Student Presentation by Friar Rijo

Friar Rijo Mulavarickal Polachan, OFM Conv., of the Province of St. Maximilian Kolbe (INDIA) has been living and serving in our province since October 2019. He began his time in the USA with our friars of St. Joseph Cupertino Friary, serving in ministry at The Shrine of St. Anthony (Ellicott City, MD). In May 2020, he moved to Syracuse, NY where he lives with our friars of St. Francis Friary, assisting when he is able at the Franciscan Church of the Assumption, while studying Communications at Syracuse University, home to another one of our ministries – the Syracuse University Catholic Center.

Two friars of our province, the pastor of Assumption Church – Friar Rick Riccioli, OFM Conv., and one of our simply professed student friars who is on summer assignment at our pastoral ministry there – friar Raad Eshoo, OFM Conv. are featured in one of Friar Rijo’s video presentations for his studies. In it, he presents how one should enter into a church during this Corona Virus Pandemic:

  • masks on
  • registration
  • temperature check
  • follow social distancing
  • use hand sanitizer


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