A sampling of the St. Ignatius Martyr Church Parishioners in attendance gathered with friar Raad (holding flowers) and the friars who concelebrated Mass: Fr. James Fukes, OFM Conv. (top row second from left), Fr. Sebastian Karamvelil, OFM Conv. – Pastor of St. Ignatius (2rd from left), Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. – Provincial Delegate (center front) and Fr. Ed Debono, OFM Conv. (5th from right)
Over the weekend of August 9-10, 2019, several of the friars of our Province’s Canadian Delegation of St. Francis of Assisi came together in Ottawa, Ontario to honor friar Raad Eshoo, OFM Conv.; the first friar of the new Delegation to Profess his Simple Vows, since it was erected on February 14, 2019. Friar Raad was on hand for Friday Mass at St Ignatius Martyr Church, and the Saturday Evening Vigil Mass at Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish. After both, he shared his vocation story with the parishioners. A reception followed Saturday’s Mass, affording those in attendance the opportunity to meet and congratulate Friar Raad. Both events were successful and helped to raise awareness of the need for an increase in Vocations.

A sampling of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish Parishioners in attendance at the reception, gathered with (left to right front row) Fr. Sebastian, Fr. Jobe, friar Raad, and Fr. Dominic Lim, OFM Conv. – Pastor of Assumption.