Presiding at the Mass was Archbishop William E. Lori. Bishop Adam J. Parker and Our Lady of the Angels Province friars, Fr. Chris Dudek, OFM Conv. (2nd from left) and Fr. Dennis Grumsey, OFM Conv. (Pastor – pictured 2nd from right) also concelebrated the 10:00 a.m. Blue Mass, at our pastoral ministry of St. Casimir Church (Baltimore) – honoring Maryland men and women in law enforcement, firefighters, emergency medical technical, military and other first responders serving at the federal state and local levels in the region. The event was sponsored by the Archdiocese of Baltimore and the Maryland Catholic War Veterans.

After the Mass, the parishioners and friars enjoyed some fellowship and a crab feast, with those who travelled from our pastoral ministries in Chicopee, MA and in Shamokin, PA, to join in the celebrations.