother, of our Order.
This year, on the Feast of All of the Saints of the Order (November 29), the friars of our Province Custody in Brazil joyfully announced that in the presence of many of their confreres and the faithful, frei Jesus, frei Ricardo and frei Fernando, chose to profess their Renewal of Vows, during Mass, at the Paróquia São Francisco de Assis, in Rio de Janeiro. Friars Jesus and Ricardo also received the Ministry of Acolyte; an important step towards the priesthood.
Article and photos on our Curia’s Website: “Brazil: Renewal of Vows“