Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Anthony Francis Spilka, OFM Conv. and several of the parishioners of St. Francis of Assisi Parish (Johnstown, PA), where he serves as pastor, made a pilgrimage to the Holy Land the week of January 15-22, 2019. The visit included holy sites in Bethlehem, Capernaum, Tiberias, Cana, Jericho, the Jordan River (where all of the pilgrims renewed their Baptismal commitment), Ein Karem, Emmaus, Nazareth, Tabgha, ending in Jerusalem. There, the the pilgrims visited the Church of the Holy Sepulchre, walked the Via Dolorosa (Way of the Cross), visited the Antonia Fortress, the Western Wall and the Bethesda Pool (John 5:2-9). The pilgrims returned renewed and greatly moved – walking in the footsteps of Jesus.