Consistent with our Franciscan charism and tradition of devotion to the Blessed Virgin Mary, our province is progressing in our efforts to more fully tap into this devotion from our Kolbean heritage, through the example of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe, OFM Conv., and the continued efforts of his Militia of the Immaculata’s (M.I.) unconditional consecration to the Immaculate. With a view to promoting consecration to the Immaculate among the faithful served through the ministries of our friars of Our Lady of the Angels Province, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv., who serves as our Province MI Assistant, has completed the second stop on our Province M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries. Over the next few years, Friar Jobe will preach at the Masses to encourage the faithful to consecrate themselves to the Immaculate and to enroll in the M.I.

Friar Jobe (top center) some of the parishioners from St. Peter’s Church to have already made their consecration that day. Joining them in the lower photo are Friar Brennan-Joseph (back row – 5th man from right) and Friar Marek (seated in front)
On the weekend of July 6-7, 2019, Our Lady of the Angels Province friars ~ Fr. Pedro de Oliveira, OFM Conv, Fr. Richard Rossell, OFM Conv., Fr. Brennan-Joseph Farleo, OFM Conv. and Fr. Marek Stybor, OFM Conv. ~ welcomed Friar Jobe to St. Peter’s Roman Catholic Church, (Point Pleasant, NJ) for the second stop on our M.I Initiative Tour of our pastoral ministries.
Although actually Stop #2 on the tour, this first USA stop of the M.I. Initiative Tour was very successful with over 900 faithful attending the weekend Masses at St. Peter’s. In addition to those pictured, many more took home the information to prayerfully prepare, so they can later enroll with Friar Jobe. Next weekend, July 13-14, 2019, large crowds are also expected at St. Junipero Serra Parish (Seaside Park/Seaside Heights, NJ)