On Thursday, June 25, 2020, during a special Mass celebrated at our pastoral ministry of St. Casimir Church (Baltimore, MD), Kenny Clapp – a member of our Archbishop Curley High School Class of 2020 – was received into the Church as he professed his faith in Jesus and received the Sacraments of Initiation; Baptism, Confirmation and Holy Eucharist.
Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Chris Dudek, OFM Conv., who serves as an instructor and as campus minister at Archbishop Curley High School, was the main celebrant of the Mass and the minister of the Sacraments.
The celebration was originally scheduled at the school in March, but had to be postponed as the school was closed due to COVID-19.
Many of Kenny’s family and friends were able to be present to witness his commitment to Jesus, as were members of Archbishop Curley High School faculty (including Our Lady of the Angels Province friars, Br. Lawrence LaFlame, OFM Conv. and Fr. Bryan Hajovsky, OFM Conv.) and Our Lady of the Angels Province Vicar Provincial, Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. (at left above)
A small social distancing reception took place in the park across from the church after the Mass.

Several of the Archbishop Curley High School students, faculty and friars who came out to celebrate with Kenny
Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Gerry Waterman, OFM Conv. is looking forward to seeing you as you begin your college years at Syracuse University, where he serves as Catholic Campus Minister.