Currently on sabbatical in India, Our Lady of the Angels Province friar, Fr. Jobe Abbass, OFM Conv. serves as our Delegate to the Militia of the Immaculata (M.I.). In addition, Friar Jobe is a well respected, published Canon Lawyer and professor of Canon Law. In 2018, he released a 3rd Edition publication of KANONIKA 07 | ” Two Codes in Comparison.” (ebook version).

Friar Jobe (in green) with the Friary Guardian, Fr. Kuriakose Mattahil, OFM Conv. and six of the simply professed students who had just returned from classes.
As part of my sabbatical, I was invited to Bangalore, India to give lectures and the convocation address (January 28-29, 2019) at the Dharmaram Vidya Kshetram, Pontifical Athenaeum of Theology, Philosophy and Canon Law. After that, I was blessed to spend time with the friars of our Order’s Province of St. Maximilian M. Kolbe (India) who are building a new seminary complex in the area of Bangalore. What a joy to see the young and hopeful faces of our friars! They have 22 novices and, this June they expect to begin the new academic year housing the philosophy students in the building under construction in this photo. There will be rooms for 32 simply professed friars and 8 solemnly professed friars as well as guests. Situated on a three-acre property, the friary has room to grow and is well-situated; one kilometer from the long-awaited subway system for Bangalore.