(Left to Right): Fr. Varghese (Lijo) Puthenpurackal, OFM Conv., Fr. Dennis Mason, OFM Conv., Fr. Peter Knaapen, OFM Conv., Fr. James Fukes, OFM Conv., Fr. David Collins, OFM Conv., Br. Tom Purcell, OFM Conv., Fr. Mark Steed, OFM Conv., Fr. Boniface Reinhart, OFM Conv., Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., Fr. Dominic Lim, OFM Conv. and Fr. Ed Debono, OFM Conv. (Photo Cred: Fr. Saviour Karamvelil, OFM Conv.
October 4, 2019: The friars of our Province Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi gathered for a concelebrated Mass followed by a festive dinner, to celebrate their 1st Patron Feast Day as our Canadian Delegation – erected on February 14, 2019. All the friars of the Delegation were at the dinner, however Friar Saviour is not in the pictures because he was the day’s photographer. The three friaries are part of our Canadian Delegation are home to twelve friars: St. André Bessette Friary (Ottawa, ON), St. Anthony Friary (Kingston, ON) and the hosting friary of the day – St. Bonaventure Friary (Toronto, ON).