90th Birthday of
Fr. Augustine Pilatowski, OFM Conv.,
on September 5, 2019.
The 3rd oldest living friar of our province, Friar Augustine was born on September 5, 1929, in New Haven, CT. He first Professed Simple Vows on September 18, 1951, and his Solemn Profession took place September 18, 1954. He was Ordained to the Priesthood, on May 23, 1959 and spent the next six decades in pastoral, education, vocational, chaplaincy and mission advancement ministries, throughout five different U.S. States.
Since 2018, he has lived with a group of our confreres in Enfield, CT, under the care of the Felician Sisters (officially known as the Congregation of Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi).
Since 2018, he has lived with a group of our confreres in Enfield, CT, under the care of the Felician Sisters (officially known as the Congregation of Sisters of St. Felix of Cantalice Third Order Regular of St. Francis of Assisi).
Join us in wishing Friar Augustine a very Happy 90th Birthday, by keeping him in your prayers.
“Watch over thy child, Augustine, O Lord, as his days increase;
bless and guide him wherever he may be.
bless and guide him wherever he may be.
Strengthen him when he stands;
comfort him when he is discouraged or sorrowful;
comfort him when he is discouraged or sorrowful;
raise him up if he falls;
and in his heart may Thy peace abide all the days of his life.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord.