Congratulations to our Russian Confrere!
At noon on Thursday, July 30, 2020 the Holy See announced that Pope Francis has appointed Friar Nicolay Gennadevich Dubinin, OFM Conv. as Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of the Mother of God in Moscow. Our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. sent the following congratulatory message via email:
“Dear Nikolay, Congratulations! The astonishing news of your appointment as Auxiliary Bishop of Moscow has made my Franciscan heart leap for joy!… Actually I have a tear in my eye, as I think of you getting up at 2:00 in the morning to drive +Fr. Justin Biase, OFM Conv. and me to the airport on our last visit with you, shortly before Justin died. He must be looking down from heaven with great joy… I am mindful that St. Maximilian Kolbe once predicted that we would see the statue of the Immaculata in the centre of Moscow. Now we shall have a friar of Maximilian’s own Franciscan family in the centre of Moscow as Bishop. May the Immaculata cover you with her loving mantle… Be assured of prayers. James”
The newly appointed Bishop, sent the following message to the OLA Friars on our Patronal Feast Day (August 2):
“Dear Fr. James, Thank you very much for your message. Thank you for greetings, for your heartfelt words and for your friendship. I am proud to have been able to get to know you well, to stay together in the chapters and to have you guest in Russia. I remember dear +Fr. Justin; he was a very bright man and very good friar. I will live in St. Petersburg helping our archbishop in the north-west part of the diocese. My ordination will take place in Moscow on the 4th of October, St. Francis day. Today when you celebrate the feast of your province, I pray for you and for our friars in the USA. I hope you stay well. God bless you! Hope to see you! Nikolay”
To read more about Nikolay, Click on this link:
New Conventual Bishop

2007: the late +Friar Justin Biase, OFM Conv. at left & Friar Nicolay Gennadevich Dubinin, OFM Conv. at right.