A sampling of the friars on hand for the celebration: Fr. Michael Englert, OFM Conv., Fr. Raymond Borkowski, OFM Conv., the man of the hour – Friar Piotr, Fr. Mitchell Sawicki, OFM Conv., the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. and Fr. Joseph Benicewicz, OFM Conv.
Sunday, February 17, 2017: The Friars and Parishioners of our pastoral ministry of St. Paul Catholic Church (Kensington, CT) hosted a celebration for Fr. Piotr Tymko, OFM Conv. in honor of his 25th Anniversary of Priesthood. Friar Piotr was the main celebrant of a concelebrated liturgy before a packed congregation. Our Minister Provincial, the Very Reverend Fr. James McCurry, OFM Conv. was the homilist, where he emphasizing Jesus’ formation of the Twelve to a “missionary” vocation. Friar Piotr, a native of Poland and a friar of the Krakow Province, served ten years as a Franciscan missionary in Czechoslovakia, three in Uganda, and eleven in the USA. A large representation of friends and sisters from St. Stanislaus Parish in Chicopee attended, enjoying a delicious luncheon afterwards, featuring pierogis and kielbasa, along with ample portions of other delicacies.