During the Fall Friars Day, on October 15th, our Vicar Provincial Fr. Michael Heine, OFM Conv. took the opportunity to bless one of the newest friaries of our province; the Franciscan Martyrs Friary, in Columbus, GA.
Friars Day – What is It?
Each year, during the Spring and Fall, the friars of the Our Lady of the Angels Province gather for a day of on-going formation and fraternity. Because of the tremendous geographical distance among the friars there are generally four planned days: metro-Baltimore, Western New York, Western Massachusetts and Connecticut, and either Georgia or North Carolina. Topics for each gathering are planned in advance. This Fall’s topic is Forming Intentional Disciples, with presenter: Katherine Coolidge of the Catherine of Siena Institute.
The Fall Friars Days 2019 Schedule
October 8, 2019
Our Lady of the Angels Care Center, Enfield, CT
October 10, 2019
St. Francis Friary, Syracuse, NY
October 15, 2019
Franciscan Martyrs Friary, Columbus, GA
October 17, 2019
St. Casimir Friary, Baltimore, MD